THE GALAX MS AUGUST 3, 1961 PAGE 18 Highlands , North Carolina Across from Methodist Church THE HENRY FORD MUSEUM COLLECTION ETHAN ALLEN COLONIAL FURNITURE GIFTS Al^TD ACCESSORIES ¥e Mail or Ship Furniture and Gifts Anywhere QUIET VERSUS DISQUIET CON*T dwellings* True, families can develop a close family relationship and ties just as strong, but it is harder. There isn't as much time together, there * s more for the young people to do and they want to get out and do it, so they donU stay at home as much* The parents, too have other things to occupy them and the to getherness stretches out-*—there just isnH the opportunity for peace and quiet with lie hub-laub of other people constantly around you in close living quarters* In a small town, everyone knows every one else and it^s always a friendly greet ing from each person you meet that gives one a warm feeling of security* — * You just can*t get to Imow everyone in a big city and most of the people you meet on the street are strangers, rushing to get somewhere and not caring if you*r*e in the way—shoving, pushing, jamming* A home-cooked meal—fresh, apple pie like *mother—used-to-make * that melts in your mouth* Who could compare that to restaurant food no matter how eaqpensive and rare? Pood served by the loving hands of a mother at the family table and that served by a waiter in a big room with strangers seated all around—no ccaDDparison There *s something about a aman town that draws people together and forms last' ing, secure foundations—-the backbone of America, the strength of America, the he^t of America is found in her gmftn towns—in the people who work and strive, suffer and enjoy, laugh and Crvy-Live* I have never read a better descrip tion of the feeling or a better tribute to our native hills, than Judge Felix Alley's coEimonts on the North Carolina mountains: (ConH on page 2L ) «ICE PALACE” ”Ice Palace” is the big-scale Technicolor film version of Edna Ferber*s novel about, the taming of Alaska and the struggle of this great northern wilder ness to became America's 49th state* What ”Giant” did for Texas, ”Ice Palace” does for Alaska* The story of the march of this last grealb American frontier to statehood is told in the half-century-long stmggle of two Titans* The Titans are Richard Burton, as ”02ar” K^inedy, who wants to take everything from the country and give nothingi and Robert Ryan as Thor Storm, whose love for Alaska rouses him to battle for the statehood its people want* To insure authenticity of back ground, the company spent four weeks in Alaska filming scenes against its primi tive grandeur of glaciers, mountains, and ice-fields, its salmon^fishing, its canneries and the frontiecp-faceted cities of Fairbanks and Juneau* Carolyn Jones, Martha ifyer and Jim Backus also are starred in a cast vfaich includes Ray Dan ton and two lovely new comers, Diane McBain and Shirley Knight* Of unusual interest is the casting of a 19-year-old Eskimo beauty, Dorcas Brower, from Point Barrow in the Arctic, in the role of Robert Iran’s young na tive wife* JflfTiES D. KEEPER GEMERAL CONTRACTOR Phone 4267 P*0* Box 324 m -OR SALE In NEW HOME Beautiful Whiteside Estates j Overlooking Lake 1 I Five Bedrooms, 3i Baths 1 ! Ready for Immediate Occupancy ! Shown by Appointment I \ Owner, Box 475 Phone 5946 fiTE'S mOUSE Steam Heat Rooms and Meals Breakfast Luncheon Dinners $ .85-*$ 1.50 $2.00 $2.25 COUNTRY HAMS AT ALL TIMES'* ”Tate^s for Steaks^* phone 9360