THE GAIAX KE¥S ¥HAT no YOU LIKE ABOUT JUNE 17, 1971 PAGE ^ lands Is Good," and it is hoped that this contest will create better fellowship among the people of Highlands. The Village Directory, under the HIGHLANDS?? leadership of Mr. Burton Talbott, is spon soring a contest. The theme for the con test t-jill be, i'l^hat I Like About Highlands, in 50 words or less, and I'Xill be open to summer residents only, home owners or other^rise, providing they have been in Highlands for a reasonable length of time. The beginning and ending date and other information concerning the rules of the contest Tfiill be supplied in an ad at a later date in both the Highlander end the Galax News. 4+t 1 ! EPISCOPAL EVENTS Contest entry forms for the contest may be obtained at either Burdick Galler ies or the Condiment Shop. Sunday services at the Church af the Incarnation are at 8, 9?30, and 11 a.m., with Sunday School being held in connect ion with the 9:30 service. On weekdays the Holy Eucharist is offered Tuesdays^ Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8 a.m., and on Thursdays at 10 a.m. In all cases Matins is read Prizes will be sKWded to the artists ^5 of the most original, interesting, and ^3 followed by an adult class. The Churchwomen are meeting on Tues day mornings at 10 o’clock in the Fellow ship Hall—and on Wednesdays, same time, at the home of IVlirs. Hinkle to work on projects for the Fall Festival. Take your choice of day and place, and bring a so you can stay through lunch, if your schedule permits. Advance notice is given to the Young People of a swimming party-and-picnic to be held on the afternoon of Sunday j June 275 at Chambers* Lake,....and to the whole congregation of a Parish Dinner Scheduled for Monday; June 28, at 6s30 p.m. Mark you calendars accordingly. ^ JL&J. UWX WW UOi^J.0 informative essays. The pi*ize list. is:..c- made up of the following; three full- year mail-out subscriptions to the High lander I three seasonal mail-out subscrip tions to the Galax Newsi dinner for two at a local restaurant5 tickets for two to the Galax Theatrej tickets for two to Helen's Bam^ tickets for two to a play given at the Highlands CcEicunity Theatre 3 and the grand prize of a portfolio of full color 5“' X 7*’ pictures ( 30 or more) of the T-iinners family, home, or both. The grinning letters will be posted in the Directory and published in both newspapers. This contest carries out the Di- _rectory's theme "That's Good For High- GIFTS FINE THINGS Come see our Vnldflower Garde n Opposite the Methodist Church^ Main Street, Highlands