the^^gaiax news AUGUST 28, 1969 PAGE 5 •HIGHLflnOER— — RESTflURflnT HOMEMADE BAKINE PLEASE PLACE ORDERS IN ADVANCE Private Dining Room Facilities Main Street Phone 526^3169 ALICE INMAN SHOP Angelyn D. Ilrice, Oimer DLAilnatLve. QioikeA fo/i DJi/iiljncMJ-ve. T^eopyLe. COME IN AND SEE NEIJ FALL OUTFITS Suits - Sweaters - Skirts I' Street Highlands "THE NIGHT I ¥AS SAVED” BUD THOMPSON Rain, rain, rain. Seemed it had been raining for weeks. Being a 7th grader, I was too busy with roller skates, bicycles and fishing poles to realize how long it really had rained. bicycle had to have nexir spokes, new bearings, a new paint job and a new siren. All of this took me a week each day after school. I took up roller skating to fill the time while the rain was falling outside. I’d get Aunt Helen Wilson (as every boy knew her) on the phone and after I hinted that roller skates were in good order she*d say, ’Ifell, why in the sam hill don*t you come to the barn and skate during this seige of rain? But before you do, let me speak to your mother •" So I ’ d put on the phone and she*d say, 'T/Jhy, Helen, Buddy said he got all his lessons during study period,” So while they were decidin*, I*d put my raincoat on and iny roller skates over my shoulder and take off toi-jard the barn just a-x^histlin*. I*d get on the front porch at Aunt Helen’s and I’d hear her say on the phone, *Tf\Tell, you let him come on. This inside skating will keep him off the creek banks. I know how he and Barak love to fish, no matter what the weather." Anyiiray, I got home that night about seven and I'kma had saved me some black-eyed peas and pork chops. I didn’t even take time to dry, I was so hungry. % knee was sore, but I man aged to get to the table without anybody noticing me limping. (CON’T ON P, 18) cHeLeiid l^ariA. SQUARE DANCES EVERY SAT, Rock 'N' Roll Dances EVERY FRIDAY cSHflDY c/^RflE MIN lATURE GOLF COURSE Open E&ily - 9:00 a,m. fmtil 12 p.m. Open Sunday - 1 ;30 p.m. until 12 p.m. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY JUNIORS AND SENIORS INVITED TO "SEE HOW THEY RUN” The Highlands Community Theatre has e^ctended an invitation to all jun iors and seniors at Highlands School to attend a performance of "See How They Run” as guests of the company. Complimentary tickets may be used by the juniors and seniors for guest s,dmission when presented at the theatre box-office. Director Mchael Hall reports that his company would like to establish close contact with all students in the Highlands area so that they may partici pate in summer theatre activities next season. NOTICES Ihere will be a Chamber of Commerce meeting Wednesday, September 3rd, 700 ^p.m. in the Town Conference Room. The Post Office will be closed Labor Day, September 1st. HIGHLANDS CLEANERS and LAUNDRY PHONE 526-2136 i ! GOOD CLEANING GIVES | A SNARE APPEARANCE I