IOC PER COPY PHONE 2495 M HIGHLANDS, N. G. A lilHEOGRAPHEd m/SPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY DURING THE SUIfNER SEASON JESSIE HARBISON, EDITOR FRIEDA NcGALL, ASSISTANT EDITCE THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1964 IOC PG^ COPY PHONE 2495 THE RAILROAD THAT ENDED UP IIAK- ING CHEESE — by r. f/. Reynolds (EDITOR*S NOTE; Portions of the following selection from HIGH LAIvDS, T, i/J, Reynolds, used by permission of the author*) John C, Calhoun, the Southern states man, dreamed of a railroad to ccainect the fertile Midwest with the busy seaport of Charleston, South Carolina, Charleston fin anciers got back of the idea. Since the route would be over the mountains, it would be named the Blue Ridge Railroad, but with separate incorporations within each state— that is, as the Blue Ridge Railroad of South Carolina, the Blue Ridge Railroad with Geor gia, the Tennessee Railroad in North Caro lina » and the-4iboxville (COK*D, PAGE TEN) Chambers, Heinsohn, Sargent and Crumpler Homes for the TOURS Adm 25^ & 750 Thursday June 18 Rock Hudson-Jennifer Jones in "A FAREmiL TO ARMS” in Color & CinemaScope Shows at 7:15 & 9:35 Feature approx> 7^25 & 9s4.5 Fri-Sat June 19-20 4,2 International Stars in "THE LONGEST DAY" Due to the length of this program (3 hr 20 min) there will be one show only each night. The show begins at 7:30 - feature at 7:50 Sun-Mon June 21-22 Rock Jfudson-Paula Prentiss in ^'MAN^S FAVORITE SPORT?" in Color Ciie show Sunday at 9:00 Monday shows at 7:15 & 9:35 Feature approx» 10 min after show begins Tue-Wed Jime 23-24 Kirk Douglas-Mtzi Ga^or Gig Young in "FOR LOVE OR HONEY" in Color Shows at 7:20 & 9:30 Feature approx# 7:40 & 9:50 This seasons* Home Tours, sponsored by the Women of the Episcopal Church for the benefit of Highlands- Cashiers Hospital will get underway this week. The tour will leave the Episcopal Church at three o*clock, Friday afternoon, June 19* Mrs, Tudor Hall is Chairman of the Tours Com mittee* For RESERVATIONS and information call Mrs, Tom Harbison, 3^31 on Thursday morning and until 12 o*clock noon Friday, The tour this week will include the homes of Mir* and Mrs, Overton Chambers, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Heinsohn, Dr, and Mrs, Ralph Sargent, and Dr, and Mrs* Tom Crximp- ler. The Chambers will have on display their private collection of antique Eng lish silver, with the pieces labled indi cating maker and year, (CON*D ON PAGE 12) BAevaAjd. f'^LL44jC QenieA. io f/ie^ervt Two (onr- CQAiA in Hij^hJLondA ThJui SuirmeA. The Brevard Music Center will present two concemts in Highlands this summer. The first concert will be given on Monday evening, July 13th, The Brevard Music Cen ter Symphony, with Charles Rex, Jr., vio linist, will be featured* Mr* Rex is a Hinda Honigman Scholarship Winner* The second concert will be presented by the Brevard Music Center Symphony on Monday evening, August 17th, Soprano Jeanette Pecorello, tenor Eugen Talley-Schmidt| and harpist Edward Vito will be featured for this performance, TOWN APPROVES BUDGET ESTIMATES Town Clerk Herbert James announced Tuesday that the Town had approved budgets for the coming fiscal year, July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965, At a Town meeting held Monday evening the General Operating Bud get Estimate ($218,250) and the Water and Sewer Systems Capital Improvements Budget Estimate ($411,578,79) were both approved. They are open for public inspection. 13™ Y£flR OF PUBUCnilOn