‘ V -.vU. liighl iads, N. C» T e Hudson Librai liighlanda, N. C. HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 526-2066 A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON BARBARA DENDY, CO-EDITOR SUSAN WHITMIRE, CO-EDITOR DOTTY DENDY, CO-EDITOR THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1971 lot ^^LION” CONTINUES, ^^NATALIE^^ COMING I There are only two more perform ances of "The Lion In VJinter" ^ with gT2est stars Dr, Robert 0, and /mee Juergens^ playing the roles of King Henry and Queen Eleanor. Peirformances are this Friday and Saturday evening at 800; and GALAX THEATRE Thursday August 19 Anthony Quinn , Ann-Itogret, Gary Lockwood in "s.P.M." Color Rated li Shows at 7s30 & 9:2^..Feature Approx, 7 sk$ &■ 9ihO *• Adm 60^ & 4>1,50 Fri-Sat August 20-21 Martin Balsam-Joseph Cotten-E,Q, Marshal:. Soh Yamamura-Tatsuya-Mihashi in "ZQM.I TOM I TORAI" Color Hated G Matinee Sat at 2;30 ,,Nighta 7:00 & 9siiO Feature Approx, 10 min. after show startsi Adm-Matinee 50^ & ^1,00-Might 60ji & if>l,^C> Sun-Mon August 22-23 Alec Guinness-Anthony Quinn-Jose Ferrer Peter O'Toole in "LAMRMGE QE ARABIA " Color ,. jttated G Matinee Sun at 2!00 ••• First night show starts at 7!00,,,Due to length (3 hr 1^ min) we won*t run all of the 2nd show. You may come as late as 8 s30 and see what you missed on the 1st show. Feature Approx, 10 min, after show startiE Adm-Matinee 50^ & »1,25-Hight 60^ & $1» .^C Tue -We d Augus t 21;- 2$ Ben Gazzara-Peter Falk-John Cassavetes ir "HUSBANDS" Color ,•••••• Rated GP Shows at 7sOO k 9s35•-Feature Approx, 7;10 & 9!U5..,Adm 600 $1,50 good seats are still available, at High lands Coirjiiunity Theatre and at Wits End Shop, But director Michael Hall is al ready in rehearsal for next weeks* final production of the season. "Natalie Needs a Nighty", a hilar ious side-splitting come(^ is going to be presented as a mcney raising "extra" for the b-anefit of the theatre fund and the To-wn of Highlands Recreation Fund for the park project. CON’T OF PAGE 19 UBmW B&ffJT The annual tea for the benefit of the Hudson Library will be held tomorrow (Friday) at the Presbyterian Church Sunday School Biiilding from 2;00 to ^sOO P.M. Exhibits by local artists and col lectors will feature flower arrangements, paintings, hobby collections, mountain crafts and many other items of interest. There is no admission charge. Every one is invited to attend. The Hudson Library had its humble beginnings 90 years ago when a box of books was sent to Flighlanris from I'fessa- chusetts in memory of i-£rs. Ella Hudson who had come here to restore her health in the mountains. The library has grown steadily over the years and has afforded reading pleasure to Highlanders and vis itors alike. All expenses are paid from membership dues, contributions and amounts collected at tlie annual tea. No State or Federal monies are available to the Hud son Library. Needs are greater than ever due to increased cost of books and all operating expenses. Refreshments xd.ll be served. CANCER CRUSADE PARTY AT VZTOP The annual cancer crusade party will be held Saturday, August 28th from its30 to 6:30 P.M. at VZTOP, better known as the Rainwater mansion atop Mttle Yellow Mountain. This affair is made possible through the courtesy of Dr, end I^s. C,T, Mangum, the present tenants of the home. Admission will be by ticket only. CON'T ON PAGE 19 BOTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION