THE GALAX NEWa AUGUST 31, 1961 PAGE 15 PRESBYTERIAKS HEAB MODERATOR CON»T Presbytery, headed by Chainnan^ Ben F» Ormand of Erevard, formally established the relationship of Rev. McCall idth the Highlands Church in a service attended by members and friends of the congregation# Prior to the installation service the Women of the Presbyterian Church welcomed the Moderator and his wife and the members of the Commission of Ashe ville Preslytery at a supper at the church. Church officers and their wives also attended the supper which was serv ed in the churches recreation room* PERSONALS Dr« and Mrs, Edward Hodsdon and dau ghter of Miami, Fla* have returned to their home after a month's stay here* Dr. Hodsdon is an eye surgeon* They plan to buy a home in Highlands. Mr. and Mrs, Don Caffrey left Mon day for their home in Franklin, Lousiana, after spending two weeks with Mrs, Caf frey* s mother, Mrs. T, Miller Gordon, Col* and Mrs, Malcolm Carr and children Shela and Patrick of Sussex, jslnglandi have spent some time camping near the pond and home of Mr, and Mrs* Overton Chambers, Sr* Mr. John Clement of Punta Gorda, Fla* is the guest of his parents, Mr* and Mrd* F, T, Gardner* Mr* and Mrs, Hilbert Mueller have LunKEmnn-REflLTY co. PALMER STREET SHOPPIE CE13TER Ph, LA 4-3715—Franklin, N. .C, Prompt and Courteous Service The ^ House Of CHnRm Franklin^s Most Unique Gift Shop Palmer Street Shopping Center Franklin, PHONE LA 4rS7ld. , . . THE RRK nniiQUE SHOP GIFTS AND ANTIQUES arrived in Highlands to spend the month of September at their new home here* Mr* and Mrs* Earl Coal had recent ly as their vxeek-end guests, Mr* and Mrs* Emerson Busick and three children of Melvin, Illinois. PRESBYTERIAN! 'BAKE SALEp.SAT. SEPT, 2nd— _ 10:00 a*mr> "THE LADIES MAN" That man Jeriy Lewis is back again in the Technicolor film, "The Ladies Man“ playing at the Galax Theatre Tue- W«d, September 5-6* Lewis not only stars in the film, but also produced, directed and co-wrote it, with hilarious entertainment the result. He has never been funnier or more clever for he*s surrounded himself with a bevy of ta lented beauties and guest stars who con tribute great fun for the whole family. The Paremount release co-stars former opera star Helen Traubel, intro duces Broadway’s Pat Stanley, and fea tures Gloria Jean, Hope Holiday, Kath leen Freemen, Lynn Rose and guest stars George Raft, H^ry James and his band, and comic Buddy Lester, The girls, a dazzling assortment of stunning blondes, brunettes, and redheads, all portray residents in an all-girl boarding house in Hollywood, Jerry is seen as a character named Herbert H. Heever, who, because of a disappointing romance, has absolutely sworn off women forever. He takes a job as houseboy for motherly-looking Helen Welenmelon (Helen Traubel), ima- ware that her boarding house is exclu sively female* In the course of development there are songs, dances, and specialty nhow- stoppers not only by Jerry but by many of the talented new faces and figures peopling "The Ladies Man*” All of it—- and all of them—are great fun and high ly recommended to the laugh-minded* Rlice lnmnn,SPORTSijJEfiR> NEW FALL DRESSES Suits By Kensington, Beevroft, AND ToWNCLIFFE Matched Skirts and Sweaters nflniflHflLfl CREflmERY Dairy Products of Super Quality Sold in All Grocery Stores in And Around Highlands.