THE GALAX NEWS JUX.Y 20, 1961 PAGE 18 flnisfl's RESORT FASHIONS mm TOWN and COUNTRY CLOTHES,. All Sizes..... HELEn's BflRn NOW OPEN FOR ROLIER SKATING Tuesdays and Thursdays - 1-5 7-11 P.M. Sundays - - - 1-6 P.M. SQUARE DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT BODY TONING - MASSAGE..., Face Lifting Sylvir's BefiuTY Snion PhoM 3305 Highlandst N. C. BUFFET CON*T host of Lee*s Inn, serve a buffet dinner that brought forth exclamations of de light but he gave to the Hudson Library one half of the dinner price paid by the 52 who made reservations^ a noble gift^ for he had already donated the use of the Inn for the occasion* The second good thing of the even ing was the bridge games, some playing duplicate and some contract, eight tables ^ all« Is there anything more exhilirat- ing for the bridge player than a good game with evenly matched players! ? Each player made a donation to the Hudson Library. The winning of prizes was the third good thing of the evening*..prizes generously donated by the Clover Hill Surprise Shop on Cashiers Road, Bae CJ6I0- nial Shop, Wits End and the Highlands Furniture Shop. Mrs* Elizabeth Valentine as chair man of the Ways and Means Ccanmittee was able to turn over to the Hudson Library $150 to ^60 malting the fourth good ng of the evening. This committee was in charge of staging the successful event. PERSONALS Mrs, A. N, Lewis of Cheriton, Va. is here to spend the summer with her sis ter, Miss Suaan Rice, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar P. McKinney have returned to Miami, Fla, after spending two weeks at their summer home here. Mr. N, T, Ragland of Miami, Fla, is visiting Mr, L, W, Rice heere. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, F, Sofge at their home on Satulah Terrace were Miss Louise D^four of Charleston, S. C, and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Huntley and sons, of Columbia, S, C. Mr. and Mrs. Knox Anderson of Tryon, N, C, are visiting Ife*, and Mrs, C, J. Anderson. Mrs. Leda Brownback has as her guests Mrs. Clara Kaiser, who is her sister, of Sarasota, Fla, and Mrs, Lottie Ulery, also of Sarasota. Mrs, Kaiser and Mrs, Ulery arrived Tuesday and plan to spend several months in Highlands, Mrs, Cathryn Mit chell, who has been Mrs, Brownback*s guest this summer, and Mrs, Brownback leave today for Chattanooga, Tenn, to attend a bridge tourriament. They will return home Monday, Mrs, G, S. Brownell will have as her guests for a week, her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs, George Eager and children, of Valdosta, Ga, Mrs, Clarence Moore of Knoxville, Tenn, arrived Sunday to spend a week with Mrs. Collis Bums at her home here, Mrs, Thomas Shaddick held a lunch eon party Wednesday afternoon at her home in the Mirror Lake section, Mr.. and Mrs, Angus Grace have as a guest at their heme on Bear Pen Mt,, Mr. Bill Turner of Asheville, N, C, COMING TO THE GALAX THEATRE la, THE RETURN TO HIGHLANDS Ihe many friends of ^i^s• George Townsend and Mrs. Arthur Bliss will be happy to know that they have arrived in Highland^ for the remainder of the season and will be staying at Highlands Inn. Mr. Tracey lay accompanied them from Washingtonc VncniionERS Be sure to register at Spring Lake for a beautiful mountain LOT overlooking THE LAKE TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE ON LaBOR Day* Drive 10 miles of Highlands on Highway 106. > ♦. "TREASURES TODAY, HEIRLOCKES TOMORROW" Sculptured Portraits of Your Loved Ones ETHEL McLEAN Nationally Recognized Sculptor Ttfill be at CLOVER HILL SURPRISE SHOP Friday, July 21 thru. Wadnedday, July 26 On US 54—l^i, E, of Highlands.,,