THE GALAX EBJ3 JULY 20. 1961 PAGE 17 BRYfiDT FUnERfiL HOmE Franklin, N, G, 24 HOUR nmBULFincE service Phone LA 4^2411 THE 0 S D Homemade Jams, Jellies, and Pickles Cocktail Items i H E IHOP "On the Level** Main Street Highlands Gem Stones - Mineral Specimens QUALITY GEM CUTTING FREE INFORMATION ON YOUR MINERAL FINDS Visitors Welcome^ .. UUlLTOn H. COBB REAL ESTATE Office - 5275 Home - 5875 COTTAGE FOR lEHT TOO ROCMB AMD BATH Bhone 9^5 HOTEL EDWARDS, under New HanagCTiBnt PERSONALS.... Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Caye of Atlanta, Ga. Spent the past week-end in Highlarxis visiting Mr, and Mrs, W, C, Caye and Mrs. Martha Goode, Mrs. W. T. Medlin of Winston Salem, N. C, arrived July l^th to be with her mother, Mrs, Helen Thompson during her illness. Dr, Richard Cox is now a guest at King’s Inn. Mrs. C, E, McMullin who is at her hcoie "Indian Hill" for the summer has as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Link of Del Ray Beach, Fla, and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Davis, of Miami, Fla, Mrs, J, L. Turner, Jr, of Thomas- ville, Ga, is visiting My, and Mrs, W* C, Ball at their home here, Mrs, A, A, Clark of Thomasville, Ga,; is the guest at the home of Mrs, J, Harvey Trice, Mrs, Carlos Bean has as her guests at her home here, Mr, and Mrs, Francis G, Baldwin of Sarasota, Fla, Mr. W. H, Ogden and son Bill arri ved this week from Fort Myers, Fla, Bill will be attending Camp Highlander for the remainder of the summer, Mr. and Mrs, John Duane, of Savan nah, Ga, arrived this week to spend some time at the Ravenel house on Sun set. Mr, and Mrs, Fontaine Martin and three children of New York will join Mrs, Martin’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, at the Highlands Inn at the end of this week, Mr, and Mrs. J, P. Byers and daugh ter Betty Ruth will spend this week-end in Valle Cruse, N. C, Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Neil and son of Rome, Ga, arrived Monday to occupy the Harry McCall, Sr, home here. Guests of Miss Betty Cole are Mr. and Mrs, J, H, Cole of Greensbofco, N,C» and Ruth and Betsy Barrow of Atlanta, Ruth and Betsy are grandchildren of Atwood Cole who grew up in Highlands, Miss Margaret McCarty has returned from a visit wit|r her sister, Mrs. Her bert Presley in Kalamazoo, Mich. She returned by plane to Greenville from Detroit last Thursday, ^^Butterfield 6** Elizabeth Taylor plays the most dar ing, down-to-earth and dramatically pow erful role of her career in '’Butterfield 8" M-G-M version of the widely-read novel by John 0*H^a> which will be ahown Tue- Ved, July 25-26, at the Galax Theatre, Also starred in the topflight cast are Laiarence Harvey and Eddie Fisher, idth Dina Merrill co-starred. It tells the story of Gloria, Mias Taylor, whose traumatic experience as a child hjas left a permanent scar* The attraction and tie between Gloria and Liggett, Laurence Harvey, is a stormy, emotional one—a relationship which brings both hurt and happiness to them selves and others. But through it they are able to bring out into the open the violent inner tun^oil of hidden conflicts i^ich has blighted their lives, lantil their story is resolved in a taut and gripping climax. Others in pivotal roles are Mldred Dunnock, Betty Field, Jeffrey Lynn, Kay Medford, and Susan Oliver, "Butterfield 8” was filmed in Cine mascope and Color entirely in New York City and its suirounding areas^ with scenes shot on location in Greenwich Village, Fifth Avenue, Stony Point, Elms- ford, Larchmont and Long Island*