A LETTER FROM NORWAY The following is a part of a letter from a friendo We thought you would like to sh^e it vjith usj especially the des cription of the places which reminded her of Highlands* BUHGEH, NORWAI Dear Girls, Here we are in Norway and it hardly seems possible. After I sent Jessie's card we went to Dublin and from there flew to Edinburgh, Scotland* In several places there vrere great patches of rhododendron* The rhododendron in Scotland, England, and Ireland is apparently \7ild, but it was (CGK«D TO PAGE 9) ADM 25^ & 75^ Thur-Fri July 4-5 John Wayne-Elsa Martinelll-Red Buttons in "HflTflRl! " in Color MATIHEE Thursday at 2:30 Night Shows at 7:00 & 9:55 Note Earlier Starting TItbb of This Matinee and First Night Show Due To Length of this Show, Feature Approx. 10 Min After Show Starts Saturday July 6 Jerry I^wis-Zachary Scott-Joan O^Brien in "It's OniY monev" MATINEE at 2:30 Night Shows at 7s35 & 9:25 Feature Approx^ 2s55> 8#00 & 9s50 Sun-Mon July 7*-8 Gregory Peck-lVIary Badham-.Gollin Wilcox in "To Kill pi mocKinGBiRD " MATINEE Sun & Mon at 2:30 1 Show Sun Night at 9s00 2 Shows Mon Night at 7*00 & 9:25 Feature Approx* 10 Min. After Show Starts THIS PICTURE SPONSORED BY HUDSON IZBRARY SCHEDUIE IS CONTINUED TO PAGE 2 HARDIN ELECTED PRESIDENT OF BIOLOGICAL STATION In annual session on Sunday, the Board of Trustees of the Highlands ^olo- gical Station elected James Hardin^ professor of botany. North Cai'olina Stats College, president of the corporation, Drt Julian P* Darlington^ professor of biology at Furman University, was elect ed secretary of the Board of Trustees® Etr* Elsie Quarternan, professor of biology, Vanderbilt University^ was elect** ed to the Board of Trustees to succeed the late Dr« Royal Shanks. Trustees re-elect- ed to serve four-year terms were 5 Dto L*E# Anderson, Duke University^ Dr» H«R« Totten, University of North Carolina^ Dr» R«J* Bailey, Duke University^ Mr« Sidney Farns worth, Men^hisi Dr 9 Charles Wo Foreman, University of the South| Miss Caroline HaJLl Highlandsj Mr« Wo D® McKee, AshevillejDrc EePo Odum, University of Georgia. Re-elected vice-president of the cor poration was Dr» Ha Jo Costing, Duke Uni versity# Miss Caroline Hall was re—electeo treasurer*} At the annual meeting of the member ship, Mrs* Eiliaabeth Valentine was re-elect ed clerk of the corporationo you QJie^ Jjzvisted io. iJxe. AvulclL ^pLdCopai SilveA. I ea The Silver Tea of the E^pisoopal Church will be held this year at the lovely new home of Mr* and Mpso Johff^blcer Ha3.1 on Laurel Hill, July llthy from four to six o^ clock© This traditional tea is the special feature of the summer season sponsored annually by the Women of the Church of the Incarnation. REMEMBERS July llthp at the John HallsV7ebbmont* Do plan to attend* You are most cordially in vited* 12TH YEAR. OF PUBLICflTIOn