THE GALAX KEWS AUGUST 3, 1961 PAGE 17 Mflcon DISCOUNT HOUSE ON THE SQUARE in FRANKLIN^ N,G^ Save 25% to 50% on Your Furniture and Appliances. All **Name Brand** Furniture EARLY ANERIGAN^ DANISH AND MODERN FURNITURE.. (TRIBUTE CON'T) be celebrated 3^5 days a year. One day is completely insufficient to remember one who has done so much for all of us, 1 have thought a thousand thoughts of yoU| Mama - a day never passes that something you have said or done does not come into my mind and heart. You have played such an impor tant part in my life - the greatest part of all, I expect - but then mothers always do, and tha t is as it should be. I regard you with wonder, always. Mama, and marvel at your unusual capability 1 I cannot figure out (especially now that I am a mother) how you ever found the time (and courage) to bring up nine of us; and teach eadi of us individually about God, and love, and kindness, and beauty, and unselfishness, and all the lovely little things of life that form the background for fine character and ma ke for happy living. You gave so much of yo\irself, Mama. I am sure that the reason you were able to teach us so well was because you lived your instructions daily and set a perfect exam- ^le before us. Alice- Inmnn^SPORTsujEflR. SALE OF HADLEY SWEATERS SUMMER COTTONS LIGHT WEIGHT JACKETS You provided our food but you gave us something more* So much, much more# You educated us, not iaerely along the lines of books - you taught us to laueh. (And to cry when the time came for it), and you taught us how to appreciate the bounty of beauty that was ours, in the hills, that surround us* You taught us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. You gave every day of your life, and you*re still at itll I can hear you saying, ”0h yes, I like the back - the back has always been my favorite piece*” so that we could have ^11 the good pieces of chicken* Not much meat on the back, Maraai Such a little thing but exemplary of the way you have been throughout your life. You taught us about morals, and wholesome living and how to find pleasure at home with one another and to be grate ful for our blessings. You taught us to be reverent and to remember always that without God our lives are “like the chaff which the wind bloweth away.” Remember your quoting that ever so many times, aiKi many more lines from the Bible. I remember once, a long time ago, when I thought that I was far too pretty to be bothered with Peg tagging ilong with me, you said to me, "The Bible says, *and he who is last shall be first, and he who is first shall be last*; and it frightened me so that I settled myself in a hurry. I had visions of Peg in the foreground and myself tagging along be hind, and being the oldest, I coTaldn*t bear that. Too, you taught us that ”to err is human, to forgive - diivine.” That alone. Mama has helped me in so many ways down through the years. I have found that by forgiving, I Immediately becane the vic tor. As you have a^-wajrs said, it tgkes a big person to say "I*m sorry," and forgive another. I am so grateful for all your wonderful words of wisdom. Not only did you teach us all the fundamental and wonderful things concerning life, but in the meantime you managed to make a delightfully happy home for us. To this day the thought of "going home" is still the greatest thing imaginable to me, I enjoy remembering the happy times that we (CON*T ON PAGE22 ) At the Galax Theatre Tuesday, August 8 Hepburm fREDlmmmN's thbmums SroRn pnom/cnoN OF TECHNICOLOR^ co-stwring Peter Finch