THE OALU ira;s THORSDAg. JOKE 7. 1962 PACffl 15 (HCH BOARD COH«T) serious need for private rooms* In order to start the Fund Drive it will be necessary to plan a program of de-* tails with more care than ever. The Chair man of the Drive will be on a co-basis and it is a pleasure to report that our spiri tual leaders of the community are whole heartedly behind us: Rev* R, Clinton Bai ley, Baptist Minister; Our Lady of the Mountain, Catholic Church; Rev, G, Dan Mc Call, Presbyterian Minister; Rev* Hervey L, Stewart, Cashiers Baptist Minister; Rev* John C* Vernon, Methodist Minister; and Gale D* Webbe, Priest of the Church of the Incarnation, An Executive Committee has been fomed that will carry on the many details of the Fund Drive* This Executive Committee is made us of the following! Mrs* Foy Perry, who has served the Highlands Hospital for many years; Mrs, Arabella Burke, who has also been a valuable worker in the past Fund Drives; Mr* Ralph DeVille, who is owner of the Stone Lantern; plus an turw named member; and Mr* Robert L* Turner, who has come to Highlands for the past twenty years but who now has a summer resi dence at Sapphire Valley, Mr* Turner is perhaps the least known in the Highlands circles, but will be identified with the summer visitors as being connected with the Genuine Parts Company in Atlanta, He was president of this Company from 19^ to 1955 at which time he retired. Further plans will be forthcoming from week to week in regard to the Fund Drive, Let*s start thinking about out hospital and be willing to back us the plans of the hospital and help them go over the top as in previous years* “TEENAGE MILLIONAIRE" '•Teenage Millionaire” opening Sunday and Monday, June lO-U at the GALAX THEA TRE, through United Artists release, of fers—at last—a film about teenagers who are not delinquents. In this bright, upbeat and amusing musical, the country*s top teenage stars appear well behaved, well spoken and well dressed. All highly talent ed, they deport themselves strictly for fun and entertainment, with no greater problem of adjustment than getting used to owning one million dollars. In the title role, 18-year old Jimmy Clanton displays an easy-going acting style calculated .to charm movie fans the way his phenomenally successful >*sweet-singing” has wooed record fans* As his aunt in the film, fluttery Zasu Pitts tries to keep the orphaned teenage millionaire out of trouble* She hires Rocky Graziano as a sort of bodyguard-god- father, to keep tabs on him and Rocky in turn eiilists the support of Maurice “Dob erman” Gosfield and glamorous Joan Tabor, all of whom conspire to keep Jimmy from becoming romantically entangled vdth cute, vivacious Diane Jergens. Twenty sweet and swinging musical interludes later, all filmed in a brand new screen process call ed "Musicolor,” boy finally gets girl* HEAR Dr* Cecil Myers of Atlanta, Ga, July 30 to Aug, 2, at 8:00 p*m* Hymn-Sing at 78^5 In Cashiers Methodist Church Cashiers, N* C, Mr* Richard A* Dickson,Mueic Director VOGUe BEflUTY SHOP Now Open Six Days A Meek* PHONE 3665 HOTEL EDLUfiRDS COMPLETE DINNERS $U40 - $2.25 Hours - 5*30 - 8:00 p*m* mounmin ReniTY compnnY G^shiers^N.G . Specializing in the Cashiers Area * * Mrs. Elda H* Coverdf Realtor - Mr* F, L« Rodgers, Realtor - Mrs* Anne Knight, Salesman Mrs. Jean Rice, Salesman Phones, Office-Gl 1-2330: Res*-Gl L-2651 flLVin CROLU6 6 CO. GENERAL CONTRACTING AtiL Types of Building—- Also Oejumic Tile "LIFE-TIME WALL AND FLOOR COVERING OF LASTING BEAUTY" flnDGRSOD'S VPRIETY Store A. A, LEWIS, OWNER NEW SHIPMENT OF STRA^/ HANDBAGS Phone 4492 Highlands, Brach*s Can^ H^dware Housewares Cosmetics Toys Indian Moccasins Souven^ rff GrefeBfegjag Gardg