GALAX M'JS AUGUST 21, 1969 PAGE 18 HIGHLflnOER — —RESTflURflnT HOHEHADE BAKING PLEASE PLACE ORDERS IN ADVANCE Private Dining Room Facilities MAIN ST, PHONE 526S169 FORD GARS TRUCKS SALES - SERVICE FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS 24-HoUR Mrecker Service PHOIISSs Day ^2U-21^6 ^2li-3117 Night ^2h-219h CONLEY MOTOR CO. Eranklin, N. C, (ROTARY MSiJS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3) he was a newspaper publisher. According to Ifenninger, one of the main causes of the world X'jide campus un rest which has received so much publici ty in recent years is the fact that many college students are scared - they do not know what to expect in this uncertain world. A partial answer is available to Rotary Clubs - providing contacts and through use of Careers Piesearch Mono graphs, These pamphlets, samples of which were displayed by Dr, Ralph Sar gent, describe approximately 300 sub jects, including over 1,900 distinct types of jobs. Each "Monograph" is a printed report of comprehensive research surveys conducted on a nationwide scale by leading authorities, universities, and government departments. The aim is for students ont only to select a career but also to plan their courses according ly. l^ere Interact Clubs exist in high schools (one is planned for Highlands this fall) providing the library services as a splendid club project. (CONTBIUED ON PAGE TtOTTY-TlTO) "ONCE UPON A Tllffi IN THE I®T" The Western film, once the very life blood of the motion picture industry, suffered a temporary decline in populari ty during the last decade, feny produc ers felt the Old West was too unsophisto- cated for this fast-moving, hip genera tion. They claimed the Western was no longer acceptable fare and out of touch with this age. The man who has helped revive the Western and re-established it in top (jiAhLeA^, tIoAjtk QaAjolina & Spo/it^umiA, Boohd Homemade, fA-e/ieAve/i HancLsmoched Zked-ded place in the world of the cinema is an Italian writer-director, Sergio Leone, director of Paramount Pictures• "Once Upon A Time In The West", the biggest Western made in more than 20 years. The film is in Technicolor and xd-descreen and plays at the GALAX THE/1 TRE Thursday and PJriday, August 21 and 22. "Once Upon a Time In The West," 'is a Western in the grand manner, a multi- million dollar production set during the lawless period of the building of tne railroads across the West in the 1970’s. Across the screen stalk the people of the period—the swaggering gunmen, the outlaws, the settlers, the railroad con struction gangs, the corrupt and the greedy, who try to steal the land over whi the railroad will have to run and the Indians, who are to be pushed farther back into the wilderness by the coming of the iron Horse. There are the saloons and their brawling customers, railroad barons, ban dits and just plain toxirnspeople, all of Xirhom play their part in this story of the American frontier. Refreshment Shop Sandwiches d Fountain Service Located next to Galax Theatre Open - 10:00 til phone 523^2356 ONDIMENT ALSO Jellies Pickles Cocktail Items Sourwood Honey