THE GAIAX NEWS August 3I9 1967 Page OTTS LOCK PHONE 526^3265 GRADING - PAVING— DRILLING AND FILL DIRT A hearty welcome to all of our good friends and customers in Highlands, Franklin, Macon County, for the sum mer,,,. Gome in anytime for new cars and trucks, used cars and trucks#•• We will save you money*,#We service any make or model by good trained mechanics# BURRELL MOTOR CO. Franklin, N, C, Dealer No, 3014 CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Day: 524-2153 Nights 524-3856 /V(f ii' A i- lyi*. and Mrs, Ralph Webb are the parents of a baby girl, Robin Lynn, born August 27th at the Highlands-Cashiers Hospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Paternal grandparents are and Mrs, Ted Webb, of Highlands; maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mi?s, W, H, Jack son, of West Minister, S. C. NQP Aim/AL Mr, and llrSm Syd Johnson, of Fort l^ers, Fla,, announce the birth of a daughter, weighing 8 pounds, 1 ounce, on August 2lith, lykternal grandparents are Ifr, and lySrs, Dillon Thomas, of Lee High Acres, Fla. 5 paternal grandmother is iy&?s, Ada Rogers, of Highlands. EPISCOPAL ANNUAL MEETING The congregation of the Church of the Incarnation held its Annual Meeting on Monday night, August 28, after a par ish dinner served by ]y&:s. James H. Howe, I'&'s, Walter Dun, and IHrs, James V. Weber, Reports of the past year*s activi ties were presented by the Rector, the Rev, Gale D, Webbe, and by the Senior Warden, Vfr, 'Ridor N, Hall. The financial statement was given by the Parish Treas urer, Mrs. 7al S, Ilerson. The work of the Churchwomen was outlined by I4*s. Howe. ]yb:*s. John T. Hall reported for the Sunday School department; ]y&?s. Earl M. DeNoon for the Memorials Committee and the Altar Guild (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21) LADY L Remain Gary’s best-selling novel, *’Lady L” has been made into a captivat* ing movie ron^) by MGM with Sophia Loren^ Paul iiewman, and David Niven starring in the fun-adventure of a pParisian laundress who falls in love with and aids a young anarchist who robs the rich to give to the poor and, ironically, ends up as the x>/ife of an aristocratic and wealthy English lord* One of the most lavishly staged and costumed films of recent years, “Lady L” Captures the eye in Panavision and color in sumptuous scenes filmed on locations in Paris, Sv/itzerland, where ice-skating scenes bel^w the slopes of the Moleson Mountains give the illusion of a painting; the famous Promenade des Anglias in Nice, where a thrilling as sassination attempt takes place; Monte Carlo and England, where the magnificent 300 year-old Castle Howard was used as the ancestral home of U' Loren after she becomes Lady Lendale* "Lady L” plays Friday and Saturday > Sept. 1-2, at the GALAX teEATRE. /Utd. ^oaJ. QocJ. ^ach /Loom wHk pnlvate. ba£i ^ood fankjiry^ Space. Hean. fo^i. HLckon,^ Stn.e.ei fhjone, 526-2060 DY MINIATURE GOLF COURSE GOOD CLEAN FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Open Daily — 9 a.m, lontil 12 p*m# Open Sunday - 2 p#m* until 11 p,m# CONDIMENT SHOP HOMEMADE Jams - Jellies - Pickles Cocktail Items and Chutneys Try our Tomato Juice Jelly and Cocktail Pickled Asparagus