'tH2 GALIX WEl'fS AUGUST 21, 1969 PAGE 2 HIGHLANDS SCHOOL RECEIVES PARTIAL FACE LIFTING Our thanks are extended to the crew of men and boys from the I^fetcon County School Maintenance Shop in Franklin x^ho came to Highlands during this suinmer to make major and minor re pairs and iriiproveraents on our school, -An incomplete list of the work done x^ould include roof repairs, painting the base of the walls in the gymnasium, painting the boys and girls restrooms, painting complete walls in several rooms, painting the base of the x-ialls in most rooms, and minor repairs to doors, desks, and basebaards. The boiler room shox^s an outstand ing example of the work accomplished in the school this s-ommer. It x^ras painted from top to bottom. One eye-witness who can give a nearly complete account of the improvements made on the build ing is lawrence Tritt, who will re main as custodian for the coming year. These improvements already made can serve for us as a starting point to con tinue in the direction of making our school not only more appealing to the eye, but a place x-rhere the students are given an opportunity to create their own desire to receive an education. Sxiccess in achieving student motivation is planned to be reached by both the non-graded program and by the closely supervised reading program to be offered by members of the Teacher Corps, Already this X7eek, several towns people have contributed materials to the school x-^hich xirill be used in one classroom to help provide for more adequate group participation for the students. In order that the ti7o men tioned programs be given an even better chance to function, additional donations T^ould be appreciated. If you are in terested in this plea, call the school (526-21ij7) during the day, or my house (526-3107) in the evenings. IfiLghlands School is our school and it can be X'Jhat we make it. — 14*. Stoney G, Hinlcle, Principal Tremendous Turnout at Square Dance Festival A ’’booming success” are the only words to describe the Chamber of Commerce sponsored annual Square Dance Festival held last Thursday evening at RLghlands School, Tfell over 6OO people attended the festival, not including members of the ten dance teams, their families and sponsors. Bud Fbtts, master of ceremonies, gave the x^elcome and introduced each team. First place x^inner in the smooth style dancing was the Pisgah Viexir Ranch Square Dance Team (COM’IMED ON PAGE U) P PUBLIC AUCTION SALES TWICE DAILY • • • • 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. flmonDS-M/flTCHES-ilLVERWARE ffURniTURE-0RIEnTflLRUGS innERWflRE-CRYSTflLWflREI.INENS IIERCHANDISE GATHERED FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD BEAUTIFUL GIFTS GIVEN AWAY FREE AT EACH SALE KNOWN AS THE SHOWPLACE OF THE CAROLINAS OUR HORNING SALES ARE VERY INTERESTING’. HIGHLANDS ART GALLERY 21 years In Highlands Estab iished VO years In the Carol inas