HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 526-2086 A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON DOTTY DENDY, CO-EDITOR SUSAN WHITMIRE, CO-EDITOR BARBARA DENDY, CO-EDITOR 10+ REMEMBER the HOSPITAL BAZAAR will be he J d July 30-31 and your support is needed GALAX THEATRE Thursday July 1$ •• One Day Julie iindrei^s-Kock Hudson in "DARLING LILI" Color — Puated G but not recommended for children Shows at 7 !00 & 90^ •• Feature Approx. 7 no & .. Adm 60^ k .^0 Fri-Sat July 16-17 Lee i'iarvin - Jeanne lioreau in "MONTE WALSH" Color .., liated GP l^atinee Sat. at 2;30..Nights 7s25& 900 Adm-Matinee $0^ & .00-Night 600 & $1*5C* Feature Approx. min. after show starts Sm-Mon July 18-19 Elliott Gould - Candice Bergen in "GETTING STRATGHT" Color —- i:ated R I^atinee Sun at 2;30 .. Nights 7:1^ & 9 Of Feature Approx. 10 min. after shoi^ starts Ac3m 60^ & $1.50 Tue-¥ed July 20-21 Glen Campbell-Kim Darby in "NORWOOn" Color ... Jriated G Shows at 7 00 & 900. .Adm ^O^ft ^ $1.2^ Feature Approx. 7 ^ 9 ”OUR TOm” OPElYS AT HOT TONIGHT The charming and moving Pulitzer Prize play^ "Our Town," is now being presented at the Highlands Community Theatre, An unconventional but intri guing drama about life and love in a small New Hampshire town at the turn of the centuiy^ ’'Our Town" will be seen tonight through Saturday at 8OO p.m., Sunday afternoon at 2;30 p.m., and again next Friday and Saturday evenings at 800 p.m. Director liichael Hall has staged the production in a very unique and in teresting manner. The leading role of the Narrator is played by Bob Niemyer, (CON»T ON PAGE 11) FOURTH ANNUAL FASHION SHOW Vir, John Phelan, owner of King's Inn announced this vraek that King*s Inn will be the. setting for .the Uth Annual Hospital Benefit Ball, so make your reservations now!. The dinner, fashion show and ball which has been a glamorous highlight in the past three summers is planned for the 10th of August this year. Dinner will be served at 7 OO and mil be follorred by the fashion show and danc ing, Models mil show fashion from the i'lary Norton Shop which along mth King's Inn sponsors this event for the bene fit of the Hospital. HIGHLANDS IN GEORGIA? Boundary lines have always been a bone of contention from ancient times, especially in tl-ese rugged mountains which were surveyed before good equip ment had been developed. Highlands finds herself right in the middle of one such dispute which has never been completely reconciled since it started in I80U. Just this past Tuesday a Dekalb county legislator threatened to file suit im the U.S. Supreme Court to "re cover" about 300 square miles of Tenn essee and North Carolina land he says belongs in Georgia. (CON'T ON PAGE 11) 2OTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION