\\ \H H lOK THK liKM I V ( (t.NTK.ST. The Collegiate \ KOU YOI It ('IM)U’K IN TIIK IIKAITV iXINTKST. VOL. 3 ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. WILSON. N. C., MAR. 14, 1929 No. 6 I iiiEWSoatnmyBHtsm. Beauty Contest IHEWORKOFM raiANLIIERM m pr- » : ■ - • So. Ih!-' thi” (' li-:. ■ >n: pr po* •' r*,’S : ii.in t' folk^ and m-in mi'' -y\'. V.n- . ?rv \u- S'-- Ti- Pia:. ('h"j- Cha!' Cl.' - Crit;. N" to •' li«t‘ t lU-si- Urn*. On Saturday. Maroh 16, nual IiUor-Sorlcty tlif ail' bft w«‘<*n t>l(l in the This is and kIiu- •• Kolka. the He«sie’H are iuK to be Bun\ The wpirlt with vvery nieetin^f. It long before March 16th. M)k out folks wo rt* comluK ,'h th^ rye. Yeah! comiiiK -;h the rye. proKranis have been excep- Kooti. We usually have; . ntral theme for a ni^ht and nur entire uroKram aruond It, , ,, , .w • i. miple We had a Valei.tlne , T"*' AL-lhla.. lAi- im. whU known men eopeclally '7“^^ ' f V, used a poem, life, Helertion \ Auditorium. „ ZiMc. ami l.i» contribution bus be.M, th,- Kn-at,.st oocas o , ut tl ,• X. » 1 «..»♦ .. : colli Ke during the cuNege year. It Wi' ^ “ iinmr 'outRlnndlnK and oldest iiul T I’ol vm> "f ThlK Ik the durInK the yi'ar whll■^ , you Jus oUKht to rom.. up, ulumnl look . .. ... hat is Bolng on. je- f„r„.ard t.. from th.- oi-nlnK of tb,. i..ra .rood mot o is ^ >,.vtbln, worth llstenlnK to. | For the pa?<t f»*w \v**ekM it ha« been very evident from the actlon.s of th*‘ Htud»*nts that ^^om♦•thlnK wan KoiuK to happen. An outj<id»r pans- injr through would think that the >?rt-ate8t eviMit of th** college hintory .M'ond tit'mrsfer put Into of- .•w corps of officerH: I Uanny Munn' (Jrace Holden i ('ora Lee Osborne •r Iluric Anderson ! Nina Helaneia, r Kate Hrlnsonl Hooray! We have at laMt planned for on** of thoH»* famouH HKAUTY ! ('ONTKSTS! • On Monday, March IS, at 8:00 j a. m. thlti (!ont«Ht will beKtu Its run. ; Li«len, glrlH, prepare for it! He Burei ' that every hair in In the rlKht place. | The Y. W. haM beon a wide-a\^Hke HAIL! to one of the ureatent yearw your nose prop«‘rly powd**red, and , orRanUalion thlH year. More than bt^- Alt«thian Literary S»>clety ha« your toilet in completed to your very fore, a larger numl)er of Mtudentu, ever known. Hut whal other could bent ability before comlnK down to hav»* b**en reKponnible for the contin- cxpfct when at the bt«Klnnlnn of your eight o’clock claxHeH, because uatlon of U» work, which han|ii|^. Ktnund ^^cmcHter tht* following you are going to be watched, and brought. 1 believe, more interest > ^f offlcerit were selectd for this watched Ijanl. You know you want (among both town and <l‘»rmitory | .„(„r to be voted us thr Heauty of A. C. C. glrU. and which has been of a great-‘ PKKPAHK! 1 HKl’KAT, PUKI*AUK!|er benefit to all concerned. The, HoyH. you have Homethlng to do girls have complete controt of all I too. Wtt Hhall at the same time vote | functions, the instructors among us,! on the uglitsl boy in A. 0. C. I’rob-1 remaining in the background, but. ably som»* of you wili need to pre- aiding In direction of affairs In any^ pur»* for U, and probably not. any* way possible. way. HK UKADY! ' At the first of the year, the Y. W. was divided Into four i*»‘I>arare! each group having a leader I . . . to be responsible for the work of 1 a Initter selection of the group a>< u whole, particularly ****,. for a pr >gram one Kriday morning of ca<*h month. Those leaders are; Kah* Hrlnson, Doris Harefoot, Kuth^ Manning, and Herberta Stuckey. > Topics were assigned for each, i*resident; Monrot* Kulghum. Vice-President: Uachel Hogerson. St*cn*iary: