PACE 2 THE COLLF.CIATfc COLLfcCIATK K4ltof . . liilj Wr AvMwla** KdUor Virtrifila «-r>H ' l^lterarr KdJ'or Kdl*or I h*- . H ‘ Npoft* IC«tHor M. - ! » W « : Jok» KdUor . n*‘. Mi»nni!i;! l&arl^ag* CiUtor .»• t .,ti r« AUmBi ^lior . — S.ira .V'k«'W ir |)«alD«M MaAafef .... A PRKDICTION AND A FORECAST. <{{)' iMllift MalluHin) The inauKuraii'iii "f Herlj*'rt Prpi'i- culmination of anoth»r ejxK'h in Arneriian h"r th*' next H yt'un thi* com- nianding pfr^onau** will ^»i* ili** iloniinatinif fiutire in Arnerican |xilitical ftffaip'. thi* (Ir-'Mny "f a nation that ha'* coni-, pirtely ad'l ili^liJM*rai*'Iy out to a worhl emipre. If Amerii- id Kr»-at now, it will In- u humlretl titni-' ifreatcr in com- pariMi>n S ycar« Iroin n *u. iHirirnf th** nrxt fi*w _\*'ars Amt»ri- can finance will warrSi .m ry and corner in the world to FHtabliiih tradinit connei liiin* and to obtain valuable tradinK concimilon< that will niai.i uk richer than the fabulou.i wealth of S'domon South Amerit a will t.e especially exploiter the ntott dii ade there will be as hot competition for comm'-rcial control and rights as there ha* been in (’hina and the K.u»t for the laf our time as the 'Kra of World Kxpannion” and as another "Kra of oGod Keeling." America will become highly imperiali.tlic and the "bull dog" nation of the world. American sentiment will Krow increasingly mili- tarixtic and unfavoraMi- to any real liisarmament. A large navy will be our battle cry. The strange paradox of a people profeMing peaci- yet practicing otherwise. Now do not mlnstindiTstan>l nif. Herbert Hoover did not make thin era now just bring tishcn-d in. He merely rode in to the presidency on it nn«l because of hi.s personality and equipment and genius he will steer our government for the next 8 years. His reign will be the culmination of the great machine and capitalistic age of America, the like of which the world ha* never Keen. And his ability and experience is e<|ual to the emergncy. Thre can not be much doubt now that he will make us a great president, very poMibly one of the great- ent of hi* predece.ssi>rs. and certainly the greatest »ince Woodrow Wil*«n. Kvery acti'in that he has made since No vember 6th point* to the fact that in President Herbert Hoover we have a master mind—a niiiig that can cooperate as W'ell as direct, a miml that can »ee great issues in their world aspects and at the point* of conflict. Hoover will be the "bos*” for the next two ailministrnin ns. h dipli matic, agreeable bo*«, but ■ "bo**” neverthele-iy. His -(election i>f his Cabinet, all able men, forming imposing list of capable, experiences advisors, yet men who can fall in and carry .>tit th<> plan* of the guiding mln«l. shows that Herlierl mean* to be the master. His “good will” trip to South .America \\as a isroke of geniu*. Capita1i.«t* mu*t have certainly applauded Hoover. .And his plan* for the next few month* ami his entire term of office as well show a contri'lling, directing mind at work, at work in creating, guid ing. leading in worbl dimension a great modern nation of 100,000,000 *ouls. It shows hi* great engineering capacity and hi* great organising ability, at work in the realm of world (Militic*. revealing hi* bent towaril the aiding of finance and big ba*inc«s. He will be our chief executive for the next 8 year* because the fi>rces which made him victorious in t9'j8 will be stronger than ever in lO't'.’. an 1 the force* that defeateii him then will be weaker than f 'ur yean* before. America is just going the way that Hi>over is be'*! eiiuipped to lead. It is in the nature of things with .America'* imperialistic tx^nt that Hoover should be the be*t diret i..r and 4 years from now .America will be more in the world market than .%he has ever been. Hut there will be :w > cliivse.s of people that President Hoover will not b-nefit- tb' small, unskilled laboring man and the American farmer. H*‘ may he sincere in hi* desire to be of help to the agriculturnl cla.ut his idea-^ an ! plan- along lines he might offer *ub»tantii.l remedies that would really aid the farmer but such I* not til be. and ai;ain. i nitie nature of the case. The million aire will )>e getting richer and the farmer will be getting poor er—virtually beci-ming a peasant. The reanon i*. stated briefly, .America has definitely become an indu*trial nation. All the farmer can hope to dn i* to exist. Talk about your m' lifrn opportunity to *er%‘e! What an op portunity for me nanii women with *trength and vision, who are willing to gi'. e their all in helping fight the tide that i* rapidly threatening to engulf u«. Xuws and View.