beat CAMPBELL SEPT. 28 The Collegiate START THE YEAR RIGHT VOL. 4 ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, WILSON. N. €., SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 NO. 1 SHMEN Pll[8IDENr8 COLOMN Li(<^riirv Socii^tios Everybody in A. C. C. Join* in Bidding You Welcome, From j the Board of Trustee* aind President H. S. Hilley to the ^ Smalleit Sophomore. MEET THE FACULTY ALETHIAN HESPERIAN The Kditor of the CollcKiate, ha* Some of the most iilcaHaiit wordH Howdy, folkH. I I'm referring to be,Ml kind eiiouKh to give me apace j„ „ur laiiKiiaKe are tho«e that re- the iieweHt membern of our Btudeiit 1 THE FELLOWSHIP AmoiiK tUt* orKHiilxtttioiiN on (he Jf you only ku**w bow we up|)<*r cUMMmett «*iivy you. of rrhiKhiK lu fear aiul dropptiig your ey«<M hi (lefer^Qre lu the wi»«r other to our i,ody. moHt of all). The t{eHpertaii'the rampu., you would .well wUb 1» Welcome. s,„.ie,y i« Hurel, *lad to have you I*’""''*"' » *“» »‘“«ed prl-1 ^ unl««. Hut ill isHUP to talk to the Htudents 1^(0 in Home wuy <>r anii friends of the rollege about friendw. Surli a word «,me matters that will be of l.iterest ,t j, with the full frien.lnhip con- here this wL.ter. " a' C. need* nJme f'"’ PufPo-- <■' '«'-{ The'hum'llUy and" mel^kn.w of . ID them. 1 wish to thank him first „„ted by that term that we ureet the „tudent« like you to make the ■"‘■‘‘"“•'•'“I “'“''"n'" 1 Keshmau I. hi. mo.t ..luable .uiet. (or this prlvlleKe, „lrt and new students. ,,1^,.,. rlRh. ' ^ ** *'”■ ''"lit iwveH him trouble and (eta bim I am eoinif to beifln the UHe of this ^ *1. . i ,chlt*f aim. yel h haH broadened hi tlH 1. * ,1. j - . 1 am KuiiiK lu /rs U Su(M*e«s during the paMt yearn han \\v. the member« of the Jlewper-' . ^ «ra<*e(( of th« Ktud^ut rolumn bv IntroduciuK esuei'iuUv to field of endeavor and in»w you may'. . * been an outgrowth of cooperative lan Literary Society. Hinrerely hojie , , ,, ,, ... ; body th»* Kreshmen our faculty for this , , . , . • Ko to any of Uh meetluKH aud find «. ' / ! It has j-ou will like our «-l»M.l, and alsol,._„,’ ! " the annual debate held on March 17 year, stating the work which each u»e does. Old MtudentH wil notice there has been Jio chan«e In the faculty except 111 Science department where Dr. CarKou reHlgned lu August. Ills huc- cesiior will he Dr. Madeline B. Camp bell. ThlH faculty i« anxious to meet each student perHonaliy, get ac quainted W’lth him and hlK prob- leniH and to render the largeHt poH- Bible service. It in in particular the puipose of the small college to build the Hesperian and Alethlan Literary personality and lu Atlantic Chris- ty „in. of the greatest events tlsii CoIleKe we hope the teachers „„ „,at occas- whose names are here In this column ^ ,,„„or. We not only will be of Kreatest service In hu'ld-, p^cell In uroup work, but In Indivld- intr the personality of the students In ' honors as well. In UiS, all hut their charBe. They are. 'one of the cups offered to Indlvld- Howard S. Hilley, Professor of An-, Includlnj? athletics, s< holarshlp. dent LaiiKuaKes; F. F. Grim, Pro-i , «ere won by members of the lessor of Kducatlou; Miss I''''»nces j Literary Society. This past F. Harper, Professor of .Mathematics; ' ^ n,aj„rlly of the cups Miss Martha L. Edmondston, Pro-. fe».Hor of Modern LanKuaRes; C. H. j distinction may be ours In Haniliu. Professor of Social Scienca; | t^rouRh effort our Hociety. (^)me down to the au-, been an outgrowth of work done through the enthuKiusm. vivacity, and vim characterUtlc of work done for the love of work. Such Ih the ; pirit of all Alethlann who are true followers of the (Sold and Blue. For two HUccesKlve years now we have ^ifthiana and lleHperian Literary So- won both the program and debate cups offered as a prize to the Liter ary Society that has the best pro- there many studentti who are not planning for full time ('hriHtlan Her- ditorlum on .Mon.lay nl«ht and (tWe Intensely Interesl-. ed In Christian work. Thus It has AhnoNt an long as the college huH iM»,>on>e an aHMoriutlon for the promo-1 been existence there has been those Christian influence both In the two organizations of great fame, the (ndivfdual lives of the students and as a force for the creation and cleties. Although there has been growth of a Christian morale on the competition between them, we get canipug. along fine together. On March 17th.. j, unique alwt In that It has no Krams durlUK the year and that wins ^,^„test day ol the societies, a membership roll. Kveryone who de- debate is held to keep up the spirit fellowship with us The debate between cuthu«la«m. For the past two come at years the AUthians have won this by do w«t envy yuu? Heu«u>« you are the moNt Important cUm on the campuM. The 8uph« appear to be, but don't let them fool you. You are getting all the attention. whll« they are rerelvlnc none, and tu tuaktt up ft»r this Injury to their pride, they strut about an very cocks of the walk. Hut they can't help It, you will be that way In '30. too. ^ The Hftnlorn look with pride upon jthe group that in coming tn to fill I the vacancies we ao<in will creJite I Our biggest Job \n not bo much the c(»mpletlon of our collegtt caurae, the J. Watson Shockley, ProfesKor of Heliglon; C. K. Holsapple, Professor, of Engllah; Miss Uuth K. French,' Professor of Piano; Mrs. Wm. A. Lucas, Instructor In Kxpre.saion and Kngllsh; Miss Ada Lee Cannaday, Instructor In History and Science; T. L. Anthony, Athletic Coach and Instructor In Physical Kducation and Kngllsh; Frank K. Hufty. Instructor In Voice; Ed T. Stallings, Instructor In Violin; John M. Waters, Endow ment Secretary; Mrs. A. K. Moore, iJean of Women; Miss Myrtie Har per. Librarian; Mrs. Julia Uos«, Matron and Miss Mildred I>. Hoss, Kegisirar and Bookkeeper. Historical Sketch we merit It. Fellow Alethlans, let us carry on. Let us be 1*>0 per cent In attendance upon the first meetlnK. Let us be content not only to be present ourselves, but let us be dlll- Sent In brlnKlUK others that they may learns to love the Gold and Blue as we do. To every new student at A. C. C. we extend a hearty welcome to attend the Alethlan .Society on Monday evening at 7 p. m. Is wel- al) times and you will not Im* asked to loin the <jricanl*atl<in. 1 7 .11 .t . t, amasninK of 1hours, and the *« cup. up until that time the Measles orderly carrying on of Its had won it for 6 consecutive years. It has the usual set of officers "Our colors are red and white, and cnnKlstlng of president. vlce-pr«sl- we'll get there al Iright. Just you secretary-treasurer. There wait, just you see, what the Hesslea hi^o a program committee that i» ar<' gonna be.” j reMPi>nslble for the programs which Programs are held weekly through , are presented «ach Wednesday even- average FrMnhman but there W the year, taking up every phase of ing In the Dramatic Club room. | „„ the campu. so anilou. work to have a variety, so every-| I„ the spring of 1928, the Fellow. |,„|p y„u n,e cla.s of ‘SO. W« body can enjoy them. As chairman uH^er the direction of Prof. J. may poke fun at you and cause you ol our program committee this year W|,t„„|, sh<K'kl«y, visited over 2S of i niuch dl‘«'omf«rl, or » hat l» wur»«. curing of an A. H. degree, but our task is to u»e our experience and knowledge to Initiate the new conierif Into this different w<»rld of college life. We may seem dignified <?> Mhd Nomewhat beyond the reach of wo havL- MlM -.a-.4ilt. Aiiirey, aH Pren- tn North (Carolina, idem Mr. J. T. l*orraMt. two of A. C. s ^olng as far weat as Winston-Salem finest students. j uf,(j (jreensboro. The purpose of It Is our aim to work hard this these trips was to let the churches year and accomplish great thlngh.