l>orls Marefoot. ’I'reanurer: Meeda Weaver, t’rltlc: Marvin IUk- Kaculty Advisors: Ml**' Kdmon- Hton. and Dr. ('arson. ('heer L«'aders: Doris Harefoot Education Club Reports The Kducution Club of Atlantic (’hrUtlan (’ollege feels a degree of .Matisfaetion in oui* an-ompMshments this year. However we realixe that there could be more value received iff niore tudeiitH were reaping the! month's discussion, each leader benefits of our organization. We|lecting that phase of the topic in have been workiiig to (1) develop! which she was most Interested, and the personalities of the members, pieparing a program accordingly. (2) promote a closer fellow-feeling i The leader may choose Individuals iimong the students and the teach-1 from her group only to take part on The topics h)r the ('I tor: ‘ ittr. Hnf waK about to soon come to pass. This is shited to be the greatest ers of the education department, and her program. •1 Dallas j debate ever heard at A. (?. C. be- 1- L-*aders Mary Mattox i Qf the fact tluit the long wln- “Jeff" Jefferson; streak of the Husperians last 1 Herberta Stuckey vvar was broken, and the Alethlans > isn’t that u wonderful group jjirc determined to make it two r k together?’ So you’d better i strait, while the Hesperians are d**- uell and bear in mind termined to redeem themselves and nan’s are gonna win this ^^^ke a great come-back and again I be acclalnu d the champions. ' \Nhoo! ^\hoopeeI I query for this year Is one of * great interest to all. It is one of the outstanding questions facing the .\m**rl<an people today because of its universal effect, on rich and poor alike. It is. Resolved that ’ The (»ov- ernment should own and operate ««>«. P*«nm'a oy r»upi. ^lien, w«« .. a. .*11/on Af1/1 t\T ^ 11 t* u w A , Hydro-KIeclric l‘ower. ’ very cap able speakers have been chohen by both sides. Those representing the and girls as are In the Alethlan Ho- clety could not have been made. 1'heHe students have the ability to lead, they have vivacity to make them go forward, and they have al ready proven to us that they are witting and eager to go into the work with a determination to do all ; In their power to bring to old ’’blue and gold” the honors which she won last year. Again: "long may we see her banners wavu over Atlantic The A. C. College Glee Club (3) cultivate a higher appreciation ^ entire year were chosen as follows: * as It did of the teaching profession. ManyiOctober Prayer; November i “ hy not. delightful and benificial programs • Thanksgiving December Love; i We have the cooperation of the were arranged during the last January The Christian Home; student* a*; w« have never had It be- seuK'Ster by the program committee. February •Heroism; March Na- fore. They come to sea and hear Both members of the club and visl-.ture; April Character Dulldlng; programs. iMiJoy thi«m, appear on (ors were speakers Supt. Curtis. [May Service. ,thein. and get the full benefit of Sui)erintendent of Wilson (’ounty- Other than our assigned topics for ^ the programs are always Schools gave us a talk on “Kduca-leach month, we sometimes have | full entertainment, tion and International (Joodwill,” | visitor to speak to us. Miss Martha j W<* have as our debaters for the and Mr. Hllley spoke on “How to Newman, our county Health Nurse, so<lety this year, two of the most ftet a Job " in which he emphasized , Is coming to us through Miss! talented people in Atlantic Christian (JU*f^ Club of the Atlantic Mti College, under the dlrec- II of I'rofe.'Sor Hufty and hi.s holding it after you got it. Dur ing Kducatlon week a very interest ing program of the study of t*he days, plaiuu'd by Supt. Allen, was r^lven members. And of course we had our fun in the social on Decem ber fourth which whs enjoyed by all meml)****^ nnd t'* * • icueb's. The Feb ruary meeting was an interesting and active ri)und table discussion of •‘The Ideal Tea< her." We hope to hav«* e(iually good programs this to have more members. Christian P>idence Class Conducts Chapel Thursday. February 28. 