10 !i PER COPY HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 526-2066 100 PER COPY A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON BETTY HOLT, CO-EDITOR ELIZABETH WORLEY, CO-EDITOR THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. 1966 1/ Thursday August 18 "LAUREL & HARDYJS LAUGHING 20’s Shows at 700 & 9:30 Feature Approx. 7s^0 & 9:^0 Adm 35^ & jPri-Sat August 19-20 Clint Walker-Martha Hyer-Keenan Wynn in "THE NIGHT OF THE GRIZZLY" in Color Matinee Saturday at 2:30 Night Shows at 7:20 & 9:30 Feature Approx. 20 min. after show starts: Acjjii kO(^ & ^1.00 Sun-I'^bn August 21-22 Soupy Sales-Tab Hunter-Arthur O'Connell IN "BIRDS DQ IT" IN Color lyfeitinee Sunday at 2:30 Night Shows at 7:30 & 9:30 Psature Approx. 20 iiiin after show starts Adm hO^ & $1.00 Tuesday August 23 Nancy Kwan-James Shigeta-IlLyoshi Uineki in Rodgers & Haiimierstein's "FLOWER DRUM SONG" in Color Shows at 7!00 & 9:30 Feature Approx. 7s15 & 9:kS Adm ljO0 & $1.00 Wed-Thur August 2U-25 Candice Bergen-Joan Hackett-Elizabeth Hartman-Shirley Knight "FISHERMAN'S DELIGHT" BY ELLEN BURTON Clarence DarrovjSf one of the best known lawyers in the criminal world, has stated that the happiest days of his life were spent fishing beside a small stream* To a particular breed of person, usually marked by a quality of reticence, fishing is more than a hobby or pastime. It is an all-consuming passion, and a quiet, re laxing way to reflect on life and to ob serve nature, bird and animal life, along \dth an avid eye for the signs of a nib ble which brings the fisherman out of his lethargy and promises a good catch for the day. The rewards of a few hours spent trout fishing are many* Rainbow snd speckled trout are a real delicacy (CON’T PAGE 15) HR. CRENSHA¥ SUGCUHBS Mr* Robert W. Crenshaw, Sr, died Mon day morning, August 15th in the Piedmont General Hospital, in Atlanta, Georgia^ after suffering a heart attack® Mr. Crenshaw was on the original board of directors at the Highlands Coun try Club, and also served as the Chairman of the Board until his death* Mr* Crenshaw is survived by his wife, Emily Jennings Crenshaw; daughters, Mrs* John B, Home, Jr*, lirs* Howard C* Ftey- ensee, and Mrs. Jane C* Bormanj son, Jfr* Robert W* Crenshaw, Jr*5 brother, I^Jr* John W, Crenshaw, (CONT, ON PAGE 22) in "THE GROUP" in Color ADULT ENTERTAINMENT No one under 16 admitted unless accompa nied by a parent Shox«js at 7:00 & 9:^0 Feature Approx. 7sl^ & 10:0^ Adm UO^ & $1.00 SQUARE DANCE FESTIVAL BIG SUCCESS The Annual Square Dance Festival sponsored by the Highlands Chamber of Commerce was a big success. Approximate ly $1;00,00 was cleared. Over LoO people attended the event. Special appreciation is e:cpressed to all the businesses donating prizes, Shan des Jardins for donating the P.A. system and his time in setting it up, Mr. Steve Potts for furnishing the ice and containers for the cokes, and(CON'T P. 11) 15th year of publication