FINAL EDITION I’.OoK'r TllK (’OLLKGH THE COLLEGIATE 4 I*ATUON'l/F. ADXKirnSKKs VOL. VIII. ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COILKC.K. MAV 18, MEN ORGANIZE NEW DORMITORY GOVERNMENl O O O O O O O C) O O O O O O (> o o o o c> o Gala May Day Festival Held On College Campu$ Ed, StAllinRft, Inftlructor In Violin Conducts Student Conccrt. JACK STALLINGS SINGS Varird Profp»'^*ni Given With Violin Anti Piano Solos. Til#* Vioiiii n( At- lunll*- Chrl.'*tlan was r1v«mi May I ill !liH (’olU‘g»* uiuHtoihim. This in thr ilii • tMllon of Kil of WHhou. Th<* viohn wrn* In their pro;;ra)n l»v Mth. K«I StulUnit*. pinonMK. .NtaKox. l(ot«*rl l**ly. lIuwklnH. Tbrodon* Nonllis. AHo HutW*y. Miirirl Kv;i l,oul**' Sh('ltoi), and IMliy HlU. Ml. .lat'n •. tiauK "I and “Sylvia.*' Mr. StftllhiRM J»r«*n dlr»‘«*ior »f ih*‘ Violin I>«parlnn’nt of Atlantir (‘olH'Bf for a nuni)nT o! •y»»ars. Karh vfHr bin rot italh havt* w»»ll atlrndfd. Th»* liiHt nltrht. Includt'd jwopW* from Wllj«(»n and u»*arhy an'a. h**Mid»*H a lurK'- fiu?nJ»T of coll»-K»* •dud«*nlM. 'I'hi' program Ik ak (oHon^s; Hoh«‘nilan Mar«*M- Mar<‘j«h (ioortji* YIoiiouUm. .Iain*'S Mattox Solo Kly. Solo r.i'orKo Solo Mar»h -Jacoby Uoht-rt l>pl‘; inado in l^rrifdiHR yrai** lo orftaniz* ■ of ■'tnd*'nt Kov«-rnm‘ iit fur th** hovn hr) livr on th<‘ ranipuH. hut for va rious r**M*‘on»5 th*-***- at!*'inpt'‘ hav»» not prov**n ii»M*r»*s-y» d»- rld«*n#iii(nrion trid Hy- l.^iwM t«> h*’ prc'-i*nird to ill! th»* hoyn living in th^* ,tV»rtnilory and ann« x»«. On \\>-don. tho Constitution and w«*ie flnnlly adopt'd and fc*nt to thf fai nlly for ratification, Thl>^ ori^Jinlzutlon Ik to 1h- known a« *‘Th»* Doruiifoiy Ash^m Intlon of Atlantic ChriMtiHn (^oIleKV.* Itn fn»*nih«*rHhlp will con'^int of nil tho ni^n «tnd»*nt>4 ro«iruil- tory and uimex' H. it.s pnrposa- i‘ lo d»*vi'lr>p .n flnrr Hpirlt of coo|M'ratlon ♦>n thf' c.iinpU'*, to »*n<*^Mirat:** lh«' l^rowdi of worfjiy and tradi tions. and to a' ^nnn- ihf r^-xpon-ilbiH- lf<*H for rovprninj: th»* dormitory life of th*> m»n Htnd<*nt:. on th‘* rampun. Aa atatcd In tho pnambln of tho ('onstiintfon. th»rt* In « dr--;|r<' for a clo««*r r<‘lntion}*hip and bettor nn«l‘T' ittiindinK b«*t''*‘*“n th*' famlty aiul Htual dntien. th»’ offl- r^'Tiponftible for s*einK that fh»* KOV'rnnM*iJi;il refiulat^on^■ •eri* carried out. Th<- |»reMl«l*'nt s task wil be lo art «« ju*lK«' In »llH« i- Vllnary matters. lh»- Vlr«-l*reHld* iit will a»'l fl' prom * Mtini: attorney and th** di>ff‘*r* nl rta«<* ^ ar«' t<» an fourt cbrk. Tjie S‘iuile UH-nibiMM. ron p'Hied of reprenenlatlvf-^ from tin* dlff‘r‘*nl rlaK!**-H. a- to »M‘rvf» ar; a Jurv and will be irspon.Hlbb* for »h«- Has-in-: of wrdl. t^^ upon thi>s»* who refutH' to roop'-rnie and wlio in?