im // loc PER COPY H N E 2495 A MIMEOGRAPHED EEUSPAPER Published Meekly During the Sutimer Season HIGHLAFDS, Mrs, James Newt on Editor Jessie Harbison, Assistant Editor THURSDAY, JULY 18^ 1963 \oc PER COPY H N E 2495 & 75^ Thursday July 18 William Holderv-LHH Palmer In "The CounTtRF£iT Traitoi^" in Color MTINEE at 2; 30 Night Shows at 7t00 & 95^^ Feature Approx* 2:^5s 7*15 & 9s55 Fri-Sat July 19-20 Brian Keith-Tonmiy Kirk-Marta Kristen in Disney* s "SflVflGE Sflm" in Color MATINEE Sat at 2:30 Night Shows at 7s20 & 9^35 Feature Approx, 20 Min After Show Starts* Sun-Mon July 21-22 Sandra Dee-Peter Fonda in “TflmmY flOD the Doctor" in Color MATINEE Sun at 2:30 Sun Night at 9:00 Monday Shows at 7:30 & 9:35 Feature Approx* 25 Min. After Show Starts cookies, baked beans and brown bread# The sale will begin at 9s30 a»mo so plan to arrive early in order to select that particiilar item you want for company or the week-end# You will be glad you dropped byl "01 LOSSES AND-LIFE" BY Rev9 G» Dan McCall An old Spanish TOsxiiii muses, **Ke that loseth wealth loseth much| he that loseth friends loseth morej but he that loseth his spirit loseth all*” Apply these thoughts, if you idll, to life in America in our gen eration* It is distressing, indeed, to see those who suddenly find themselves in severe financial difficulty. This is especially regretable when the victims are aged or in firm. Dependent as we have become in our society upon financial resources, the loss of wealth causes some of us (yet not all) to despair, as if everything really worth^h while in life has been stripped away* In every generation there are some who reflect upon life*s values vdth greater sa gacity than others. Those who are blessed with greater (CON*T TO PAGE 12) in // Tuesday July 23 Ruth Leuwerik-Hans Holt "The Trapp Fflrr>iLY in Color Shows at 7:20 & 9:35 Feature Approx, 7:^0 & 9:55 Wednesday July 2^ Bette Davis-Joan Crawford in jUjHRT EveRHopptritD to Boby I Shows at 7:00 & 9:35 1 Feature Approx* 7s 15 & 9:50 J 0 INT YOUTH RALLY The second Youth Rally, being sponsor ed Jointly by the iJpiscopal, Methodist, and Presbjrberian churches of Highlands, is sched» uled for Sunday, Jialy 21st at 4s00. Hi^ school and college young people are invited to meet in front of the Presbyterian church| they will drive from there to a pi*ivate lake nearby for the afternoon *s activity. The first order of the afternoon will be a swim partyi aften-nards the group will enjoy a picnic supper* The Rally will be concluded with a Vesper service at the lake site* //(7 f/ie/iejvU (pJJJn W^coK-Qeoff/ie^ HoAne in ^^feAAjod. ol Adjjuu^oni^’ Collin Wilf^ox has returned to her na« tive Highlands and will appear on the stage she began her career at the age of 9, the Highlands Community Theatre, in PERIOD OF ADJUSTMETTT which wiU open July 23. She did the William*s play in London to rave reviews in the London Times which called PRESB^EEIIANS HOLD FOOD SALE SATURDAY jjqp »the funniest American export since The Women of the Presbyterian Church Holliday*« She will be appearing with are holding a food and bake sale Saturday, j^Qp husband, screen star Geoffrey Hoi*ne, July 20, in the little building across ^^^^^®while they vacation here before going to the Condiment Shop* Some of the most de- California to continue in television and licious and special baked goods and foods screen work, will be prepared by the women—including The carrot-haired, green-eyed actress cakes, pies, homemade bread, cinnamon rollsgy^^ her leading man (CON*D TO PAGE 17) :Or 12TH YEAR Qf PUBLICflTIOn