A CEDAR CHALET.. . • IS YOUR BEST INVESTimT IN A liOUNTAIN HOME, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ECONOMY, EASY MINTENANGE, YEAR AROUND COMFORT, AND A COOL, HIGH ALTITUDE LOT. THEY ARE COM PLETE AND YOU GAN MOVE IN TODAY. PRICE INCLUDES ELECTRIC HEAT, ALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, FULL CARPET AND FURNISHINGS, CITY MATER. LOCATED 5 MINUTES FROM HIGHLANDS. ONLY $10,975.00 AND I WILL TRADE. OI/NER AT PAINTING PLACE MAIN ST. HIGHLANDS, THURS., FRI. & SATURDAY MUSEUM TO OFFER PROGRAM BY DR. BALDWIN The next lecture in the s-ummer series at the Kuseuiri of Natural History will be held Wednesday evening, J\ily 28^ at 8s30 P.M. This illustrated talk will be given by Dr. Glidden Baldi'jin of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Dr. Baldwin^ formerly of Danville, Illinois, has de veloped his interest in photography and natural history into a career as a world traveler and lecturer. His lecture cn Wednesday will tell of his recent trip to the Seychelles Islands off the coast of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean* Nature Study classes for children continue to be held at the Museum each Tuesday and Wednesday morning starting at lOsOO A.M. Six through nine year olds meet Tuesdays and ten through six teen year olds meet on Wednesdays. The second half of the series of classes for teenagers and adults will begin on Thursday morning, July 29. The tour of the Botanical Garden ^ previously scheduled for 3sOO P.M. on July 28, has been changed to August 11 at the same time. Dr. Lindsay Olive vjill lead this walk as previously an nounce d. There will be a special event at the Mseum on Wec3nesday5 August 18. This will be a benefit lecture by Dr. Ralph M. Sargent, titled ”John and William Bartram, Early iiinerican Plant Explorers.” Dr. Sargent has recently given this illustrated talk at the Wild- flower Pilgrimage in the Smokies j the Ford Forum in Dearborn, Mchigan, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and at Duke University. METHODIST NEWS Services for Sunday, July 2^, will be at the regular hour with church school at 10 AM, morning worship at 11 aM, and evening worship at 5 Methodist Youth Fellowship meets on Sunday evening at 6 PM for yomg people age 10 and above. The group vrill hike up Satula Mountain for a picnic supper. Bring your own sandwich. Drinks will be furnished. Ladies of the church are winding up their sewing for the hospital bazaar, July 30-31. If anyone has an item they would like to contribute for the Methodist table, please contact Mrs. Richard Harries on, 526-25?ij-. A liximmage Sale will be conducted in the basement of the Methodist Church in the near future. If you have items to contribute, please contact Mrs. Holton Metcalf, ^26-2777| l^s. Earl Crmkleton, ^26-3236j or Mrs. T.E. Binfordj 526-3lil7| or bring your items to the basement of the church, A covered dish dinner will be served after the Sunday Morning Worship Service. THE GALAX NEVIS JULY 22, 1971 PAGE 7