YOU AND OAO. I Kutb Ijjmry, •4OS, ttxMt |rol)«i(e sod rruMd* •oofts Tbr rol Utmt of cw «r« »w«r« of a c«rt»lo !««» («!«« Club aoder dtr»ct|oa of M1»b lAdlvlda«J Is oor tum>r wltbout «bom|0tArr. b««d of lb« vci«r d«)«rtaieo(. lb« lM>aM U ftoC eotB|H«u To »om« hm mok »(tnM tl«» numljer*. giMi by lb« r»'b«r dlicAifUd KntbutUMk apprr'lutlon w»> tbowo (Ion of Ulli«r. to (Ubrr» b« la lb« uld «bfii t>r lUrnx o afiti< uored a ftifi of lUAA. and Ihrii aftalti hr itm) )Maf IIOU^OOO b> Ur J W. Hlo*^. of Kockf L%d K«uur Mount Tb« fnrrilos cam** to a r|n«« battMT. bo*av«r. tbbi lodWtd- witb «u-b on#- iirt^nt f<-rlloK ihii ib« ttaJ U iiior* or tb« »«im» to all of Kn«to«rti*>nt • rtu dr hid «lv*o u« Tru.’ It l« thji lb* t«rrl»r. wbl b.» «ood fUrt. and tb»l tb« ibouicht arr»(i|i 10 I ||4 M pM*- »i> brIhK <-wt tin 'fktl ‘It CAMPUS OOftS*P. U hm I ih* of iM i ■ y,,y bate oft*'n b»*nrd |i »ald barrlt-r. fri|ow»’ Wby U I! !bi»f you doo I lu. and i-rbM- f—m ih- i.lll , ,md,nl »hoult) n»»i-r fall tn tudr of (hr t>ld (owar«la varloit* |ovr Iblnica. •hUr h*- l») 'ofiBl'W-r '"u _ .. , >D'I 'h. rniK, y.,.,a»-r «■! .« .1 M'Iok KnUhltiK hi- .ollMt. nrr-T. tua'fiAT* lo t.i.r fti*«rw rivlliaaflon'* II _ VALET CUEANING COfTlPANY 1 Ili X. l>oiigla.s St. I'liuit ill Kront of Ik’aiiK's .Mcifor <'<>. Operated l»v Ci»v Laiiuii IMidiu- ;«!> Spi-cial Attontioii To Kt‘|iair Work I’rompt Si-i vicc. Wilson's {•’incst K<|iiii>pi‘tl <'leaning Plant. <'Icancrs. Dyers. I’rcsscrs, 'I’ailors. •loin 011 it U a f’oinn»U«h‘>«t lh^ »hiri >ir I ar« fafhrr* afir} K/iiiR who iM't , OtJul** 41) *-(Turt (o (f%i-rroil)r |( And >*> all ofTort »» d" n>»( mvao nn> «ort < f •ffort, v** mvab a rr^l. «in<« r'- | to kn th|» Ik**! doo > mran thx ih» f.thrr .1 | ,, ron*r..mUted lampi 4 falbrr uml »<>n l»an» ■ NS‘« ur** < <»n •tantly rradlnc about fa(bt>r and «on banqurt*. .lod father and anna icolf (oamAn)f*nla. and father And a da) wifb Dud. Ukln< . *.ll> or «oln« to ih«[o,„ , eoll-w trtlnlnit. ibcnv would do morv townrd irt*tt|nK| . you .nd him tn.Mh., ih^n » ih..«.-.n.l U,.p,„r banqueta or tnurnamenta |>«* nn» ml« I And of tba older ‘»»c\rr *ooip do not a*ree I ♦ . _ , Tbal tber*» ahould bt* anv re^trirtlnn’* )^ul <>n tbli v<'ry |M>r«onnl ni.itter If one rnn fall In love And fttill paaa bl« work. Kor one U dotnc untiauni work. And !• entltlfNi to a xreat«r amount <)t quality credit*. I We believe In maklnR the moat •mderx.n.l |.uri».«. .>M.h .