“Good-bye Basket-ball THE COLLEGIATE Hello ! Base-ball Volume 1 ATLANTIC rmnSTLVN C(H.LK(}K WILSON. X. .MAUM'If K, 1!C_>7. No.:{ .4. C. C. EM)S SI CCU.^SFlh BASKHTllAIJ, SHASON ! ATHLETICS WIN to; LOSE 5. ' 4* S ^ >”% SOCIAL EVENTS S. C.|C HASKCTKKUy CONCU I)K SKASOX: HAN(J I P MOST KNVIAIiI.K ItKCOitD. the laHt Karnr of th<‘ nearion the fltronif Richmond ‘ Y*’ team at Blrhmond in an extru |H-riod the "i.it- tle Christians" bajtketlMiIl squad, ’in- i**r th< direction of Coa< h "IVu ITaJker. who ix rounding? out htff flf>t ; fear athletic dlro<tor at the j ?rhool, ended the most surt es’fitl n-,'- \ |mn In the history of thf» school. The locals, playins a trta! of ir> @mes. won 10 and lost r. Th<*y their first reverse at the handH if the Rocky Mount * quint before rhriitmaR, the Fquad not beins in the feeRt of condition due to the short i>e- |te4i [of practice. The other defent the hands of N. C. State. !a«^t yearjitate champions. The other Iops In state came at the hands of Wake Forest Colleee who is dend* loelHKl with Carolina for state honors this year. The last defeat w»b hand ed the “T^lttle Christians'’ by that same Richmond "Y” team, who flr«t defeated the “Christians” on their Nortb Carolina tour. Tli»=‘ "FlRhtinc Christians” jdayed with more accuracy and determination in {the Rames ajfainat other members of thf* “Tjlttle Five.’» It was this de sire to win that enabled the local team itolcome from behind to pile up the tfevo on the LenolrUhyne five. In <he last three or four minutes of play the Walkerltes by a wonderf»»l “come back” scorf'd 12 iM)lnta to take the fe out of the lost colunm. Tho uf the ‘'UtlK rS’.V* Co^ was Riven to A. C C.olleee. leav- Ins: no room for qj*‘Stior«. as a re sult of victories over IMgh Point Col- I^noir-Rhyne, nnd t .vo ever Oull- fdr<J The ‘‘Mountim ? iirs*’ were omfouRht on their court, the “Quak* em lost on their court as well as the Wilson floor, the Hish Point Pun- Kuffernd dpfpat In WilHon and rf their own arrord avoided the game fl^t'diiled for (heir court. Klcn. the oal team not played by the "EiiKtern T»!ini." failed to find a place in “Ihelr rowded schedule" for A. C. r.'8 quintet. ^he Iwal team by supporting hisher ifUs bar.ketball failed to develop In- aiTldual Rtars, but cn Its team one iail the hUhest scorer of the "IJttle FWe’’ players and some of the l^est defensU'e men. It was the unusual ' th floor work and team i>lay that eniihled the ''E:iKtern ColleKe" to win th« place that It now holds In the ij^letlc world. And, were the "RIr Hvi • ColleKes not unwlllInK ot give Ol> "IJttle ChrlBtlsD” an equal chance by visltInK the basketball floor In l^ilson. It 1b evident that Atlantic nhrlstlan ColleKe could lay claims to .er honors. RKASOS S RESTl.TS; C. C. 2B at Rocky Mount "Y" 3'>. C. C. 14 at N. C. State 23. 0. C. 14 at Wake Forest 37. C. C. 22 (home) Oullford 1". C. C. 32 (home) Rocky Mount 22. C. C. 21 (home) Hl(?h Point Col lie 16. ' V. C. C. 39 at Guilford 25. |a. C. C. 33 at Catawba 17 ■A. C. C. 34 at r>enolr-Rhyne 28. 1a. C. C, 27 at A, ST. N. S. 18. |a. C. C. 50 (home) Goldsboro "Ramb- «" 40. |a. C. C. 28 (home) Richmond Y 38. I A. C. C. it (home) Catawba 22. Ia. C. C. 27 at Richmond "GravB” 28 |A. C. C. 33 at Richmond "Y” 37. mMiil Front How (U>ft lo HlKhtFuiirr Jones 1..K.; llannV .Munn <Cai»t.i C.; Ce<ll Keel. M>:r. L. Second Row to RlKht—“Pea Head” Walker (‘oach; MiirKhall Mrinkley, R. (J. Hack Row (U*ft to Kl«ht I Monrce FuiKhuni L. O.; Roy Dunn, C.,‘ (liHirse Whitley 1>. F ; ('. 1). ftlKgan R. F. ANOTHER DARK HORSE. |The “dark horse" Is characteristic of ‘ Tarlons competitive contests. This iftfk horse** term bas been myste- jotis. What Is really meant by the birk horse** expreaslon was not ^own until a few nights ago, when Continued on fourth page. ^THE TEAM” FUIXJHUM. A sturdy cog in A. ('. scoring lua- (hine, rolling up a total of 1G1 points for the season. He haH proven his ability to (Itifoud the conici us KUai<i on the court for the "Champs”. MUNN. A strong, flgbting forward that car ries himself in a iK»rfect manner over the floor. He Is the second In order for high W’oring. even though he never plays for score honors. He reglstefed a total of 91 i>olnts. .