/ loc PER COPY m P PHONE ^ 2495 A NINEOGRAPHED NEJ^SPAPEB PublI SHED ¥eekly During the Summer Season MRS» JAMES NEWT ONJ EDITOR JESSIE HARBISON, ASSISTANT EDITOR THURSDAY, 12, 1963 loc PER COPY ^ States Represented in Highlands Upon seeing the varied car license tags in town this week, I began to list as many as I saw and consequently, became in terested in the states represented by the travelers. Highlands, scenic vacation spot of diverse and particular beauty, is the highest incorporated town in the "Variety Vacationland of the South”—North Carolina /n/yM t m rwr n % PHONE 2495 Thur-Fri June 13-14 Double Feature — Disney* s "LfiOY finD THE iRflmp" in Color & CinemaScope Plus Disney*s "flLmOST flnQELS " in Color 1st show starts at 7 530. ”Lady and the rrajnp” will be run twice, starting at 7:45 and 10s45* "AlmoBt Angels**will be run once only starting at approx. 9*00. Adm 250 & 75^ Saturday June 15 Chuck Connors-Kamala Devi in " GeRonimo" in Color & CinemaScope Shows at 7:30 & 9:30 Feature Approx, &;50 & 9:50 Acim 250 & 6O0 Sun-Mon June 16-17 Rosalind Riissell-Natalie Wood Karl Malden in “GYPSY" in Color & CineomaScope This picture not reconmiended for children 1 Show Sunday Night at 9:00 2 Shows Mon Night at 7:00 & 9:35 Feature i^rox. 10 Min. After Show Starts Adm 250 & 750 Tue-Wed June 18-19 Charlton Heston-Elsa Martinell in "The Pig eon That Took Rome" in CinemaScope Shows at 7:30 & 9:30 Feature Approx* 7:50 & 9:50 Adm 250 & 750 1963 STAFF OF GALAX NE¥S The staff of the GALAX NEWS this year includes Mrs# James Newton (Tina), and Miss Jessie Harbison. Miss Wanda Hedden will assist on a part-time basis. This summer marks the sixth year Tina has been with the GALAX M/S, She is a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Jessie, with the NEWS for the second season, attended Western Carolina College last year. Wan da is a student at Highlands School. HALL OF FANE Baseball Player Builds Home in Highlands Former New York Giants player and manager, who is in the baseball Hall of Fame, Mir* William H. Terry ("Memphis Bill”), has been coming to Highlands for several years and recently moved into his beautiful new home at the Highlands Countrj Club, Mr. Terry, originally from Atlanta, has been associated with the New York Giants baseball club for twenty-two years, during which time he was both player and manager. Mr, Terry was first baseman for the Giants and attained the highest average of any left-handed hitter in the National League. He also is the last man (CON*T ON PAGE 12) WILLIAMSON SPEAKS TO ROTARY CLUB The Highlands Rotary Club held its regular meeting Tuesday evening idth 9 regular members present, 2 visiting Ro- tarians and 9 guests. As President Elli son Magruder has returned to Florida, Mr. Leslie Misener presided. A most interesting talk was given by Mir. Horace Williamson, a member of the Architectiiral faculty of Clemson College* Mr. Williamson spoke about the integral tion of Clemson with the recent admission of Harvey Grant, He discussed Grant*s relationship with the faculty and the students, and related Grant's experiences during enrollment* On Tuesday, June 25, there will be an installation of new officers. The Rotary Club meets every Tuesday evening at 7*00 p.m* at Hotel Edwards* SUBSCRIPTIOS FOR GALAX NEVJS NAME ADDRESS THE GALAX NEl>fS - 1963 - ^.00 12TH YEAR OF PUBLICRTlOn