HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 526-2066 A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED MEEKLY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON BETTY HOLT, CO-EDITOR JESSIE L. HARBISON, CO-EDITOR THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1967 GALAX THEATRE Adm, UO0 k $1,00 SOMETHING TO SAY Thursday August 17 Anthony Quinn-JaJnes Coburn-Idla Kedrova "1 HIGH WIND IN JAMAICA" in Color Matinee at 2j30 Night shows at 7? 00 & 913 5 Feature approx, 2:liO, 7510, & 9tlS Friday August 18 Sean Connery-*Tippi^ Hedron in "MARNIE" in Color Not recoitimended. for children Shows at 7:05 & 9:35 | Ifeature approx, 7:15 & 9th$ Saturday August 19 Sonny & Cher in "GOOD TIMES" in Color Also 2 Cartoons lyiatinee at 2:30 Night shows at 7:30 & 9:35 Feature approx. 2:55^ 7:55j & 10:00 Sun-Mon August 20-21 Sandy Dennis-Eileen Heckart in "UP TM -POW STAIRCASE" in Color Jfetinee Sunday at 2:30 Night shows at 7:15 & 9:35 Feature approx, 2:I;0, 7:25, & 9:U5 TUe-Wed August 22-23 James Coburn-DLck Shaim in "WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE WAR. DADDY?" in Color Not recoinniended for children Shows at 7:20 & 9:35 Feature approx, 7:30 & 9:U5 COMING SOON: ’’The Agony and the Ecstasy” "The Appaloosa" — "8 On the Lam” — -'-BY JESSIE Lm HARBISON All too often we find the excuse "X just didn*t know what to say" to be the easy way out. And since maybe we really didn't knoTAT what to say, we didn’t tryi and we found a crutch for the next time* But what about the person to whom we should have said something? Does he know why his need was left unattended? Or must he add hurt to injury and devise his orm excuse for not having been helped? We do not need a tragedy to find our selves not knowing what to say. Opportu nities arise daily, and perhaps if we had said something, someone’s day would have been a little more worthwhile. ^^iJhy then don’t we take—or even make —the time to make it worthwhile? Per haps because our selfless intention is turned into a selfish pursuance. ¥e real ly were concerned—really meant to be kind—but something came (CON’D, PAGE I7) "FANTASTICKS" OPENS AT H C T ON AUGUST 24TH FOR FINAL PRO DUCTION On Thursday, August 2lith, there will be sparkle and music and light and fun at the Highlands Community Theatre as HCT presents the FANTASTICKS. Your writer is such a fanatic about FANTASTICKS that she finds it difficult to limit her adjec tives in describing this delight of musi cal theatre. She has personally seen seven productions of the FANTASTICKS, one of the original cast one short week after the off-Broadway opening—now eight jrears ago. It is obvious enthusiasm is no prob lem, (COMTINDED ON PAGE 'nCENTY) OFFB 500 PEOPLE ATTEND SQUARE DANCE FESTIVAL The 6th Annual Square Dance Festival, which drew a crowd of approximately 500 people from Highlands and surrounding areas, may be counted as a huge success. The yearly Chamber of Commerce sponsored event was held in the Highlands School Auditorium, and offered an evening of enjoyment for all. Two divisions were (CON’D ON PAGE 12) 16th YEAR OF PUBLICATION