100 PER COPY PHONE 2495 HIGHLANDS, NORTH GiROLIM A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED MEEKLY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON JESSIE L. HARBISON, EDITOR FRIEDA McGALL, ASSISTANT EDITOR THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1965 100 PER COPY PHONE 2495 MEMORIES FROM THE HILLS BY LAWRENCE WOOD In pioneer days the church held a very important part in the lives of the settlers# When the settlers came to western North Carolina the Baptists were among the first to establish a church* It is said that Three Forks Baptist Church in what is now Watauga County was the first to be established west of the Blue Ridge and east of the Great Smokies* It was chartered in 1790 with eight members. This church is called the "Mother of the Bap tist Churches in Western Horth Carolina.” Some other early Baptist Churches were Locust Old K.eld, established at Canton in 18035 Hominy, at Candler, in 1812| and Crab Tree, near WaynesviUe, in I814,, In the year 1821 the old Cullowhee Church was or- ganized in a log cabin near (CON^S, p. I4.} r 2^ 121 Adm 25^ & 75^ (excepting "Cleopatra”) Fri-Sat June 25-26 Brian Keith-Vera Miles-Brandon de Wilde Walter Brennan-Ed Wynn in Disney* s "THOSE CALLOWAYS" in Color Shows at 7sOO & 9:30 Note earlier time MATINEE Saturday at 2:30 Feature 10 min after show starts Sun-Mon June 27-28 Elizabeth Taylor-Richard Burton Rex Harrison in "CLEOPATRA " in Color This program is approx. 3| hours 1 show each night at 7:30-Feature at 7:50 MATINEE Sunday at 2:30-Feature at 2:50 Adm this picture 40^ and $1.00 Tue-Wed June 29-30 Glenn Ford-Geraldine Page "DEAR HEART" in Shows at 7*20 & 9:30 Feature approx, 7:30 & 9;i+0 CITATIONS OF MERIT TO BE AWARDED - ANNUAL meeting at MUSEUM Dr. Malvina Trussell, Hon. Lacy H. Thornburg, William S. Justice, M. D., A. S. Dillon, Jr., and Martina Wadewitz will receive citations of merit for dis tinguished and meritorius service to the Highlands Biological Station at the an nual meeting of the membership, ^:30 PM Sunday, June 2? in the Museum Building. At the meeting the members will hear the annual reports of the officers and elect trustees for the class of 19^5-69. The executive coinmittee of the board of trustees will meet at 8:00 PM on Sat urday, June 26 in the Coker Building. The most important matter for that meeting is the adoption of the operational budget for the period 1 June 19^5 to 31 May I966, (CON»D ON PAGE NINE) HOT OPENS ^65 SEASON FRIDAY Highlands Community Theatre opens for the 1965 summer season this Friday and Sat urday night with "The Royal Nonesuch," who will present a show composed of every thing from Mark Twain to "Little Egypt," and a sublime melodrama, "Curse You, Jack Dalton," done in the early American tra dition. The attraction will appeal to both adults and children. The Royal Nonesuch is composed of Rob Jones, arch villian and schemer; Steve Belew, a professional folk singer and ac tor; Satu Lundstedt, a Scandinavian import who has danced professionally in ballet companies here and abroad; and Parker Rushing, professional actor and director holding his MFA in Directing from Goodman Memorial Theatre in Chicago. The group was organized by Mr. Rushing after search ing for "the cream of the crop." From Highlands they will continue their tour up the East Coast and westward into Can ada, Don’t miss The Royal Nonesuch. Tic kets will be sold at the theatre boxoffice. Showtime Friday is 8:00 PM; Saturday at 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPONSORS JULY THIRD PROGRAM SEE PAGE TWO FOR DETAILS. Uth YEAR OF PUBLICATION