the GALAZ iiEl'JS JIME 27, 1963 PAGE 13 JPENING JULY 1st THE TLE HILL CREEK COURT HOOK RUG MATERIAL KNITTING SUPPLIES d INSTRUCTION Most attractive cottages and apartments in Highlands By Week or Month MILL CREEK COURT (EVERYBODY LOVES OPAL GON^D FROM PAGE of her three "benefactors" Opal continues to radiate kindness, affection, and even gratitude so that in the end EVERYBODY LOVES OPAL, and so, without a doubt, will audiences everywhere. The cast for EVSRyBODE LOVES OPAL will include some new and some old faces for HCT audiences. Among the old will be Clyde Bolt, Jr, in the Stubby Kaye role of Solomon, Richard Melvin plays Bradford, The title role of Opal is undertaken by a new face, i^Irs, Mary Fitzhugh, The third member of the "on the lam" trio will be played by Phyllis McGrath, who is a mem^ ber of the resident company from New York* She studied acting with Lee Strasberg and played the title role in THE HEIRESS at the Cloud Room Theatre in New York, Other members of the cast include Phil Egeler as the doctor and Fred Mar- guiles as the policeman. Another member of the resident group from New York, who will be working with HCT all summer is Carol Morell, She obtained her B,F,A, in Crama at the University of Texas, This is her first season in stock after two years in New York studying acting with Michael Howard „ Familiar titles in the credit list ascertain that Paula Johnson is back as costumier and Bob Duncan as technical di rector, Scenic design will be mastermind ed through the magic hands of Fred Allen, The Theatre puts out its usual call for all people interested in any phase of theatre work to come on up and .join in. A I -V - ' theatre workshop is planned to begin soon. Tickets will go on sale next Wednesday, July 3rd for EVERYBODY LOVES OPAL at the ticket office on Main Street located out side the old Highlander Restaurant—so dr^p by the downtovm box office or call the theatre, 4870, for reservations, POm^JDS OF TROUBLE" •'4-0 Pounds of Trouble, which stars Tony Curtis, Suzanne Pleshette, and intro duces Claire Wilcox,will be at the GALAX THEATRE Thiirsday-Friday, June 27-28, The story deals with the efforts of a suave, dapper hotel-casino manager, whose establishment straddles the Nevada-Cali- fornia border on Lake Tahoe to avoid ali mony payments to an ex-wife who lives in California! to avoid romancing the attrac tive ”niece” of his boss, which is hard to do because he is in love with her5 to avoid damaging business publicity because he has permitted a lonesome little girl to remain hidden in his hotel and in his apartment, specifically, when she should have been turned over to the courts. In the ensuing events, Tony finds he rather enjoys the intrusion of a little girl in his bachelor quarters, and his strict discipline gradually gives v;ay to complete surrender of her innocent bland ishments. The culmination is a daring trip to Disneyland for Tony, Suzanne Ple shette and Claire Wilcox, playing the pre tend roles of father, mother and daughter, when Tony knows that if private detectives in California catch up with him it could mean 40 tons of trouble, not merely the 4.0 pounds by the title of the picture. The end result is a Disneyland holi day and chase the like of which every movie goer the world over may dream of actually experiencing for himself or with family. Through all these goings on, Miss Pleshette is outstanding as a radiant new screen personality, alive with "presence” and unusually responsive. She and Curtis prove exceptional romantic foils for each other. Not to be overlooked in all the shenanigans is Phil Silvers in his role as "Bernie the Butcher, ” the ”Mr* Big*’ from Chicago who is the real ox-mer of the Casino, In addition to the Disneyland locale, the Lake Tahoe sequences also were shot on location, principally in and around sump tuous Harrah^s Club at the south end of the Lake« SHOP Novj Open for Business ¥aul McCampbell, Prop, - Main St, QUALITY GEN GUTTING FREE IFFCRMATION ON YOUR MIFERAL FINDS GEH STONES - MINERAL SPECIMENS VISITORS WELCOrlE special ATTENTION GIVEN TO CHILDREN THE CflROLinfl mounTfiin shop Cjju^hLoAA, tio/utk CaADLirucL & SpoAstdweoA, (^)ap^ - Book^ - lou/6 Hommud.e. 9/ie>6eA.veA HanjcLmocked