19 29, the cla><s in Christian Kvidencos conduct- tivf daughter Miss Virginia; Ht,Hpf>rian Society and tivklug lb - '« (*ne oi the most ontstand^ affirmative side of the query are in. in the college. Mr. Hufty Mfs*< Ruth .Manning of Williamston ha :• iMght to his students, ambi- jm/j ^r. Robert (Jrady of Seven M The voice of ambition speaks * Springs. Those representing the » h i to -)f us at times. In our imagl- Alethlans and taking the negative desire Urt'; . we conjurt the scenes of | ^ide of the query are Miss Virginia KT* ind noble undertakings in i»ayne of West Virginia and Mr. Wll- «rh .'h « .■ hope tc be permitted to' Mam Wlegman of Florida, h.r. a part. I jj (hat the debate last year lofty laeais and willingness to was the best ever heard at A. C. C., ;ind to .sacrifice, Mr. Hufty has‘and this year w'e have two of the • ■'u -d tho Cilee Club to make new' same debators. The two new de- r< ions, to have greater ambl-j Gators have given evidence of being to achieve finer things for our’very capable so this year we expect fello-. men. The longevity of a even a better debate than last year. r*‘ ,;i(,n depends greatly upon the H**re’s to fhe su<‘ces8 of both of * j’i < ' the Individual, partly upon them. .May t<»ey both win. partly upon the intuitive" — .......unce of incisible forces. Our din !>r means for «s to accomplish Romethlng for A. C. and to put our! <*olleRe on the map. The musical recital given in the In fh<» future the Olee Club will'rolJege auditorium on F'ebruary 20, hi (loldsboro, Raleigh. Kinston. , at W'as given by the members and In several near-by towns. We of Miss French’s piano class assisted •im#*r»*ly hope that the college and by the expression pupils of Mrs. thv citizens of Wilson have been Lucas, the voice students and Col- plepsi d with the progrems we have' lege Olee Club under the direction put on. We promise that we shall lof Frank Tl. Hufty, director and Miss af'hleve higher goals and endeavor i Virginia Hufty. pianist. »" help you to have a greater ai>-' The following program from predation for music. j “Carden of Flowers” cantata was We, the members of the Cilee Club'sung h^/he_f.lee Club: ar* taught to study ourselves, our -i;‘nt«, our inclinations, our llml- Stuckey’s Influence. We are alwaysj College; namely, V’lrglnla I’ayne 'ind ready to w'elcome such message and Hill Wlegmann. We are depending we find them very helpful and en-‘on them. They will not fall us If tertalnlng. | wo support them as we should. Resides Y. W.’s functions as a re-1 Surely they have the ability to de- ligious and educational institution, bate have we not h<*ard them speak it also has a social function. The: in society? (iee! but they are good, main om> thus fai has been a show-| er given honoring Mrs. James Law-'"(!ome on Alethlans son nee Miss Ruby Ricks, and Missj Let’s fight for blue and gold! .Marjorie Mashburn, bride-elect which <ess. was an evarwhelming sue- Phi Si^ma Tau Keen observers on the campus have noticed something new an eight-cornered Jewel worn by the Phi Sigma Tau’s. The sorority is still growing and functioning well ed Chap<*l exercises. The purpose , The