THE GALAX IWS AUGUST 9, 1962 PAGE 2 m M OPEN FOR m SEASON ESTABLISHED 51 YEARS IN THE GAROLINAS Public Auction Twice Daily (except sundays) AT 10:30 AmM. & 7:50 p.m. MERCHANDISE GATHERED FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD Beautiful Gifts Given Away Free at Each Sale DIAMONDS « WATCHES - SILVERWARE ^ FURNITURE ORIENTAL RUGS - DINNERWARE - CRYSTALWARE - LINENS (MDVIE SCHEDULE CON»T FRCM PAGE l) Tuesday Aug 34- Raisa Struchkova of tho Bolshoi Ballet with the Full Ballet Gampany and Or chestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow in The Full-Length Ballet by Sergei Prokofie*v "CinDE RELLfl" in Color :^ecial Matinee at 2t30 Night Shows at 7:30 & 9*30 Featvire at Approx* 3:00, SjOO^ & 10:00 Adm 50(ft & H*00 Wednesday Aug 15 Nancy Kwon^ames Shigetaj-Miyoshi IMeki in Rodger & Hammerstein^s "FLOujeR Di^um Sonc" in Color & CinemaScope Special Matinee at 2:30 Night at 7:05 & 9:30 Feature at Approx* 2:40, 7:15f & 9:40 Adm 25^ & 75^5 CLEAVELANDS ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs* George Cleveland of High^ lands, announce the engagement of their daughter, Georgia Llewellen, to Mr* Frank Thomas Norton, son of Mr* and Mrs# Paul Norton, also of Highlands* The couple plan to be married September 21 in the Methodist Ghiirch of Highlands* «0N THE WINGS OF A STORM...” The storm we had Tuesday at noon left me with a few thoughts I would like to shaz£ with our readers*.*• The morning began idth a clear rfsy- yet without the sweet song of a bird* The promise of a beautiful day was almost sur® at the coming of dawn as the brilliant sun rose over the sleeping hills* It was the kind of morning you can*t greet without feeling good* The breeze, then so mild, was pleasant and refreshing* But the breeze grew stronger, and soon it was no longer a **breeze*‘* Rushing gusts of wind brought loose twigs and small branches from the tree tqps, the sky darken ed, and leaves tiimed over, showing a con^ trasting lighter color* Then came a cold, (CON«T ON PAGE 15) Mr. Anderson Continues Mr* Charles J* Anderson, who underwent loajor surgery last Wednesday, is still re ported to be in critical conditicai* Mr* Anderson is a patient in the Memorial Ho^i* tal, Savalmah, Ga* Ihe latest report is that Mr. Anderson had regpined conscious ness I'fonday of this week* NR. BOLT SEEKS SUPPORTERS IN MIRROR LAKE DAM PROJECT Mr* Clyde Bolt, Sr* announced tliat one estimate for a dan to replace the bro ken dam at Mirror Lake has been made, and that they are waiting for other bids to come in* (CON>T PAGE 9, SECOND COLUMN) BLOODMOBILE HERE AUGUST 17th The Red Cross Blood Mobile will be here in Highlands next Friday, August 17th in the basement of the Methodist Church ftom 2:00 to 6:00 p*m* Donors are urged to give blood—remember, you could save a child*s life by giving blood*.* GH HflHPTO Cashiers, North Carolina invites you to visit the HIGH HflmPTOn SHOPS IN THE LOWER LOBBY OF THE INN We have assembled an ex citing COLLECTION OF FINE CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, AND GIFTS FOR WOMEN, MEN, CHILDREN. COME IN AND BROWSE! i AND REMEMBER THE ART FAIR...AUGUST 17th & l8th. TATE* S LOT*. * .MAIN STREET