THE GALAX NEIVS, JULY 2^51970 PAGE 9 HIGHLANDS VARIETY STORE Souvenirs, Indian Moccasins, Toys, Games Puzzles, Models3 Sneakers, Art, Flowers, Glassware, ffummingbird Feeders, Bird Houses, Picnic supplies. Playing cards. Post Cards, Stationery, Light b\ilbs. Paint k Paint brushes, Indian drums. Bow & Arrows, Spears, Sling shots. Sewing Aids, Curtain rods. Novelties, Trash cans Sm Bonnets, Walking canes. Highlands imprinted Sweat shirts and T shirts. -J][ac3n3Tn-r.1ftanpr fnr rp>n+. par Hay. COME SEE WATERGOLORS BY Dora Reed Evans Betty Zoe Hiller Ginthia AT Pa i nt i n’ Pi ace (reasonable as always) (JOHN PARRIS COMPLIMENTS HIGHLANDS FROM PAGE 1) Parris, who now resides in SyIva in a llt9 year old mountain cabin which be longed to his grandfather, spent many years with United Press International in Newyork, London and North Africa. He T>jrites the interesting colum which ap pears regularly in the Asheville Citizen "Roaming the Mountains” in which Highlands and the mountain people have been mentioned often. Since returning to North Carolina he has written three books, the latest of which, "Mountain Bred” is on sale locally. His talk which concerned wild herbs indigenous to North Carolina Mountains was most int eresting to members present. The flower boxes Mr, Parris referr ed to were built with money raised at the annual garden tour which this year will be held Wednesday, August ^th. Descriptions of homes to be visited will appear in future editions of the paper. The flower boxes contain a total of II6 potted geraniums and 12 begonias set out by club membersj Will Allen, Gary Phelan, Lil Stevens and Martha Minter. Merchantg are expected to keep the plants watered as needed. The entire cost of the pro ject was paid by the Garden Club. Announcement was made of the annual workshop conducted by Mrs. Donald Hastings of Hastings Seed Company, Atlan ta to be held Wednesday, July 1$ (instead of Thursday, July 16 as pre viously announced) from lOsOO A.M. to 2j00 P.M. at the Cashiers Community center. Everyone is invited to attend whether or not members of the local club. No charge will be made for this workshop, but each participant is expected to bring a sandwich for lunch, beverages will be furnished. Everyone should bring their own container and a pin holder. Gladiolus for the demonstration will be furnished by the club. Live materials only will be used. This workshop is to assist those who plan to enter arran gements in the annual flower show to be held on Thursday, August 20th, however everyone is urged to attend even if they do not expect to take part in the flovrer show. ROTARIANS HEAR MIKE HALL (Continued from Page l) staff this summer is very much of the "Now Generation" with eight college students from universities all over the Southeast. "The boys may have today*s long hair and the girls are definitely "mod" but they are all exciting and (CCfTriNUSD CM P4GE 2h) HIGHLANDS M. SERVICE TIRES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES Highlands, N.C, Phone ^26-9080 CALLAHAN^S in Franklin SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY LARGEST SEIECTION-LOWEST PRICES WEST’S FLORIST Jut umJK FJx>u)Q/u6" Phone 52ii-liU75 lumber of Florists Telegraph Delivery 27 W. Main St. Franklin^ N.C. CHEVROLET OLDSMQBtLE 7 IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU ¥e service all makes d HO DELS OF CARS AND TRUCKS 52li-21^3 Night Wrecker Service 52ii-2l5U 52ii-38^6 Dealer Code 30lii BURRELL MOTOR GO. ING. I4ain St. Franklin^ N.C. e’re unpacking eVery day On THE Hill HIGHLANDS