outlook this year is one of the Recital At A. C. C. of this service was to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of J. W. .McCarvey, one of the great -■.cholars of our brotherhood. The program was as follows with Miss Janet Daugherty as chairman: Scripture Kpheslans 4:8 Miss Ruby HInnant .Sleaning of Christian Kvfdences brightest in its history. We are forunate to have ('ora Lee Osborne and Dorothy Slater, both "sandlappers” balling from Green ville, South Carolina, to Join us. The officers for the spring term are: President - Maliel Amerson I Vice-PresldejU Mary .Mattox ('ome on Alethlans With all your heart and soul!" • Doris Rarefoot. Y. W. Gives Shower On Friday evening February 22, at 7 o’clock, the Y. M. 0. A. gave a shower In the dramatic club room, honoring Mrs. James I^awson, a re> cent bride, and Miss Marjorie Mash' burn, brld^ "lect. Those in the receiving line were: Mrs. A. R. Moore, Dean; Mrs. C. R. .Vfashburn; Mrs. James Lawson; Miss Marjorie Mashburn; Misses Virginia I'ayne, Catherine Ware. I.«ottte Car- a wan, Rache) Hogerson, Ksther Ricks and Myra Helby, members of the Y. W. Cabinet. ✓ The DramaHc (!lub room was J. Walton Thompson . Secretary Herberta Stuckey , beautifully and artistically decorated Life of J. W. McOarvey Mrs. James Lawson I The P>ench Club Treasurer - Cora I.<<*e Osborne SiQ^ma Alpha Notes Progres.^ A. The Morn H. White Butterfly. A. Lovely Rosebuds Hattie .Mae Ricks. H. Summer Breezes. A. Take Joy Home—Solo The French Club Is one of the younKest organiiatlona on the cam- v,.ry active and mad.- murh i*f ?r ProgrpHB durlnn the prenenl year, lone of the most Intercntlnc and help- ,h«ir tatif>n«, and to foster those gifts '■■ ■ h the Almighty has given us. Prir*w,or Hufty teaches logically and ^systematically, so that the brain Is developed simultaneously w’lth the|Mrj<. voiv. He has taught us to appre ciate music, and we hope to make the (;iee Club, this year, the great- It haa ever been. The officers for the year are as fololws: President Vice-Pres. Solo byffui. Its aim Is to teach us to speak French more fluently and to create Relieving that much more could be , a greater interest in France and accomplished In ha/Ing the men live I French customs. At our last meeting Mias Edmon- .(,^n ^nd are now following the cus- Iston had charge of a French game. q( (jje fraternities of larger col- Thls was enjoyed by all tho<fe Pres- {„ operating their own frater- with potted plants and soft lights. A most fitting and clever program ivas the prelude to the main event of the evening. Mi«s Inez Barefoot gave “Mandy’s Wedding," an appro priate, humorous aelectlon followed ,by a more sentimental one, *’l The Sigma Alpha Fraternity has |'Thought." Nine Belangla, In her most charming manner sang "I l>ove You Truly.” At thli time the hon- oreeH were ushered to the center of the room where they were seat|-d to receive the many remembrances given. Rachel Rogerson effective ly played Lohengrin's Wedding March, while little Misses Jean Hll* ley and Klalne Waters carried the gifts in decorated baskets to the At first the fraternity had their chapter room In an apartment, but i together, moved Into a house of their R. Garden of Flowers. Members of the Glee Club are: Ilattle Mae Ricks. France* MannlnK,:^,,, j, bo'*' entertalnlni? and ;“,ty 'hou,.e' Man"y'plea«ure« are of-j hii/J.ri.",' u wan a very thrllllnft Kthellyiin Hrown, Mrs. . helpful for It made us think more f„ed the raembem aii they have a | ereryom- prewnt to »ee Mrs, Shockley, Ml»» tdmond«ton^ added neW r^dlo, rictrola, dally newspaper*, the pa. kace. opened and admired. Kmma Lou W Indley, Esther KICM, vocabulary. maita*lne« In the chapter room. • Words of appreciation were Miss Hattie Mae Kicks Dorothy Slater. Mary h.. uu n, . meetlnif of thin club will Two Initiation exercises have Ven ,,^.,.,(1. »i»en by both -Miss Francis MannlnK Harper, In.