«iMt upon vlolalinu lh»* law'' anoat part. tli»- new orranlEa- tlon Ih hall-d with enih»sla?*»l l’hlllil.K »nr- ■ niiimUlff. . on-Wlne Of thf l).ati oi .Mfn, «h.. »lll ihnffr ■»llh «,hf ULE t'lAid «:»H> \. j .1. I r. M.—>tw I Till U.sll \\ . H iHt t l . \|. III., S. H:tn» M. ( Tll., s., t» '«*' \. M. i'UsHt'n I KID V> M \> .>1 H im S.M.—M\\\ to ;u» 4 IO; 114> . \. >1 .—'I O.'lii.S l:IN\ I I I :;u» | Unse^ SArilil»\k MW UA H: A. M.- l. rii S IV |||.>. Iliao < IJV'Mt l-;nxli«.|| n—IThiir. Ma> ‘2:i. l-:nKl<‘|h> 'M lOS 'i. riiur. Mm> lUt. SENIORS KQUIRE ' 'I’h** Al*‘lh|ari l.|i«-iary boci*t> [m«t on Monday nli;ht. May in. and Uh** « l»' tion of »»fficeiH for in*xl year :wj* Ix'ld. 1 hv followlni; rt port uaK , pr<*'«'*nt« 4i by the nominating tom ‘ mill* *': l*n-sldfnt • 1. .liiuniif^ Itarn*" . • Uu^i-*-n Jeffermm. j V'ic< -J»n-.s.. 1. Cyld<- l>* a»'. '2 t'ai- ' lie \Vindle> . f S''cn*tiiry 1, Mary Klhel (hiUaw. iKhiin*' Strickland I Tr»*a Mirer; 1. .lack Hib'j. 'i. Hat fold Mr<»wn { ('riiic 1. Ilatidotpli Albn. I IManiht: 1. ftusH**!! Uoehuck. 1 The following w»-r*‘ el»-<‘t«*d to ,.cire offUerx for the flr«t H**inos«’ jter of n'*xt vear: f*rt‘«i(lent. UuHKell ! .f**ff»-rjton of IMni^own; Vb e rrenl- 'd»iit, c«lu«* \Vin*«*r of WIImou. j.Mir*-- WIndley nuri *-*Ml'- ‘'Pat” Cil'ey | <»f Clyin«r, I’enn. in h»*r office. Jai k ! ' Ulley KUcrefilK hiantb'Y l>«*war of | Si’ven Sprinc^; Itandolpli Allen oic- ' <•* edi Marietia \Vhltb*y of \V**nd*‘1l; ..nd. lOiKrti-ll Uofbii« k ^u^•c^•^•^l^^ TUe annual ad* ;t (irifloii an planht.jlnK cla v or Alla Tll* Aletliian Idlerary Society jj let'i- w Hi Jfal MookinK foi wanl to a 'Ucm tKkunenlHM ci-r.-‘ M«'»J nnd»'r T“f the-^.* u*'\\ officerH^ ,!o «»iordiU|{' Aflnr IIh* busing-! u Mother*- liay inad** UmIhv bv und Girl Student In College. Prcn. Howard S.- Hilley Will Deliver B«.ccaiaureate Se»(tion. • *to IIm At « m-cnt ••Irtilon bfb| m a c c,,||rro on TiM»«tay. Mar li. Mr o^^ .11 Itrlu^on. »»f Nt«w n«*rn, N t wa^ iianti'd th*' lient allround ^lu di'Ut anft th>' b«-'«t all round Imi\ ;ttn d«nt Ml^•^ Kaiht««-n of Sat .ito(.*.t. N. <* , nauM'd llo- !**• t all lounil Kiri siudini Th<« eb'rilon ua^ bav«.|| on hi hoUr'diip. tiihb iu piit tlctpatlon. pai tii-itMilton and b*ad i*r;(hi|i in extra cui rb ular ai tlvltl''.. partlniiatiiin and dlr'*cUon In (10111*11“ relinloiiM life, altitnd** in tt*net,il. and partbipation and InfliM'iicr upon * social lii<> ralh'r than upon popftlarily. Il(»th tlir i*tud«-nlH hav<* b* «>u prom i|i}(*nt leud«'rf« during the >i*urH iIh"- have attend H«'h(»o| h' re. Tin \ 'have I* d activJOet In ««vf*rv field on Iho enmpn** and ni«* i|alle ,‘i4‘t> won him much proinlnuHi« tiiifi >4‘ar. .Mr. UrInMU) wan oii« of th«- dud«'i)l cht‘«r-le.ul«'rK thip ycai * [and IiIh participation and Influeiny ,iipon cHinpU' l|f«i very uuUland ::tadnai- linK. rc'fPRmo” IN ROT PRESS GONMIONIEI Over I ift*-*‘n lltiit<|iri* Peo|>|»* View Mfty ('*lrl>ratn»ii. IlKYANI, MAY KINt; ! iirht loll* l>nfiir‘ Anr^' Mitmet ;(*iven In Af terniMMi. v1 Th'* fourth Antiual I K'**illvat %.i ; li«'id on 1||»» tiup I>. K. Clfiiiinjfrr of l*oin( ! ■"l“'l*l'‘ t hrliaian rnil.-k;** Wf.i Collrgr<1 For 35-36 Presidency. HKLI) IN GREKN.SnOKO Duke Univrrcitv «ii(l W«kr Forest Collpl'r To llo Hotls Next Ycor. !dw> Nli«'in(H>a, iImv 1. ui five u'^-o ’'riie (^Ai'tciHitH Wuie uiitb r Ih** r* lion ot CUarlo'.t.' ||i|l. ,r Uon of pb>fticj| eduiaibut f l>ay. M: t In* Hitt«rc I'iJ Anioia. I'riMiUli'Ut ot ili<* Woi 1 Sind(*ul Dat Ki-Hlval t. dl"i( njeeiinB of th«- twoday “e^■^i^.n at Ami-rban in iltutn*n. !'r«i . WoMian’H ^ olbT'*. In oro / Ur4t* d by Ininiiirianlh from •- I) b «'• K. (*l<»nlK«*r. ol I'oini c .\lav 11 war. elected roiuitritu rii<* dan<«« .ne Pop lfe—Mana* Zncea -Mr. Jack Slalllncs. H out to IlkV OppM*^**! Htld t4l ttH»^> UOf\- init suln^f. Su<|i wa«» th«* <•*!•«< with tlM* Iff Hla- ti«n U. r. T. K. in liab‘*ith niof'tiinfT of >lay IJl, wlwn lhe> d4ftirated flw |K»|MiUir mhi^c “H«»Htu thr •'CniiipaH of i'. (VdUise. The mrnibn-H <>f fbi^* r«*»n»wn^l *‘CMm|His Club’* an* the KlHiiir StrW'klaod. .'lary .Mayo, IW'rnk-e ! and Mar.iorir Fre**mai». In n»ai*> i-«*^|»e4't<4 thi*i U a uniqu** rliib. It» iuiim> Im from »l»»* ttuit «*a<'li of tlw elmrt**r nwnilMTH Imim* ttir Colb'ue Chiii|»U'. lliHr H<*le '«tam|Mn(s' Utr a »-er- t^iiii of tlin#*. S4MIM* kind MMil fllU»d wHIi tl»*' riou of llv* milk iff hutmui fcliMl- iMfiri mid kn at tiM'ir r^'aulitr iiMmiiiij: l>f*ture f»f ih*>w lo Hlxim fl»r «4>iig MM*i WMM iiifir- *M rit»M>»U* mimI em ti im-n»lHT I* • t<» ft^l tlmt •!»«• U lntere«»t«**| in tM*r .\n^ UVIfar**. and a »«ob» •‘Mother Marhre**". by ^ Kvfdyn {linnant. , Tin* n»*w program romniill**** Im now workln>j on h serl**a of ent«*r- itainineiitn wbi**b will In* preMeni***! (dnriiiK th** oneoniliiK i<*rm. With the n>‘Vk laleni ^hlch will rom<- Mith the ini-omlnK/fr»“'liin»-n a very pr*»fltal»le , ve«r iy «*xp<*eled. r i pa.'ram f»»ll*»w Siitunfav, 'f«) (n iN^n|ii, K t:;I* 4 j- u prnmliM ul »ncm- *r or (he H«-nlor cUm< mii>I will rtad vtiiir wtth lM>n<»rr» HIh- wa ; *■ f S«'> thir Mar und waf an all^^r jiiiti- df^b.ilor lii^t Vear. Mlss Ml' I'frtiib ni of ih*’ SiPnia Tnu <‘hi M>rorll> unti l*reaid*-nl of the (Jill*' Alhleilr Club. She haf* for four yt-atH h‘‘«*n tin*- of tUr leading ho« lal liulitM *>n the rainiuiH and Ih and that ]M>ptilai with lln* Ntud*-nlH The < of ofi\ai k lh«> p)**a>an( Itfx in u 1 town »h< r<- th*' inunx pt>opl« and hnpMK (he r llffi and cui lu ii f* rlioxMi llr’it >ir*' prMident Mii^-t Sarah CfdllUH, of .M<*redll|i <*oHeK» . second vie*- preHid<>ul. T AI JenkiMH. ^tui»> ColleRi*. third ri* •• pi«*nldent; M|»»h Kllxabt'Mi Yale*, of Woman'-* Colb*K«-. (ifiirlarv, and IV .M l(U»' ««ll, of Oukr I'niVtT HV, ir*‘UNUr«M l*ubll^nlfon^ of DuK*- %M»n (hr* ■i Ml*’ - IH «M|fi .I«>.|tll4lt HV I.M ^ '>' lati.»n ...rb Mprlhk' Duk*- « Chan- ' ‘P»*-i nl *»..* dr* tl«*b'«T lo lund*i lli*- nnal of hMiliutlonH In cla-^ A, Ih* :*"* Chu»nb‘)e irot !)»•' j>rl*#* off*T«’*J col- “*•'* « nrterv with d^’Ufht. ai^ leuiRtn n«*w^pa{HT>^ In clai’< A. aiul I th*‘ Arclth** won th** award for th*« llterary-huntoiouM publlcailon Th*' DavldHonlaii, Da\ld>*otrN ^Old*•nt^ h thttt w*’'‘klv. r«c/*ju*d the riwanl of' QUl**u ,|f l.oM* alKl It' Hludly by Htud«'ni a*'tion and ix not ffx-d n«’W’t|iap*mIn cla It. F’lora ito b*’ (*onfu)'('d Hlth iIh* awardinK of ; Mucdonald'M Whil*- li« t.llo*r, foi an- th • h'ariitiv Loving Cup al Mm* (Mid ol | nualH in that claAHlfication. S".-*tem of Faculty- Stud'-nt Coop*'ration The id^-a of fa< ulty-Mtudent coop eration Ih pr*rval«*nt in every rol- lefje of N*)rlli Car*dlna. Al a re cent m«*«*tlnK *he North Carolina H on IV M rroKram. hunda>, >ln> 1^1 A. M. lla«r;tliiUHHf<- S**r- mon, by l»r«riid* nt II, S. llilb'y. « 00 P. M V M. C. A nn*l Y. W. C, A Ve«p»T S*'rvb'*-. S;Oi> p. M. Far*‘Well S*-rinon John Harclay. Ma> 10.‘Ml A. M. c|aHn Day 7x*'r*lM*' 0:00 p M Hand C»»n»-*Tt. rf..*lo P. M Alumni fbtmiuet and l(UH(n<-. H* 'Kion. 8:30 I’. .M. Mutilial Pr*ij;ram. Tu**Mbt>, .'lit> iiM. lO'flO A. M- Oraduatlon l,x*’r- ciHf'K, Pn-«»*ntati*»n of Award-* ami AddreK>4 by Dr. W. A. Shulb*nb*‘rKer. 4 'otHiiU‘n« 4‘nteiil H|H**ik*T. Dr. Shnlb’nbein«*r. at prem iii pa * tor of Ih** Firnt Church of Chrlnl In JndianapoJiH. D)di;ina, iii a «;radual*' rnlV(*rvitv. holdiUK ImiIIi his academic and honoiary d‘'ur«**-h ^rom thlH instilulion II*' ban b**n ^ lb* .'d*-nt. In tb«* futtiie tbit, election wilt bf an annual ev«*nl in th*- <'*dl*‘Me and \\ili bi* looked foiwar«M D**!**i':i*l<’M r**):iKl*'t< *1 Fri«la% mom ' Ins from |o o'l lo* k 1*1 I :• o'clork > her r<‘<|U<‘itt Ih* inonl Kra'*‘ln| nil Man < hoH* n to placi* thu ni'tiuet and th«' : r«‘U would danic K^Uy atound ntay pole uiHlI nUht (**11 ttpui ‘(|UMini and <*dorlul paK**unt. 