THE GALAX LJEWS /.UGUST , 3 J.Q61 PAGE A lAJ/L SAPPHIRE, N. C. A DELIGHTFUL INN OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL LAKE FAIRFIELD FEATURING OUTSTANDING CUISINE (Lunch and Dinner By Reservation^ *) GHANPIONSHIP GOLF ON OUR PICTURESQUE 18 HOLE COURSE CHOICE HOME SITES IN BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE VALLEY Jim Plymire General Mgr. 1/rite or Phone Globe 1-2110 for Information CALLED BOARD MEETING On Friday evening, Jialy 28, a called meeting of the Town Board of Highlands was held in the Town Office for the pur pose of discussing the Highlands Quarry situation. Besides the Board members, there were present approximately 15 residents from the Bear Pen Mcfuntain section• Both sides of the issue gave their views, but no immediate action was taken, Mr. Guy Houk, town attorney, will meet with the board on August 7 to discuss the matter. Presbyterian News The friends and members of the First Presbyterian Church of Highlands will meet for a “cover dish supper” Monday, August 6, at 6:30 in the Recreation Room of the Church. Following the supper the group will hear a brief message by Mr* Kenneth S* Keyes of Highlands and Miami. Mir. Keyes has served for many years es an gLctive Christian layman. According to an announcement by the Session, the project of the congregation to build a new manse is near completion* The manse building has been finished and the pastor and his family have moved into the house 5 the landscaping is esjpected to be completed within the near future* This announcement also included a re port on the progress of the Manse Build ing Fund Drive* Latest un-official figures indicate that over |18,300 has been re ceived toward the goal of |19,500* A special service of dedication of the of ferings made toward the manse work, will be held as a part of the morning worship services of Sunday, August 6th. MUSIC CENTER NEARING CLOSE Closing activities for the 25th an niversary season of the Brevard Music Center *s Transylvania Music Camp will encompass a full week end of concerts* Ihe Brevard Music Festival, the final three weeks of “A Summer Festival of Jftisic," will open on Wednesday, August 9* The guest appearance of Joan Field, violinist, opens the week end’s con certs on Friday evening at 8:15* A resi dent of Miami Beach, Florida, Miss Field has studied both in this country and in Paris* She recently made several record ings for a major record company. According to the tradition of the Music Center, each student musical orga nization will perform on Satu]?day. These concerts will mark the official close of the camp season* The Hilltopper Concert Band, the Hilltopper Symphony Orchestra, and the Transyli^ania Concert Band and Ttansylvanis Symphony will perform# Former child prodigy, Euth Slenczyn- ska will be guest soloist on Saturday evening, and will appear in recital on Sunday evening. Miss Slenczynska made (Con*t on page 15)