THE SiSLfiX HEWS AUOnST 16, 1962 PAGE 9 SeQuoYflH Ridge HOfTlE FOR SflLG 3 BEDROOMS - 3 baths Panel Electric Heat Plus Large Fireplace Completely Furnished Including Linens and Kitchen Utensils Large Lot - Beautiful View On Paved Road- Dri ve Out U.S* 64. Towards Pranklin- Turn on Webbmont Road-- Look for Sign on Property §21,500 - TERMS Contact Tour Realtor or Ovmer Eo Phone 4^78 —— Highlands., N. C* or WH .It^OQ » Pggnpano Beachy Fla. («BTJT WHAT DO YOU 20..^C0N«T FROM PA. l) you don*t paint, what DO you do with your time down there?” soup? husband wants some*'* By that time I was as fond of Suzy as all the rest of the classj so I made her a present of my cherished "Joy of Cooking” and I hope she learned how to make cabbage soup* But I*ve often thought that people who raise their eyebrows at the "goings on" in art school life classes should visit a class some time and get rid of their misappre hensions* And I idsh more of my northern rela tives and friends would visit Highlands and see vhat goes on in the summer so they*d stop asking me '*Why DON*T you paint 4 There isn*t anything else to do down there in the summer*" 2ii the first place, they donH under stand about a garden* It*s wonderful to take a kettle of boiling water out to .the garden, fill it idth shuckod corn and eat that com, swoet as sugar, for dinnerj and to have your own big beefsteak toma toes ripening faster than you can eat then, and tender young peas and beans that molt in your mouth | but my New York I could tell them what I do in the win- City friends don*t know they grow in gar ter, but they wouldn* t believe it: I saw and split wood and lug in endless armfulls of logs to pile on the fireplace fire and stoke the old wood stove in the kitchen; instead of a bathing suit, I live in two pairs of wool slacks and three sweaters— at onee—* I shovel snow and bring in buckets of spring water to fill, up the bath tub "in case"—and then call the plumber to thaw out the frozen pipes* And if I don*t paint during the winter, it is because my fingers are too cold to hold a brush and the oil paint is too stiff to squeeze out of the tubes* Sunmiers, of course, it is a little harder to explain why I don*t paint. I WANT to4 Why else did I, after a long day in an office, spend my evenings struggling paint "Suzy," our famous model at the League? Let me tell you about Suzy* Suzy had a beautiful face and really pink and white skin, but when I knew her, she was getting on towards sixty, extremely fat, and a beloved, but very odd character* She had been a model for Howard Chandler Christy and other well-knovni painters of that period, (that I don*t do, but let me exaggerate and shw was very scornful of the struggling a little)*.*anyhow, 1*11 stop griping beginners at the school. right now and PAINT. But I wish my family The first time I met Suzy, lay first ex>- and friends up north would come and visit perience in a life class, I had come into me* Like the visitors to a Life Class, the room during a rest period and had been they*d get rid of a few misapprehensions* dsns, they just buy them at the A&P* They don’t know how many days and weeks of dig ging, planting, hoei£ig, weeding, dusting and spraying it takes to get these good •sregetables on the table* And as they never see the grass outside of Central Park, that do they know about all the mowing, weeding, trimming, clipping, and raking it takes to have a real live lawn of your own? And, of coin*se, now that they have begun to realize that Highlands is not on the ocean but in the mountains, they pic ture me loafing on Main Street in a fancy hillbilly costume with nothing to do but gossip with my cronies* They never dream of CIVIC PROJECTS I How can I make them understand that there are weekly Bake Sales to be baked for, endless meetings to plan. House & Garden Tours, Library Teas, Benefit Bridges, Hospital Bazaars, Church Suppers, Art Shows — ah, there it is...this is the time to PAINT A PIC*- TUREl But is there time to paint between making cookies, spraying for potato bugs, making posters, baking a chocolate cake. told to take a place near the model stand and just sketch* I found a seat about three feet from the stand and when the rest period was over, in came Suzy, dressed in absolutely nothing but a big floppy straw hat Mth one red rose sticking up straight from the brim* I was aghast, flustered, and wished I could crawl into a hole, but none of the young men and women around me seemed in the least concerned, so I started to draw* At the next rest period, Suzy turned to me and said, "Dearie, do you really like me in this hat~I don*t think it suits me," She was like that. Months later, she was posing for us one evening, in the n\ide as usual, and suddenly she ask ed, "Does anybody know how to make cabbage Frustrated Grandma Moses, 23rd NISS moox TO APPEAR ON TV Miss Colin Wilcox, who carried one of the lead roles on the "Dr* Kildare" series which appeared on NBC TV this spring, will appear on the re-run of that program tonight, (8:30 p*m*)* She will also appear the following Ihursiay evening on the re-run of "The Untouch ables" on which she was seen this spring# Mr. and Mrs* John Cleckley and child ren Laura and Jack of Augusta, Ga* are spenc' ing the week with Mr* and Mrs* Loiiis Bd- w^ds, Sr*