\lso was Cap tain of the team. BRINKI>KV. With a fracturcd elbow. i>eople dl<l not think ‘ Rilnk’* couJd do It. yet he showed them. He was a star of th»* court playing a guard equal to the “big lx)yR” of the state. He has cred it for a total of 41 |>olnts. ni'NN “Sore Head,” the sensatltm of A. C. C’s athletic world, never fails to draw the crowds. Roy Is one of the lK*Ht guards of the st ite. also without doubt the ttest all round athlete that ever hit the campus. He taHIed *50 points for the court season WHITLBY. P’ome didn’t * think “Shang” could do It. but he did. Although not a reg ular for the whole season, he came out with 47 iK)lnts to his cre<llt. H« was a star in some of the lmiK>rtant encounters. JONES Somewhat small but not ho slow. Jones proved himself a most promUing forward. Ke came from the past Kea son with a total of 20 i»oints on his string. RIOOAN. Fast and anxious “D” skids the floor in a very pleasing manner. He kept over from last year at his iM>st at for ward. He came through the season with a charge of 45 points to his credit. REET>. Manager Reel carried the Little Christians throngh most pltaslngly. He was In uniform during the whole season, and played a part of several games. In addition to those mentioned above | are others who deserve mention for' their support of the team. Boykin McCasklU and HIII are recognized as a part of the College court. In them are some of the promising material. jfor the future. I •LJTTLE CHRfSTtANS' DEFEAT RICHMOND’S ‘BEST” CAMPAIGN ADVANCES ('hosKST (;amk of SKASO.V. (;RAYS (iO IK)WN IN DKFKAT AT OF ''LlTTl.,^. FiVK' CHAMPS. A sensational Christian rally in the final half of the first game of the (rip to Richmond, with the fJrays, turn ed defeat into victory and Coach “Pea Head” Walker's Plue and White passertf chalked up their tenth victory of the season. The siHx tacular Christian nilly was featured by the entire ChrlHtian tettm who lived up to their title of cham pions of the “Little Five.” The last hnlf rally ended with the “Little Chris, tians” barely i>ossesr.ing the birge end of the 27-2R score The content got und**r way with i>oth teams struggling for the initlnl lead, but four minutes of play elapsed before the Chrlstalns found the las* ket for the first score of the game: this being followed by another double decker before the fJray* could find themselves. The score see-sawed back and forth during the entire first i>e- riod. and at half time the score was deadlocked at 11 all. The final and deciding half got un der way exactly like the first. The Christian hit their stride, passed, nnd dribbled around their opponents until the pistol ended the game; the s^^ore standing at 27 to 2^ in favor of the “Mttle Five” champs. The Iine-ur»s and summary follows: .\.C.C, f27> Richmond Grays f26) Whitley (4) Carroll (r,) Right Forward Munn fC) (8) Owen ffl) T>eft Forward Dunn Holladay fft) Center Brinkley (2) Todd (5) Right Guard Fiilghum fll> Ryder (C) f4)| T^eft Guard | Score by periods: | Richmond Grays 11—IS—2<J. I'RK>'FAT A(’T1()N ('KNTKR8 j AROITNI) ROCKY MOUNT AND I NASH COUNTY. rbi* loyal Hupiwirters and studenu of j Atlantic (’hrlstiiin (’ollege shall soon* look upon what will apjiear to l»e a new Hch(()l shining forth In Its glory. This will remind us of the present rampnlgn and Its firogr^^s step by^ step, county by county. j t*'" the Kuccess of the campaign man nr\rani/ itlnns and many Individ uals di'srrvi* much pralHe. The direct- oin \kell 'M the committeeK are do ing excellent work. Too. coo|K*rjitlon of the church is responsible for i>art of the aucceHii. Also the work or tii»' 'olietfe Khould be commended. The great work of the campaign and the college Is dejwndent upon Prenlden! Hlliey. Too. the Htudents and many mendwrs of the faculty aid in the work of the rnmpaign. eaijeclally at the Iwn qiief mr'eting that l»egfns each week’s c«nvafs. The “|»ep’' girls have attend ed and sung lo create the pror>er re freshing atmosphere at the many im portant meetings. I.»ast Monday niKht. March 7. they were in Rocky Mount to give the crusade a big “send off” In Nash and F^lgecombe counties, where It will be in full force during the week. Ihiring the two weeks following the Initial meeting at Greenville the coun ties surrounding and Including Pitt and Nash were covered. Here prnc- llcally Sfifi.OOO were raised In cash and pledges. This added to the 1100,' 000 donated by Mr J, V>. Hlne«< makes a total that slightly exceeds the half way point on the program which has as Its aim $.100,000. The most Important factor promoting success hasn't l>een mentioned so far—this Is the “Givers.