lOC A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER lOC pep r'OPV Published Meekly DCd r'OPV rcK Buring the Summer Season ^wn Mrs. James Newton, Editor^ Jessie Harbison, Assistant Editor PHONE 2495 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962 phone 2495 Feeding Wild Birds Elizabeth Roe Tyson Have you been feeding our wild birds this summer? If so, you know that many of them have become dependent upon your bomty, and now it is time to think about what you and they are going to d o for the late fall and winter# If you can continue your feeding all winter long, by aH means, do so, but if you cannot do that, it will be well to stop your feeding idthin the next few weeks while the natural foods are plentifoil. During the fall months, otir idnter birds. Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, Juncos, fly through the woods in pmflll flocks hunting good places to spend the winter and a supply of food# Wild Flower and weed seeds, wild (CQK*T TO PAGE 16) OUR THANKS TO YOU As this, our 13th issue of the 1962 season, marks the close of another year of publication for the GALAX NEWS* we would like to e;q)ress our gratitude to all who have made possible another successful yegr. First, to those of you who faithfully advertised, thank you, for you have made possible the publication of this newspaper. Greatly appreciated throughout the sum mer are all those items of news and in terest, and various types of articles sent in. Especially, thank you, readers, for your continued support and interest which has kept us going and striving to do our upmost to bring the best to you. A personal note, I might add—it has been a great j>leasure and wonderful experience to work with the people of Rlgh»* lands for the past five years, I feel as if I have come to know so many of you better, and I shall certainly never forget the years of sharing a "bit of Highlands** with each of you# Tina Harbison Newton Final HOT Production Opens TONIGHT, AUGUST 30 The final show of the season opens tonight, Thursday, August 30, at the High lands Community Theatre. Noel Coward*s PRIVATE LIVES will run three nights end ing a very successful summer season at the theatre# Directed by Morton Lewis with a cast coD5)osed of Karen Sibley, Mark Duffy, iinn Rhodes, John David Richardson, and Ella Jayne Cabe, the show is an amusing satire that digs deep down into "oin* PRIVATE LIVES.” The cast members, with the excep tion of Mrs* Sibley, are not new-comers to the Highlands stage# Karen makes her first appearance tonight as Sibyl Chasej however, the Sibley name (CON*T TO P, 21) ROTARY DISTRICT GOVERNOR HERE SEPT. 4 Jones r. Pharr, Jr#, of Charlotte, N# C«, goverhor of the distinct 767 of Ro tary Internatienal, world-wide service organization, will arrive here Sept, 4 to visit the local Rotary Club, one of the 40 clubs in his district# In addition to addressing Highlands Rotarians at their meeting, he will confer with E3.1isbn C# Magruder, President of the Rotary Club of Highlands, and other club officers on Ro tary administrative matters and service activities# Mr# Jones Pharrj Jr»a(C0N^T TO P. M (Sfeltofatrif Thursday August 30 Bobby Diamond-Carolsm Byrd in "RiRBORne" Filmed in North Carolina With the Cooperation of the 82nd Airborne Division Also 2 Cartoons Shows at ?s30 & 9^25 Feature At Approx# 7•55 & 9s50 Adm 25^ & 60^ Fri-Sat Aug 31-Sept 1 Walter Pidgecn-Gilles Payant in Walt Disney*s "BIG RED" in Color Matinee Saturday at 2:30 Fri & Sat Nights at ?:30 & 9:25 Feature Approx. 25 Min. After Show Starts Adm 25^ & 75^ Sun-Mon Sept 2-3 Gregory Peck-David Niven-Anthony Quinn "The Guns of NflvflRonE" in Color & CinemaScope 1 Show Sunday Night at 9200 2 Shows Monday Night at 7s00 & 9s^5 Feature Approx. 10 Min. After Show Starts Adm 25^ & 75^ SCHEDULE IS C0N»T TO PAGE 2 11TH YEAR OF PUBLOTIOn