-z Harefoot. Sarah Askew. . . - very Treasurer-- -Miss Mrs. Ruby Ricks I.awson, Nine Bel- anKla. Kate Brinson, Rachel ROKer be held Tuesday afternoon, -March | held tbl* year, one In the fall when punch and wafer« 5tb. The discussion at this , r. „ I nth «nd *1" *>« “hout Paris, which Is one . Virginia Payne, Har.,l, Ru . the most Interestlne and Dicturesc time new men, who are upper classmen,. everyone declared a most de- le of; were taken In and the other In reb- n-htfnl evenlnv >i^‘retary and Kthellyn Brow'n. Virginia t'ayne, na/^j. (h#. most Interesting and picturesque j ruary when the new men who are at' 'KW ‘W.Mit! LANCK CHASKRS” Margaret Sasser. Clara Htles of the world. The CathedraL Atlantic Christian College for the WORRY LIVFRS IN H.XRUOR Smith. Ruby Tohmp^n. Doris Har^ of Notre-Dame, I^ Pantheon. I>a first time were Initiated. The new; Margaret Gillette, Helen rlnch. were served llghtful evening. Proff*«sor H.: Now, I don't mind you all looking at your watches, but Tiftlfl Vftrte 'Salnt-Jacques. I>a Tour Klffel, members this year are; Willard courtiiouB enough not to k'ork, March 1". -(INS)— Mabel Sllverthorne. R sa many other places of Interest; (lams, Clement Lucas, Marvin Bass, hold them up to your ears as If they >nt "ambulance chasers" are Brake. ^ will be discussed. [ Vernon Bryant. U‘wIb Daniel, Brax- stopped running New Y aterfront aninuiod^T; ^^ musIdk ships entering and leaving! Solo parts hy Mrs. Jack Barnes ^*‘*w York harbor to proceed with; and Hattie Mae Ricks, nimost caution. ; Following is the entire These "ambulance chasers,” ftc-{of the evening- ‘ording to liner masters, are owners j Chorus: a. ^o^n - “WZ/w” ru>n7a •>t old barees and scows tied UD i b. White Butterfly. Denza program Lindy High: room?” Llzzard I>aw: ! ton Davis, and Titus McAdams. ■What Is a Mush-j While speaklnK of fraternity ac tivity. SlKma Alpha would like ’Mx>ok at up alonjr the waterfront. After the findnrd paf..ini! of a liner they find "dam- Plano: »Ke” caused to their property by the Charlotte Gartre *‘Wp1i of the passing ships. : Violl They then appear at the office of , r. k «- tbe owner of the liner and present ^ Voice: Lovely Rosebuf^s ihelr claim for damages. Innocent old gentleman: A Mushroom Is' congratulate the Fellowship Club In ha1r'cut7u;t'"lfk.wl1 merely a closet filled with love let-iwlnnln* the "OrKanliatlon Scholar- "*■« • ship Cup" which they offered for the est ftroup scholarship, and also. daughter. rharlotte Oartreii One of the boys went to the flea, to remind the various orRanliatlons ^^^||^'^ you*were*he* father " ” ''“wmiati^anleir ' ^ I'm her mother. , ters,” As a result liners In New York harbor seldom exceed a speed of six knots. Hattie Mae Ricks Chorus: Summer Breezes (Continued on Page 4) this year. i At the present time plans are go'lM-lnK made to have a fraternity base-[ One of Km: "I had a date with ■ K Since me noiiuBv.: 'ball team, which If carried throuKh professional mind reader last nl*ht," Kenny—"You know everything Is I will be of much Interest In our coT- "•>« enjoy her vac»- ^ marked down after Chrlstmaa." jlege activity, .tlon. In* lady—"Thus the twitching. Denza I)ad--"Why are your grades Denza low since the holidays?"

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