** It la by their donations, often at a sacrifice, that the campaign for funds to support a more efficient educational Institution is made possible. It Is to them that ofir greaf#*st appreciation Is extended. INTERESTING MEETING HELD DIXIE FORENSIC CLUB. On Frbiny evfnlui;. F«»bruj«ry 18. th« nteml^ers of the Idxle Ft)ren*lc <*lub RSKeiubled to honor the rogulur n»eet- lug hour. The buxinesN meeting com ing first, new offirors ft r the yesr were elected as folittwi*: President, I.eRoy Harris; Vlcr President. Melvin Miirlin«; Secrctsry. C*h'11 Jarman;Pro* gram CommittiH* ('lydc Hrsden. Wnl- t< n Thompson. Jamen L »wson; and Critic. Professor Grim. The st^eclal connnlttee reported that It wan lmt>oa* sible to plan anything so extenf*lvely as to con«l«ler lnter*C(»llegl;»te delates during the present semester tines it ' \ too late nnd also, within the school, the debate schedule in full. Yet with a succensful detv;itlng club for the pres ent year, the outlook for next year Is bright. After the bu<«thess meeting had been (ompleted, nn ex(emt>orsneous debate WHS given. J. T. Foreat and John Winfield upheld the affirmative, and H. 1^‘Roy Harris and Robert Grady ar gued the negative. This was a very Intereating debate. h;tving as a topic a subject of much Importance; “Resolv. ed. that Atlantic Christian Collegt adopt a system of self government. This delMite aroused so much enthu* slasm that the club re?«olved lo sttempt to find the constitution produced last year or try lo reproduce It. The In- ntallatlon of student government wsa informally accepted as one of the defi nite aims of the IMxIe Forensic Club. UNTER SOCIETY DEBATE MARCH 17 The annual inter-society debate will take place In the college auditorium Thursday evening March 17. The an* nual debate Ik one of the outstanding affairs of the s<‘hool year. The occa sion is a manifestation of enthualasm and rivalry l>etwe«n the two societies. The slstera of the literary world are already unfurling their banners and lining up the iM'p which will l>e dis played with a most brilliant form of loyalty. Many of the alunml and friends of the students are ex|>e<le<l to l>e present on this very auspicious occasion. The ptiblic is invited to attend the debate between Misses Hesperian and Aleth* ian Society. The debaters are: iresj>erlan; Miss Mildred Petway, Mr, James linwaon. Alethlan: Mls« Inez Rarefcot. Mr. John Winfield. A. C. C 11—1ft—27! Substitutions; | A.C.C.—Jones for Whitley. WTiUley: for Brinkley. Richmond Grays: Proctor for Todd Referee. Wharton. Beans: I haven’t seen yoor room mate for qnlte a while. Has he kicked f off? Peas: No, I kicked off. and he landed in the hoftpltal. LIFE It Is necessary that a definition of( “life” be adjusted to the Individual; ^ to the drunkard It Is just one drink after another; to the salesman. It It^ one sale after another; but to the st«t-{ dent. It appears to be one snooze after another. DEPARTMENT OF EXPRESSION GIVES TEA The expression department gave a delightful Ten In the I>rnnn*l* Club room February 2fi. The psrtii ipants were meml>ers of the class In expres sion. under the auspices of Mrtc. W’. A. Lucas, head of the department. T!ie room was very lM«utlfully »3e orated with ferns and blooming idnnts which rendered a very effective taste to the occasion. Tea was f»ourcd by ,Mlss Mary Mat- tox. and sandwiches were served by Misses Esther Cobb and Margaret Sll- verthorne. The following program was given: Reading—''HomY' hy F^gar A. Guest—Miss Esther Cobb, Reading—-"Merry Christmas’’—MIm Mary Mattox. Play—“Mlnlkln and Maunlkln"— Misses Heberts Stuckey and Dorothy Taylor. A number of Invited guests enjoyed the program and the hospitality of tha ctaM. Seven: I think Til go to sea. Eleven: Why can’t you »ee here? Mary Mattox: "You’re not a bit po lite.” Harvey TT.: "How so?” Mary: “Every time T tried to say a word at the football game, you would shout. 'Hold that line* **

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