HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 526-2066 Os^ A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON SUSAN WHITMIRE, CO-EDITOR DOTTY DENDY, CO-EDITOR BETTY HOLT, CO-EDITOR THURSDAY AUGUST 15, 1968 00 GALAX THEATRE Adm. UO0 & $1.00 Thur s day August 15 Dick Van Dyke-Barbara Feldon in "FITZWILLY" in Color Special i&tinee at 2:30 Night shows at 7j30 & 9:30 Feature Approx. 2;» 7:& 9: Fri-Sat August 16-1? John Wayne-Kirk Douglas-Howard Keel Robert Walker-Keenan Vi^jmn in "THE WAR WAGON" in Color I'^tinee Sat at 2?30-Mghts at 700 & 9 s 35 Feature Approx. 20 itiin. after shows start Sunday August 18 George Peppard-l^ry Tyler Moore in "WHAT'S 6X) BAD— ABOUT FEELING GOOD" in Color I'fetinee at 2s30..Night at 7:30 k 9:30 Feature Approx. 2:50, 7:50 & 9:50 i'-bnday August 19 Anthony Quinn-ffichael Parks George ^iaharis-Robert Walker lykrtha Hyer-Faye Dunaway in "THE HAPPENING" in Color Shows at 7:30 k 9:30 Feature Approx. 7:li5 & 9:li5 Tue-¥ed August 20-21 Burt Lancaster-Lee iyij?.rvin-Robert I^an Jack Palance-Ralph BellaiTQr Claudia Cardinale in "THE PROFESSIONALS" in Color Shows at 7:15 & 9:30 Feature Approx. 7:30 & 9:U5 AUCTION TO BENEFIT HOSPITAL V. ¥• McCall, Chairman of the Hospital Fund Drive, has announced that on Sunday, August 25th, at 2:30 p.m., a special auction to benefit the Highlands- Cashiers Hospital Fund Drive will be held at the Highlands Art Gallery on >!&,in Street* Mr. Arthur Trock and itoris Stone, OTfners of the Gallery, and the staff of the Gallery, will conduct the special auction of all manner of items donated by local business owners. Over 35 shops and businesses in the Highlands-Cashiers area are donating the widest variety of auction- able articles, ranging from hams to cloth ing to jewels to hardware. Individual donations of items will be welcomed, Mr. McCall said. Anyone wishing to contribute should contact Mrs. Peter Many at 526-2379. All proceeds will go to the Rind Drive. GOLLIN h/ILGQX ACTRESS MITH UNUSUAL NAliE Collin Wilcox, called by I'QJce Nich ols "the best actress in Hollyi^ood", spends a portion of each day explaining her first name. The beautiful and shapely redhead who stars with Jack Lord, Susan Stras- berg, and Tisha Sterling in Poore and Todd Productions * ’’The Name of the Game is Kill", (recommended for mature audi ences) playing Thursday, August 22nd, at the Galax Theatre, tells it this way; parents had no sons and my father especially wanted a boy, so when I arrived he named me Collin which was the name of his favorite uncle. It both ered me a bit when I was small but now- days it doesn't. And it's a fine con versation piece". (CON'D ON PAGE 13) BARBECUE SATURDAY Don't forget the Firemen's Barbecue Saturday, August 17^ from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the new fire station. There VTill be delicious barbecue, free rides on the firetruck for the kiddies, and three drawings for $100 savings bonds. Chances are $1.00. 17TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION