THE GALAZ NEWS ATKUST 3, 1961 PAGE ao FORD GARS ^ TRUCKS PARTS - SERVICE OF A Large Selection A1 USED GARS Factory Trained Mechanics 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE COriLEY mOTORCQ Franklin, N. (/• Day-Hione U 4^2156 Kight-U 4-2194 PICNIC AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT Lawn Furniture Garden Tools Fishing Tackle SwiHHiNG d Skiing Accessories conomv huto Main Street Franklin —PERSONALS^ Mr* and Mrs* Malcolm Monroe left on Tuesday to return to their home in New Orleans, Louisiana* Mrs* M* A* Lewis of Raleigh, N, C* is visiting her son, Mr* Alan Lewis and family. Mr* and Mrs* Robert W* Ifoorman and family of Corpus Christi, Texas, arrived last Saturday and are house guests of Mr. and Mrs* William J.J. Chase* Visiting Mrs* Bob Phinney at her resi dence on Broadview Acres is her mother, Mrs* Vlillie Wilson and Mrs* June lianphreys and Mrs* Della Walton* Mrs* Phinney* s son Randy, arrived last Saturday* Mr* and Mrs* Rudolph Hertbesg and son of New Orleans, La*j are at the Eskrigg heme on Satulah Mt* Visiting Mr* and Mrs* C*H* Zoellner are their daughter and her family. Major and 14rs* A*C* Gomez* For the past three years they have lived in Germany and last year Major Gomez was chief of surgery at the American Military Hospital in Berlin* The Gomez family will sonn leave for Den ver, Colorado. Mr* and Mrs* Rabun Monroe of New Or leans, La*, will arrive at their home "Playmore" during this week. Mr* and Mrs* C*J* Anderson spent several days last week with their daugh ter, Mrs* Ed Ifardin and Mr* Hardin, in Clyde, N* C* Mr* and Mrs* John Cleckley and chil dren, Laiira and Jack, of Augusta, Ga* spent last week with Mr* and Mrs* Louis A* Edwards* Mr* and Mrs* Jack Hall of Atlanta, Ga*, spent the week-end in Highlands* 1^. Alan Lewis* mother, Mrs* M*A* Lewis of Raleigh. N* C*, is visiting her son and his family. BRvnnT FuneRflL HomE Franklin,N0G0 24 HOUR fifTlBULnnCE SERVICE Phone LA 4^2411 FOR nODERn COPYinO Dry White Copies **Right Now** Uniformly Clear d Legible REPRODUCE ANYTHING PRINTED, WRITTEN or photographed on Translucent Material CHARLIE W. McDOWELL Phone 5666 Highlands,N,Cm ”THE NUN^S STORY** "The Nun*a Story,** the eagerly a- waited film dramatization of Kathryn Hulme*s famous book, will play Wednesday, August 9, at the Galax Bieatre as one of the most inqportant motion pictures of the decade* Ihe picture, a year in filming, has already been widely heralded as a memora ble experience behind convent doors* It stars Audrey Hepburn in the role of Sis ter Luke, the Belgian girl who became a nursing nun in the Congo* The filming coE^any traveled 28,000 miles to two continents to bring screen life to ”Ihe Nun*s Story*” It was filmed in Rome, in the heart of the Belgian ffongo and in various cities of Belgium* The troupe spent two months in the Congo, working among the natives and in the hospitals of Stanleyville* A lepsr colo ny sequence was filmed lap the Congo Ri ver at Yalisambo in the world's most highly infected leprosy belt* After Miss Hepburn, the cast is headed by Peter Finch, and by Dame Edith Evans and Dame Peggy Ashcroft, two dis tinguished members of the British thea tre* For the chapel sequences, hundreds of women were chosen for the roles of nuns* Many of them were high-born ladies of royalty and at least 60 of than were members of Rome's Royal Opera Ballet, selected the eloquence and grace of their posture and movement. Dean Jagger and Mildred Dunnock also have leading parts in "The Nun*s Story," whose every role, no matter how small, is filled by a player of exceptional dis tinction, especially chosen for the char acterization by virtue of talent and physical appearance.