(NEWS FROM rOUR HOSPITxiL, FROM PAGE ll) this program came up Td-th this mighty substantial gift. Ja*. Hamilton also wanted to inspire everyone associated with the Hospital to increased activ ity and so he made his gift contin gent on the Hospital raising an ad ditional two hundred thousand dollars* Naturally this will be a real chal lenge but not an insuperable one* Mr. Hamilton even went so far as to deposit this money in the First Union National Bank of Highlands and sug gested and got approval to appoint Trustees of this money so that all during the escrow period the interest arising from any investments of the money is used for will be added to the fund for Your Hospital* This can in crease the value of lya?. Hamilton’s gift greatly and is another indica tion of his wisdowm in handling the money* Highlands-Cashiers people are fortunate in having men like Ham ilton living here and sharing with them money which toe wants the Hospital to have to carry out a program of pro gress* One could never too often express appreciation to Hamilton for his contribution* It has been said many tin© before but it bears repeating that the people of Highlands-Cashiers Communites are very attached to the Hospital that bears this name. Ihey evidence this frequently in their gifts to it and in recent weeks we have seen the dedication and devotion of many people and organizations result ing in sizeable donations to the Hospital The latest effort of this type was the Etlnner & Fashion Show Benefit put on by Gary and John Phelan, operators of King*s Inn with l%ry i^fcrton cooperating in the Fashion Show. It took a lot of organizing and arranging to set this program up, it required a lot of planning to take care of all the details and it certainly xiras a real benefit because of the unselfishness of the owners of King*s Inn to provide all the facilities for this big event. The affair was a delight ful one*.if anyone there failed to enjoy it*.from the delicious meal through the Fashion Shoi'j, certainly no one gave any evidence this was true. It was a big evening of fun and entertainment and to Gary and John Phelan with Miss Mary Norton go not only many thanks but a lot of congratulations for a fine show* p It is Your Hospital*..please help those charged with its maintenance to keep it up to standard at all times* Next Week is the last issue of the GALAX NH'JS for the 1969 season. CALLAHANin FRANKLIN SHOES FOd THE WHOLE FAMLY LARGEST SELECTION-LOI^ST PRICES COMING MOraSs "PLANET OF THE APES" starring Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter* "THE BIG GUNDaW" starring Lee Van Cleef, Thomas Kilan and Walter Barnes* "GONE WITH THE VJIND" starring Clark Gable^ Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland* "yiDY IN CEMENT" starring Frank Sinatra, Raquel Welch and Dan Blocker* "BANDOIEROi" starring James Stewart, Dean ]yjartin, Raquel Welch, George Kennedy. TO SETTLE ESTATE 2 NEW HOUSES BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF BLUE VAiLE'/ GALL j ELIZABETH CLARKSON 526-3265 | I OR SEE YOUR BROKER i GALAX THEATRE Saturday August 25 SUGGESTED FOR GENERAL AUD lENCES Matinee at 2:50 Night Shows at 7*50 d 9:50 FEATURE APPRCrX^ 2:55, 7:55 d 9:55 Admission 50^ d $1»25 THE GAL/iX NEl/JS AUGUST 21, 1969 PAGE 21