' THE GALAX NEWS JUNE, 1966 PAGE 2 opens THURSDAY JURE 16 7:30Rm. PUBLIC fiUCTlOn TLUICe daily: io3ofl.m 730 p.m. MERCHANDISE GATHERED FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD BEAUTIFUL GIFTS GIVEN AWAY FREE AT EACH SALE li flmonos - IWflTCHES - silveruuare URniTURE 0RIEnTflL RUGS nnERLUflRE-CRYSmUJflRE -iinEns KNOWN AS THE SHOWPLAGE OF THE CAROLINAS HIGHLPnOS ART GflLL£RY GSTflBLISHED 36 YGflRS in THE CflROLinflS THE GRAY GOTTAGE On the corner of Fifth and Main, an interesting shop has been opened by Mrs. Jack Brockway* "The Gray Cottage," as the shop is called, specializes in delight ful accessories for both the casual and formal home, Mrs. Brockway stresses that the shop is not really just a gift shop, but rather it is more of a home accessories shop. She carries a large variety of towels, racks, and small accessories for the bathroom, and every other room in the house. She also carries handmade quilts, supplied by Mrs. F. E. Dendy, of Highlands, and hand- sewn afghans made by Mrs, Bowers, a friend of Mrs. Brockway. Mrs* Brockway has a varied selection of oil paintings, in cluding some by Miss Kathy Wilson, of Jopland, Missouri, Mrs, Brockway has done extensive lawn work this spring, and has situated benches throughout the grounds. She says that these are there for anyone who wishes to use them to sit and talk, or in her own words, ", , ,to sit and visit, and wait for the mail," HISS FLOWERS WEDS LT. MARTIN WOOD III Daphne Howard Flowers, daughter of State Senator and Mrs* William Howard Flowers of Thomasville and Highlands, be came the bride of Lt, Charles Martin Wood III, son of Mr, and Mrs, C. Martin Wood, Jr. of Greenwich, Conn., June ^th at the Church of the Incarnation in Highlands. The Rev. Gale D. Webbe officiated, Margaret Beatty Wood was maid of honor. Bridal attendants were Mrs, Thomas Garcin Parker of Boston, Mass.; Maury deGraffenried Flowers and Thorn ton Taliaferro Flowers, sisters of the bride? Mrs. George Knowles Crozer IV of Philadelphia, Pa., sister of the bride groom; Lillian Vose Mitchell of Thomas ville; Mrs, Hillyer McDonald Young of Washington, D. C*; Helene Danforth Jack son of New York; Anne Elizabeth Penson of Dallas, Texas; Bettina Cock Good of Rock Island, 111,; and Mary Barnard Franklin of Buffalo, N. Y. (CON*D, P. 22) BEAUTY SHOP ASSISTANTS yirs, Simon Pell, of the Vogue Beauty Shop, has two operators with her this summer, l^s, Marjorie Sutton of Rabun Gap is back with her, and Miss Veil Mae Hicks is here for her first year at the shop, although she has been in Highlands all her life. Mrs, Holt, owner of Anne*s Beauty Shop, also has two operators this sum mer. Ifrs. Renee Johnson, of Pompano Beach, Fla,, is back for her second year, and Miss Jfeirgaret McCarty, who recently completed her training in Orlando, is on the staff for the first time. —^