THE GAMX I®¥S AUGUST 19, 1971 PAGE 11 GEORGE 5. SCHMITT Building Contractor Gsa 11 Phone 526^2412 Box 375 Highlands^ 28741 If You Could Save a Life Br Giving Blood^—Would You? You will have the chance August 30> 1971 from 2-6 p,m., at the Presbyterian jlnnex. Bloody the magic medicine, comes only from people. You can help save a life by taldjig a few minutes to give blood. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about giving blood with the ilmerican P^ed Cross supplying answers j 1^0 Can Give Blood? ilny person who fulfills the physical and age requirements. Ages: 18-59> inclusive (those 18-21 do not now require OTitten consent of parents,) Koif Does The Donor Imow li’Jhether Or Not He Is Physically Able to Give Blood? Careful phj^eical examination is made by the doctor or registered nurse immed iately before the donation is made, ¥ill It Endanger Health To Give Blood? No, The doctor is charge screens persons whose health might possibly prevent thera from giving blood. Does It Hurt? No, Giving blood with modem techniques is a painless affair. Should A Donor Avoid Certain Foods Before Giving Blood? No, Eat normally How Long Does it Take? Five to seven minutes to give the blood, Aboiit minutes should be allowed for the entire procedure. Should I Take It Easy Afterward? Normal work activities can be resumed immediately after giving blood. How often may I Give Blood? Donation may be made once every eight weeks, but not more than five times in any twelve months. Does A Patient ^j^Jho Receives Blood Through The Ked Cross Have To Pay For It? No, There is no charge for the blood it self. The hospital lidll charge a lab oratory fee for cross-matcliing, giving the transfusion, etc, l^at Benefit is it to me. to give Blood through the Red Cross? VJhen you donate blood you vTill receive a certificate or donor credit card which will entitle you, your husband or wife, minor ciiildren, parents and' parents-in- law, to receive blood for a period of one year from the date of your donation without obligation to replace the blood. Certificates may be renexied on or before expiration date by another blood donation, Itot Do I Do If I Ever Need Blood? If you dcn*t hold a Blood Dcncr Certificate you should arrange x-dth your local Red Cross Chapter befcre going to the hospit al to have donors replace the necessary quantity of blood. If you do hold a Blood Donor Certificate you should pre sent it when you enter the hospital. Will Blood Be Pumished To If I Go To A Hospital Outside The Ashe ville Blood itegion? (Con’t — 1ii) Win As dazzling a cavalcade as has ever been put on a screen!" Newsweek Magazine r iyi® GALAX THEATRE Fri--Sat August 20--21 Ra ted G Matinee Sat at 2:30 Nights at 7:00 d 9:40 Feature Approx * 10 hin^ AFTER show STARTS Admission: Matinee 500 dc $1^00 Nights 600 & $1.50