{know what the college was doing. We hope to work together and help | and to help the ministerial studenUi strengthen the college as much as | ^et in touch with the churches and possible. I make It possible for them to secure i part time preaching while attending j college. j So. freshmen and new upper class men. we welcome you to this whool of ours doubly, for the betterment of the college and our society. we may ignore you. but the "l.^rd chasteneth whom he loveth." and the S«*niors mock whom they would help. (Continued on page three) The Christian Church Welcome.s You Fraternities and Sororities I ft gives me pleaneur to write a Although the programs were not | to the student, of altogether standardUed, we did »l-j Christian College upon your tempt to give easentlally the same material to each church. The pro gram usually consisted In two or SIGMA ALPHA The newest Greek letter society on the campus, yet firmly establlsh- The Sigma Tau Cbl Sorority was founded at Atlantic Christian Col lege October 3, lUiO. The Charter .Members were Misaes Annie Ruth Sigma Alpha. The fraternity has, Amanda Koss, Mae Stancll I. toUen been active in past years working Kachel HIshop. ay 6 n e B p Interest of the college and i since its organliatlon, the Hlgma Atlantic Christian College had Its beginning because of a great need f,„,ernliv and a great opportunity. Long be SIGMA TAU CHI for Its eRtabllshment, far seeing leaders In the Christian church of its group. The alms this year are to go even further In Interest of In- ibe slate were conscious of a growing. , . , , . ami positive demand. This demand dividual and group cooperation for i , the development of finer college ac- was for an institution of learning ; Tau Chi Sorority has played a lead Ing part In college life. It has lieen the purpose of this sorority to Iwtter the social life and to give Its support to to all beneficial and worthwhile return to Wllaon. One reuou why SV'llson's summers are dull Is b«- cause you are away. W« fuel thu three numbers by the male quartet, | a vocal S4>lo, and a talk on the work of the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., and the Fellowship. Then Prof. Shockley spoke briefly on the con tribution that A. C. C. was making! to the IJlsciples of North Carolina' and of Us desire to serve further. We are anlxous that the Freshmen I learning, for adventure and for one another when you come tmck lato our I midst. To the old Mtudenta. we atmply ^ say. “Welcome back, good friends, imay this be the best year of your lives thus far!" We have been ^ missing you and we are glad you are become acquainted with the work of summer has the Fellowship, and If you feel that deepeu^l and the meetings will be of any benefit ^^..^^ened your experience, of life, to you In your religious life while , ^ particularly anxlou, to wel- at college, we give you a most hearty .......... boys and girls could receive adequate! of Its members last year through, For many years It has educational preparation for leader-i graduation, but those returning are | custom of the sorority to »ave one. uut-aiiuiiui pteparttiiuit j ... u»wl > aitittiHl ttMtiriHut. on which Y. W. C. A. -h.; in t;: cLU «nd for life work. 1 I“"Ti >* ln> And long before plana took shape. Id- Ideals of the terested groups discussed the possl-| fashion, blllty and the necessity of such an In- <i^tUutioo. Early attempts In this field were valuable stepping stones group In "Plendld. night the curfew d<’l ring until eleven f PHI KAPPA ALPHA , . . VI », ' In the fall of 15»25 six men, name- Id the greater endeavor which fol- . ! ly Anderson Uoswell, John >\lnlleia, Moses became *“ Jotph Kinsey In LaGrange for Leman Barnhill, eleven years efficiently and succesa- Moye and Norwood Grady, PHI SIGMA TAU fully conducted a "‘•®'"»ry for young! “ „ ladles, in 1897 this “h”"' T F^^^ Our sorority has bee, moved to Wilson where ‘h® “ ^teran fraternity leader. ‘ since 1913, having e Educational Association had erected cay. Inn I members. It has been The oldest organization campus of A. C. C. welcomes the In coming freshmen, and new upper classmen. We’re glad you're here, fraternity possibility | because It's a fine place to t>e. In fact year of our college work and Hfe Life on a college campus should not I )>e complete without an asscM’iation on the Christian workers. Why *can we not make that association the (Sleam of our campu»~ unfurl Kducalional Association bad erected suitable buildings to care for it. This school which was to form a foundation stone for the future At lantic Christian College, was char acterized by thorough work and by Christian Ideals expempllfled In the life of its founder. In 1902, on ac count of failing health, Mr. Kln»ey had to give up his beloevd education al project. And In this way, and at this time Dicsiples of Christ In the state faced the opportunity of ac quiring this property, and of enlarg- been in existence clay, a veteran fraternity leader.' since 1913, having eight charter proceeded to effect an organliatlon! members: It has been In continuou* embodying the true spirit and princl-: existence since that time. At pre»- ples of fraternity life. Unt we are small in number, gradu- Thelr work resulted In the perma-Jallon calling eight of our members, nent organization, the Phi Kappa Miss Ada Lee Canady Is our wonder- Alpha fraternity, which has mother-, ful sponsor, who has been a f>od-»«nd ed the trials and tribulations that to us. confront a new organiiatlon In the| It is our custom to try to make all period of Is Infancy and thi. year new students feel as much at home enters Into the second half of the as p<.sslble, and we hope to live up first decade of Its existence with a to this aim this year. After a «tu- brlght outlook. ‘■‘•me* to A. C C one year Phi Kappa Alpha has experienced there is Si»n>e feeling In his bone* ?n7a:Vhund^T-"thrgLr'you. the most rapld^h of any organ- about the pl.ce_^.n not he shak- (Continued on page two) 1 (Continued on page two) ome the new students of A. C. C. to the town of Wllstfin and to the Chrls- I tlan church. Our church here In Wilson strives to be your ' Hpirituai ' Alma Mater*' while you are away . from home pursuing your studies. W«* want sympathetically to help you lu your spiritual orientatioD, which you will find essential to your growing religious outlo<»k. For more than you dream, you are now on the threshold of your evolving lives. .N'ew vistas of knowledge and spiritual ideals will ftn continually our banner of service and have It i opening t>efore you. Our purp<*se Is wave In triumph because of our l<>y*|ti» cof»perate wUb you and the col- alty and love shown by doing whatij^g^ authorities Id guiding your our hands may find to do. (Continued on page three) Y. M. C. A. The young men of Atlantic Chris tian College seeing the need of a religious organliatlon for theros«lv«s founded the Young Men's (;hrl»tlan Aassuclatlon In 1*24. The association has several defi nite aims which It seek* to carry out. The regular meeting of the Y I* Friday morning at the Chapel period. The first meeting of each month 1* (Continued on page Four) (Continued on page two) growth that It mar lead you Into tho life more abundant. We want to iwrve you, but we want you to be convinced that growth <omes through service. So we want you to get to work In our church. W« want to use you In our church ser vices, our church *cbool, our young people's ««K-|ety of Christian Kndea- vor. While you are with us these four years we are ambitious to see you mA only devalop strong minds hut tu fw.1 that you are also growing souls that will l>e strong In building the Klng- dow of (/od wherever your life work may call you. John Barclay

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