TBE GitLAX IWS JDKE 7. 1962 PAGE 10 COURTESY OF THE Wildcat ounTRY Club Inviting Ideal Neighbors To Share Our Region^s Growth.^ GRADUATION EXERCISES Twenty-one high school seniors re ceived their diplomas at Comniencement Exercises Tuesday evening, May 29* Biis was the largest graduating class in sev eral years, and the attend? nee was thought to be the largest in recent years* Rev. Dan McCall opened with the in vocation# Miss Joan Cleaveland deliver ed the saludatory address and Miss V/anda Hopper delivered the valedictory address* The speaker for the evening was Dr. Vir- MARIKES LET*S GO Following in the tradition of ’’Battle Cry" and "What Price Glory," Producer-Di- rector Raoul Walsh has fashioned another virile wartime adventure about the lives, lusts, and loves of a group of fighting men on and off the battlefield* The 20th Century-Fox CinemaScope DeLuxe Color com- edy-drama,”Marines, Let’s Go,” starring a cast of new faces and young stars head ed by Tom Ityon, David Hedison, Linda Hutchins, Barbara Stuart, Tom Reese, and William Tyler, opens Satiirday, June 9 at the GALAX THEATRE. For optimum realism, Walsh took his cast and cameras on location to Japan where the action was filmed* Scripted by John Twist from an original idea by Walsh, the story pursues a Marine platoon from the Korean battlefield through a brawling, rollicking furlough in occupied Japan and back to a bloody climatic as sault against Chinese Communist forces# The escapades range from the hilarious exploits of Marines on the tovm to the tragedy of fleeting romances between bat tles. Walsh has captiired the personal hopes, desires, and frustrations of sol- ginia S. Hardie, head of the psychological diers who want to have all the fun they counciling clinic at the University of Tennessee* Her talk was entitled, ’’Don’t Be A Square*” Following the address by Dr. Hardie, Principal Charles Hendrix presented the awards, which were as follows# Citizen ship (given by the Masonic Lodge and the Eastern Star), John Kahler and Wanda Hop per; boys* athletics, John Norton; girls* athletics, Jessie Harbison; valedictori^ an, Wanda Hopper; salutatorian, Joan Cleaveland; class president, Leann Gard ner; best all-around boy, John Norton; can before the fighting begins. Tcm Tryon as the shrewd and zany "Skip” Roth who succeeds in confusing, to his own advantage, hotel managers, Geisha girls, buddies, and even Marine Intelli gence, is diverting in the role of a man trying to get the most out of life* Da vid Hedison walks off idth acting honors for his fine portrayal of Dave Chatfield, who comes to maturity through the love of a Korean girl* Linda Hutching; and Bar bara Stuart are light virtued lassies who best all-around girl, Jessie Harbison; boys* leadership, Jack Calloway; girls* leadersliip, Melinda Reese; outstanding student, B^bara Talley; mathematics, Wanda Hopper; chemistry, John Norton; home economics, Mrs* Anne Reese Wilson; Woodmen of the World History Awards: high school, Jessie Harbison; elementary, Bren da Brown, 7th grade; 8th grade citizen ship, Bobby Zoellner and Wanda Hedden* Mr. David Webbe, who attended the University of the South, Suwanee, Ibnn*, arrived last week. He will be spending the summer with his parents, Rev* and Mrs. Gale D. Webbe. BROUJn'S STORE CLOSE OUT SALE! On Dry Goods AND Shoes. . When in Franklin, N.G» Be Sure to Eat At fcsTflu^nnT- Palmer Street Shopping Center nflniflHflLfl CREflmERY Dairy Products of Super Quality Sold in All Grocery Stores in And Around Highlands.