^ of the Week Itv Will luwl Iti War? Ib»t thr put Kielf -fd Ixiih war #011 b’. p«Minr K^Uoir* Fmrt «'rwi»#»r MtU. di-‘Uiulon b'T** pr!n*-ip«U) Knictand. »m*’ raoff jfcrui* to wh**th«^r or tiot Ktijcland «nd !h« rnlt»‘d StmN-* »r.- I. .! a'fti4Uy dr.ftlun l<»w*rd W4f Th»- Knicll«hm;i I Hlr K-m- h»j» «hU w- i. «nn«unr#*d ih** llrlllrh >f(lre In now • / d In Jin turrejr of ■)n que*ilon. lAhU* oih»*r ;m«» rn>m bU r«iunir^ • *nrirm hl« In our «»wn country. IT* * and S* • rrury K«*l- loKK art' »*nd'**Torlnr to find out If m*’ro»>rr» of th^ World <’ourt ar** In .» mtuHi to mr* • !>! our • r>tranr** In ii«*‘*4*Utlon »• »rofiid»*d by r«’i»* < rviitwblrh tb«* l»nlt»‘ « will mmouDt to anythlnx or not (• not <‘*jilly •w^n. hut at l»*a«t they a drift to- • urtin {K*ar<» rt4 amonf tb« • po»«T« that In'" aiid •boold at any u« a rift In tb« ;load to who noihliit In Atn^rlca't ai iionpt but ln« Tltable future ^«r with b«T ni«>tb >wn opinion U that It In y**l too Mrly to tell what will riifn** <»f th***« new nioT(*i to- w ird Ijftti’r uf»der«tandlnit with ilritian w** ran toon reach «orf of rommo und^^rjiiandlnir with Knxland, war I; my opinion ia B« riTtaln a« that m« ’ of lu will eat •llniur tomorrow. .Senator Rorah • n the recent debate aid. "I venture • If Opinion that in 1131 the {nnt of the niaarmament Tonfer- • Iire will be wiped ■ it, and the !wo Kr«*at nation* mil) < 'nxe In hulld- nUtTKAITS ooMMKariii, i»nrm>H HOLDEN STUDIO ornwlTK \VIKH<>\ TIIKATItK N*. (\ Amerson-Boswell Co. KX('M hIVK FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS AMBULANCE SERVICE rHO.NK: DAY 210 J. J. AMKIIHON. MANA(iKK l»H()NK: NKiHT 571 I.VMJ WILHON, X. C. )nir nnvi«<* aeeordlnt tH*l|eTe U n«T**n-ary ' • omnierre. And If bulldlni a navy ti> m«Tr«-. «.♦ mu«t 0 what they 1 protect their we come to protect com- • only build 4Knin«(( Kriffliind. bu( we mu^t build i(icaln«t any rombtnatlon at iMf>a that KnKland can make; id if that w*‘re th*> n the American people, and pfNMlhly in the end an other raf«'-Iy*m Mk»* that of 19M.*' of thin later. RnouKh i« It fi) ntury N* rf|M-ii;lnr «»vi»r aicatn lh»- hUtory of na(toni> Tl»r Wih-M In Thf world ha«i fver had itn aooth- Miv«r< prophet*, and what not. It In hb%)iyii an entlrinR Kamt* to pre- tin *vnn If nothlnit r*‘fultii. Bo ?r* ut have been the chanxea and in- noTatli>n« of the lant fifty year* that *re harr rome t»* look Upon any n»‘w i'banite with calmneaa and almost a «rin«e of boredom. Ai the Liter :iry IMcent aayn. ‘ the pant century I ha« wltneaaed tuch marvelouK 'hantr* 4 among men that we are dia- po«*d to arcfpt • ilmly whatever pre- may made for the next one •• Sow w« have the Karl of HIrk'-nhead telling na In the Inter- natlonal-ronmopoHtan for February what the world will look like lOO year« hence In J0J9 he Kaya we *hatl have ch**ap atomic power on a rf)«mlc M'ale, that there will he no, morr farmlnc. and that we nhall even bref^i offspring by laboratory meth- oiU Our «pact Hmlta all but a few brief ntracta fr*>m the Ix>rd'a pr*^- dlrtinni' *‘(>ur roeann of travel, our aourcea of w#*alth. oar medicine, and even our ideaa will rhange a« drawtlrally during the neit rentury aa they have In the coarae of the U«t . . Applied phvKlcn. which baa given un the •team-engine. the internal combua- tion motor, aa w#|l aa wlreleaa. tele phone#. and all th^ many other prac tical oeea of electrical energy, will rertainly make prodlirloun advance* before the year 202#. ... At preaent we derive the energy which driven the wheetN of Indoatry from coal and oil. Both theae nubatancea are won from nature at the expenae of much money and vaat ntorea of mua- cular energy, aor are their aoppliea exhaustible. A pound of coal can be made to yield one borae-power for one hour.** ‘Yet.** Mya the Bari. **there In ten ralllloo hor^e-fvower hoorn*' In a pound of water. Id the prob lem of bow to releaae thin enerry win be aolved. Then man will be able to move Ireland to the deeper portion of the Atlantic Ocean, thia being don*» by merely ualng $0.00i) tonfl of water. Tie heat obtainable from ihi« amount -»f water would aenre to ke*p tbo polar reirlooa for a thonvand year* in tropical tem perature "Id blolocy developmenta may be predicted which will ebange the. \ViliM»n'M iWftt l‘>)ul|>tM‘KVKR L.\TK ,Vt DUFF’S “The in Music” WEBER PIANOS ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLAS VICTOR RECORDS 21* K. N.\HH 8T. WIIJWKV, N. C. y'- RK«’KE.\TIO\ P.\RIX)R l*HIM>I{(> 8TRKKT WII>lOX, C. /po< y < Jpwrlnr. mjul Han.|o<-t Kavon n blauvelt’s (CoDllnged on p«c* 4) Wtliiwn Thmtrr Hallillnf; c.