THEATRE (Continued from Page 1) Feature approx, 10 min. after show starts __ADM-Mat k $1.2^..Mights 600 &$1,50 Tue-^Afed August Peter Fonda-Dennis Hopper in "EASY RIDER" In Color Rated ti Persons under 16 not Admitted unless parent or adult guardian* All Seats $1,50 Shows at 7 00 & 9^3$ Feature approx, 7 ^50 & 9 "f^ous artist exhibits in highlands (CONTINUED FROM PAGE These are only a few of the many flowers that are ours to enjoy in the Highlands area. They are very easy to recognize, and for those of us who do not know them, a small illustrated guide to wild flowers of this area is just what is needed. PAGE 5 Each year the Auxiliary applies the proceeds to a needed piece of equipment for the Hospital and this year we will purchase a Flame Photo meter for the laboratory. Our special thanks to the Presby terian Church for the use of the Educational Building and to the Episcopal Church for the use of their tables. Without either one we could not have a Bazaar. ¥e thank you. CHIEF JUSTICE VISITS HIGHIANDS Chief Justice of United States Hugo Black and Vts, Hugo Black were visitors to Highlands last week. l#iile here they stayed at the Highlands Country Club. Jfr. and Jfrs. Black were very favorably impressed with High lands and remarked on the beauty of the mountains in this area. WE THANK YOU The Womens ’ Auxiliary of the High lands-Cashiers Hospital is deeply in debted to all of the organizations, church groups^ merchants and individuals who have yearly helped to make the Hospital Bazaar a success. We do ap preciate and thank you for your coopera tion. SCREECH aVL This is the common small "eared” owl of towns, orchards, and small wood- lots. Its plumage is bright rusty, brown or grayi the facial disk is the same color as the head. In the east all other owls are distinctly larger. Song is a quavering whistle. Announcing the Opening of "STAN’S HIDE-A-WAY" A PRIVATE CLUB FOR ADULTS ONLY Hehbership Applications Available at Skyline "The Kinfolk 5" will be performing each Wednesday and SATURDAY NIGHT IN OUR CLUB ROOM Dinner By Reservation ONLY No Reservations Accepted After 6 p^m* { I ! I phone 526^2161 Your HostSj Oren d I'Urilou McClain j