THE GAIAX NEWS PAGE 2 mm flucTion 10^30 SALES TUJICE DAILY fl,m.-/--3o pm. DlflmonOS-lfflTCHES-ilLVERLUflRE nERLUflRE-CRYST9LLUflRE-l.inEnS HERCHANDISE GATHERED FROM ALL OVER THE WRLD BEAUTIFUL GIFTS GIVEN AWAY FREE AT EACH SALE MOm AS THE SHOWPLAGE OF THE GAROLINAS HIGHLfinDS m ESTRBLI5HED 36 YERR.S GflLLGRY in cflROLinfis TEA and art SHOWING TO BE HELD FOR WELL-KNOWN ARTIST A tea and a shov/ing of paintings and oils will be held for I'^rs* Katharine Bal four Breen on Sunday afternoon at the Gray Cottage* Mrs* Breen was born in Thomasville, Georgia, although she novf lives in Atlanta, Ga* Many of the summer residents of High lands are acquainted with her* I'^rs* Breen received her art education in the following places: Teachers College, Valdosta, Ga*j Art Students League and and Wbrthside Methodist Churdi, Atlanta, Georgia. ly&'s, Breen is a former member of: Artists Association Gallery, Georgia Artists and Local Water Color Club. At the present time she is on the Art Committee of the North Side Woman*s Club and a member of The Atlanta Art Association, Mrs. Breen will have numerous oils and portraits shoiring on Sunday after noon. Showing and tea are from three to six o'clock on Sunday, July 17, at The Gray Cottage (across the street from-' Church). National Academj^ of Design, York Cityj Georgia State, ystuding under 1^* Perrinj Atlanta Art Institutej Art History Course, fpAvpQ md nTDVFP Rome, Italyi Georgia Tech, Perspective DMTH TAKES NR. GLUI/M Courses; Art Certifica*te, University of Madrid. She has worked with prominent artists in Haiti for seven vjeeks - some of these Island paintings v/ill be exhibited on Sun- day* Mrs* Ereen has e^diibited in the fol- James Byron Glover, 79, of Highlands and Savannah, Ga* died Sunday, July 3rd, at 4-! 15 a.m. in the Memorial Mission Hospital in Asheville, N. C. Mr* Glover was born and was a resi dent for some time of Macon, Ga* He at- _ _ tended Mercer. University and was head lowing 5 Regional Art Show, The South East- Glover Cotton Firm in Savan^ ern Association of Ga. Artists, 'Rri-County (award for Pencil Portraits), Local Atlanta Survivors are his wife, Its, ^by Art Clubs, and Florida Art Galleries. (Jlover, two daughters, Kn*s. George Katharine Breen is represented in many ^l^rke and Mrs* William Helmken of private collections and Westminister ' Savannah, and three granddaughters and Schools, also was commissioned for the mem-°^® grandson. orial portrait of J^s. Oscar Ifoel Torian — now hanging in "The Sarah Hodgson Torian „ Archiv^ Room in the duPont library” at ^OFT FORGET THE HOSPITAL BAZAAR, JULY The University of the South,iewanee, Tenn.,^^ 30 at the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.