THE GAIAX MliWS APGUST I?, 1971 PAGB 12 ANTIQUES d INTERIORS 4107 CASHIERSyNi^C HWY HIGHLANDS SCHOOL OPENS AUGUST 2? August 27 will be the opening day for Highlands School. Classes will be held for about two hours only. The students will then be dismissed and told to return on Ifonday, August 30, for the first full day of school. Teachers idLll be: 1^5rs. Ruth Brown, first grade; lilss Hilda Sanders, second grade; Ifrs. Sue Potts, third grade; Mrs, ^hrtha G. Jamison, fourth grade; ^frs. Claudette Holland, sixth grade; Corbett Holland, seventh grade; Mr* Willard Garland, eighth grade; and It*s. Edith Henson, special education. A teacher for the fith grade has not yet been secured. High school teachers will be; Hr. Doyle Calloway (sciences and physical education), Robert LuPree (math and English), Ht*s. Frieda Brown (social studies), I^s. Patricia Zoellner (business courses), Mrs. Doris Allen (English and PVench, and Mrs. Carolyn Kinsland. (home economics). Krs. Joe Reese will be librarian. Mrs. Neville Wilson Td.ll be secretary and Mrs. Vic Woods will be teacher*s aide. Lunchroom manager for the ccrJng year will be Mrs. Furman Dalton, Other lunchroom workers will be l^s. Hazel McCall and 1-4's. Slden Reed. Custodion for the year Td.ll be Mr. LeeRoy Watson. Serving as bus drivers will be: Boyd IfcCall, Clear Creek; David Spurlock, Flat Mountain and Mirror Lake; Leroy He Call, Turtle Pond; LeeRoy Watson, Coal Mountain and Horse Cove; and Dale 1'S.ller, Scaly Mountain. Classes idll not be held on September 6,1971. Cleaners and Laundry PHONE 526-2136 GOOD GLEANING GIVES A SMART APPEARANCE BOOKSTORE WILL OPEN SATURDAY Saturday, A’ogust 21, is the date set for the grand opening of Highlands new addition under the name of jybs. Pope Puller *s Book Store. l^Jrs. Fuller is proprietor of the store, Eric Chastain, Executive Vice President; Sarah Dunning, Princess Royal; and John DeVille Vice Pi'ecident in charge of every thing else. The book store is located on Y^±n Street between Esther*s and the Cracked Pot. Everyone is urged is invited to drop by and browse around. "LAVJREHCE OF ARABIA” WINNER OF SEVEN ACADEI^il AWARDS "Lawrence of Arabia is a really epic spectacular! If you*ve never seen it, what are you T^aiting for? If you have seen it, you’ll enjoy it even more this time around! One of David Lean*s most fascinating works. It is forceful and djrnamic, s^7eep, majesty and splendor." This was the comment made by Bob Salmaggi, Group W. Network. LaT'jrence of Arabia is the winner of 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture. There is a field for critics, no doubt, but we don’t remember seeing statues of any of them in the Hall of Fame. For all its terrors and tragedies ••• the life of man is a thing of potential beauty and dignity ...To live is good. PROF'S REFReSHfllEnT SHOP 11 - *TiL NIXON CAUGHT HE WITH HY FRIGES DOm FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of North Carolina ONE-STOP SERVICE IS JUST A STEP AWAY—AT YOUR NEARBY FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK Miember of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp4 Federal Reserve System