-.rTiilr. „„„ b, are tM>Qr|t< ial wUbotit a doubt nnd wei _ bMrMI. endon.. them, bui .llendlm . Th„ |. ir the opportunity facotquH i*ncr a year or nn« »' every al*! - tnontbB rannot rrmfr a b* nd t>eiween you anv roor# tban takinc a «*Dsintf on onre a year rould makr you i aarond ('aruao It l«n*t every on>e In • while. e*ery d«r »nd all the To ,^0^ rteprlyed ■ nir that 'o« mti«t attempt to tinder* 1 OPINION TOUCHES GIRL‘8 RULE. HUtory abown that where iMM-lal «*v< - lutlon la mude Imitoanlhle that revolu tion U made Inevltible t‘nlc»a I am Madly iiiliit4ken hlatory l« sotng to re- j»e;it Kaelf In the fflrla Inilidin;; The fnrulty tearhen uk that w«> -should be a {»art of a dfmocracy tli;tt wr are youn<< m«*n and wom«-n In an I thfn they aUempt lo treat or do treat th«* Klrla an klndiTK out tb<> way tRe lK>ya are governed be<*au}ie the ha»e fn-«'♦om. and I Ix'flev** that k»« ronduct In aa good or U-tler than It hiia fver be«n 1 think that the re^u latloHK that the frlrla are une ruled by the minority The minority ahould be plar«*d under reKulattona nw're »lrl< t than the majority. Jtmt bec^iuae a citi zen of W*lliw>n commits a crime that Is no reason for plarin* nil the citizens of Wllaon in prison. I think that a law that U belter rei>ea\e<) because l»eop|e soon lose respect for .-ill laws. We cannot e*i)ect a student to jfo out and be a leader If he or she Is treated as a Jelly-fish In crllege. Just showed about to fit In any place. As thlnrs are now the Klrls feel that anything they do Is "puttlnK somefbInK over" the fnouUy. If coUege is not the place for self-expression, where Is the place? J. 0. We bar* evtend our sincere regrets ■••nd (he old man .nd he to under of the opportunity Stand you j — all know |no'an<<*N of chll'lren lEaln knnwledar of Koroance; wbo art- nealectisf .»nd Pm**!': and, «•«* lh> other h.nd. of f.ther* wm> »rrl «ym|«thle* e»tend fti*# to a^nd thflr rhlldrrn to «« bool tO| tn m re»l .tart In life >nd »h.. re x„ ,|, ,hn hare loved and lo»t c#lvea only lo«r»tltMde In re*onM*rn*- . . , . MUunder«t.tnding l« the fi»un*1i»tlon • f Notice the latter and see all au'h iroublm Ura>We to icel down, to It undrriUndInK the old man and if (,e l.n t the one who flunk*. make him iind*T»'iand you Then "The . . Joh . f t-ln« ■> im.) will t» > S.invrrt q,„u,y „ graduation to ““Tbr Joy of l*eln* a t>»d’ ”'11 .i*hi»r and •(m ^*nn«}ii*>ta nlU not nr-t -s* to tbr fi'lhrrs nnd aon« to-eih*' We leave tbla matter for each to de ride. the C«»US^D£ MCETINO IM ORECNVILLt. t>n Trbruor' I, In <*rernvlll»*. \ tbe initial p't^'lk mertlnt In the Inter- Ml of ?h«' rn'townirnt (ani{Kilan for fr>r t^hrU^Un V Uw Waa held ThU meetlnc Wj* ntVnded by reprrvfntattvro from 'burcb*^ over tbe ytal* f*rn>ilnr lnt«>re«t in the life and wr’fire of the rolleiff* Was evld**nt. and Ihr- > itnAdrnr* witb wblrb tbe rru- •ade i>r«>tfrAm waa lauof^bed ictvr re Ae*rd atrencth lo (he « < n«'|Mtrnry U H Harmon of the National tloard of K*lin'n‘|on of tbe t’brfatlan t'hurrh |>rr«|ded over the meednc I>T H O l’r|t*hird nerretary of the Hoard of Rdtr>.iMon. made a stlrdnff addr^ (a tha lo'ere*t of rbrlMinn •duratlrtk Wbtle no( dlsrountlng the lantrr *Htut-:ii|oa«| Institution^ be •'t- prnwed blma^lf as forever rrnimltted to tbe «mall college Al ifce nonn honr lonrheon wa* sarr- •4 In tbe dining mom of the rbtirrb During the lon<*b period abort apeerb ea adding forlb the ob)ertUe and tha Ideal* of (be rrnsaiSe wera made by rre«)d*nt HlUev. Pr 4 K Porev. Mr N J Rnuae Mr J W H|ne«, Mr W H Draaaoa. Mr J W Waters. Mr Rkbard fUxtiy. Mr t* M Gordon Mr H O Bratton. Mr Bamber. Mr Wd- l>ay ttradlay wbo laads (ba crtiaade Also darlag tbla paHod a groap of ACC drls. waaring tba roHega calora bitaa a»d whita. a»d Wd by Mtaa Hut we bo|>e (hla may help you An-^ If It floe* our efforts \re not In rain, we feel. If surb la Ihe ra«e we’re glad And wb^n we’re glad We thank you annual INTER SOCIETY DEBATE O. K number of |n(«ou at his side Hia life long dreums are now fulfilled And you are bis oan; You should live happy ever after. I»ut, you know, it cannot be-done. !l Is he who will have to provide for you. And give the necessities of life; There will be quarrels, as every one knows. iViween u man and his wife. There will be children, two or three. Ood’s gift to every wife; Ilut these must fed and ••b.-ltered be. And taught the practical side of life. It Is this he has won In winning you While I stand a«lde In defeat: Hot In my life live long dreams. It Is be who waa beat. For In my dreams we live and love. And continue aa we started: I love you. shall, and always will. As though we met. we love«l. and never ^ parted ! —Arionymona. Let Vs. r(»iii|)(niii{l Your Prcs('ri]iti Our <’art‘ ;irt‘ luuHlltMl hy 'rr;iiM<‘(l, IMianiia<*i.'^t only. (()iiick ndivcy fo all parts of tli(‘ City. TURLINGTON & MORRISON, Wilson. N. C (*ai*olina's (ir(*at(\st l)i’ii^ Ston^ J. S. ADKINS & SON, CLOTHIERS AND HABERDASHERS AVILSON. X. C. FOR LADIKS AXI) GKXTLEMRX \V. M. Ilinrs^ Jiarher Shop, 113 South Tarlioro St.. WILSOX, X. T. Special Attention {riven Tjast in Town “All WiLsttn Knows All Wilson Knows’’ nHBk: "Whjlt 4o 'Jfngar's' dreaa ** Roy; doaa majia yoa tblak Onlooker (watrhloit a (1st B*hH— “Hrare np, ole boy. ran'! yoa atop you think ot, thoM bU>w»r> I Comhatajit; **9top >m. Do yoa !»ny of >Di mttlnit by?“ -■^^CRAHAM WISSTIiAD iiml SOS OirniOl'llOXlC VKTROLAS AXI) K’KCORDS. Statioiiorv and School Sup]>lies Phone ;>K) ll.j Kast Xash Street W1T.SOX. X. r. Hotel ! CAFKTKRIA ATTA('llKl) A. W. PATH. Proprietor WILSOX, X. C. $Lr)0-—Rates - »l.r)0 Suits / S/ioes / s^ats / .'ind All Wearing; Ap]>arel Arriving Daily PFLLOCK FrRXISinXC CO. 108 S. Tarhoro St. Phone 349 WILSOX. X. r. tntmiHi»»auiiHiiiiiiinii«nHiiiiiiiii«|i!niiiift!««!ttTTtrTiiitmTmT To the frienda of .Atlantic Chrlatl.nn College: The COIJ.EGIATE" Is a newly establl!