Tm..QkUJLims. AIJGIKT- CHEVROLET OLDSMOI3ILE JC£p IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS OF CARS AND TRUCKS NIGHT WRECKER SERVICE 524-^3656 524-2153 524-2154 BURRELL MOTOR GO. INC. HA IN ST• FRANKLINjN*Ct ti ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING STORES IN THE SOUTHEAST^' Cashiers, "R.P.M.*" "R.P.M,*”, Coluinbia picture starring Anthony Quinn, Ann-Ifergret and Gary Lockwood, is the stsry of a middle age college president who had been a fighter against oppression all his life, the co-ed who is his mistress, and a student leader whose militancy can ruin his own life. If there is such a thing as a "perfect Quinn role," after his years of successful stage and screen portraiture then that prabably is the best way to define Anthony Quinn* s porformnce in the Stanley Kramer production of As the co-ed mistress of the president of her university, Ann-Margret plays a semi-nude scene. The phrase is "semi-nude" because Ann-iy^rgret wears a see-through dress in it. The scene itself is an integral part of the film, which is con cerned with a campus crisis. The see- through dress helps to shoi*j Quinn*s character, not Ann-I^Jargret’s curves. "R.PsM.*" plays Thursday August 19 at the Galax Theatre. REEVES Phone 526-21^7 HARDWARE COMPANY HOUSET'IiU^S—PAINTS BUILDING MTERIALS FUm'JITUIiE — GIFTS Highlsnds, N.C Clayton, Ga, COm'JG SOON TO THE GAL'OC THEATRE: Thursday August 26 Sidney Poitier«Joanna Shimlcus in "THE LOST iffl" - Color ... Rated GP •Fri-Sat August 27-28 Barbra Streisand-Walter ]^latthau-Jfi.chael Crawford-Louis Armstrong in »HSLLQ DQLLY» - Color - Pcated G Sun-Mon August 29-30 James Stewart-George ICennec^y-Anne Baxter F00LI3 PAMIE - Co^or ... Rated GP Tue-Wed August 31-Sept. 1 Collin Wilcox-Home, Barbara Hensley- Sam Groom in HLZR" - Color....Rated R PATIENTS AT THE HIGHL/kNDS-CASHIERS Lucille Mzell Grace Leonard Ruby Me Ke Ivey Russell P. Shelton Alvin Crowe Claude CalloT'Tay Letha Angwin La^fin Smith Douglas Lanning DorthQT Brant Gsllie Beale Jnaa ..Me Kinney HOSPITAL PIS. iinnie Vumer Erma Wahl Helen Brice Ellyne Strickland FranSle Jaynes David Holley Rev. Fred Rice Jamie Clevland George Nix I'^ichael Crane ¥i,lla,rdXIaFk LOCAL STUDENTS-OFF TO COLLEGE Western Carolina Universitys Dotty and Barbara Dencfy, Tominy Vinson, Cheryl McCall, Maiy Beth Parrish, Margie Edwards, Jewell Reed, Barbara Mehder, Larry Dendy, Sonjia Keener Applachian State University Mark Calloway UNC-G Lenoir-Rl^e Susan Whitmire Mary Rice UlJC-Chepel Hill Betty Holt, Jeff Magnum, Bill Zoellner SAGEE MOUNTAIN HIGHLANDS FINEST DEVELOPMENT city water, electricity, TELEPHONE, FIRE HYDRANT PROTECTION, PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS, INSURED TITLE, LARGE, BUILDABLE LOTS—UNCOMPARABLE VIEWS PRICES FROM $4,000 AT 6% TERMS COMPARE IT WITH OTHERS GLYDE UEHDER, REALTOR Ph. 526-2469