'Ihi* pKMO :don to lit* I of Ui*' cuinpu anil IpmiI' iI by jiwo hi*riildN. Klaliii* SlrlckianU. |Kalhl*<-n IsaKb-^^. with Iho KIuk Donahn<- llryani anti paslor of the indluiiat»oll*i «bur<-h f«ir len yeara. b<-ff»re whl**h for a {f*n y»*ar fM-rlod al«o b*- wa^ h<*ad *»f Ih*- C**ntral Chrlalian Cliurch in DeK MolneH, Iowa, «r d«-nomli»ation. DiirinK hlH pi«**»« nt and pas pan- torat**^ he haM ber n b*' tnr*-r In Pra* - ll<-al Th**<»loKy at l/iak«* l‘nlver**lty Sam Kagan Klectrd I <» lleacl Or (fa fti/.a I if in f)tirin|{ Year i93R-36. At it*; ri'KMlar meidlni; th** ev^ ninp of May 14. Ih«* PIfM* t;iub h»d*l il'« i brijon of »»ffi«i'rK for On* comlnr y/ar Sam Jtasan. Varina. wa • l<-( i« d proNid' iit of ihiH unique or* canixatlon. with .Iam*’H Parnon* ;« vi»-'* i«r*'ald<*nl Kalph \Vh|lfle|»| wa»^ * Ie# ted *ie< reury-lrr*aiur‘'r; Wal la*«* White. H slNtant - r* n;t«ry fr<*.r iirMr; Hru* e Simmon**, Chaplain an*l .Iam**K Smith, wru^anl al arm" Prof Dalian MalllHftii la fa*nlty advlKf»r for llio club Mr Rauan, a Jnaior Ihl* M-ar. tranHfi*rr«‘d from T**xfll^ lnf.llint**. Sftarlanburc, H. C . Imhi fall. ff<‘ In lUv>-tH Tutin. an*l tii<- p<‘iHon:« .an*! hei.l « bi i*f «*-nIoii I „„,j jj,.,. I l.rln. li.nlly for (li.- ii|i|ioliilmfiil of I r;,.,al(llii.- lli>jii(, lirMin It III. varloii ...iiiiiiliiH.-: I,Maria llrliiH.,11 un.i iillly 'lb*' liiRhllKhi *tf ih*» cohv**nti*m • am** w ith lh<* Rioup diHc'iir rtioli per lod Frian>^. Or****n» addr<*».u**d Ih** ••dilor-' *if uiaKa rilH'n W A Danltl-. of llo* tb*n'uin 'PrinlluK Company, N.obvllle, T*-nn ] fn« .ld'«d ov» r th** i dlioi«t of annuabi. I A. M. tifu k. rtf tb»* l’.d«afd» and ' (c(»nMnu«'d r*n pMj-** StmlHnl*i A^Htwintlon It wan reveal-ed that A- (’. ColleRe was the only hlich- 'and at KuUer Cniv* ikIi>. 11** li* alKO •«>«H/N-tal*vedltor <*f The Colb'Kla^* er inatltution of learning in tli**la ro^'inber <>f Ih*- IbranI of Kdncaiion Aud The pin*- Knoll. Mrijce Sim- Klale lo b«? governed by faculty hu- of th«- Di«clpl**x. Trnst«*e of th» nionn. Kington, in lh<* rtul-RoInt' perrl«lon. Stepn were taken t*» re- , |»i*UHlon Fund of ihH faith. an*l preHid<*nt. vliw* th»^ old consliruti*»n and a «om-j uiemlM*r <»f varou- »»lh*-r churc h j Mr. Jarnen ParKonn, N**wlon Orov#*, mitlee W'a:< appointed lo work thia|board« and a;^'**n**ieh. wa<« a charl«*r memiMT of th^* *lub out. .Memlx.'r» of thlw /ommlll»’»* ' H#* and Mr*<. hav^ and ttrrvful In the i.apa/ily of Chai*- were; Jacob Taylor. Oakel liasK, »>e#.n named an frat«rnal d*'l»»cal»*a lain b4*fora h«»lu(c *?lecl«'d l*» preni'ul Myra Joyn«r. [from th«' ChrlMinn *hnr-he-4 of lh»* The main change in ih»* a-XH-ia-| Cnlud Stal* ‘ and <‘anidal»*. lo fh«? lion conntllution waain Ih** matter of ; hitf^rnalional <*hriatlan Convenllou offi«e of vlc«Hpr**i»id«‘nt. Mr. Kalph |Whltfl**ld iHirvt'd »% aH«lH|ant ;.*-cr*'' lary b«*for** liH r»****nt *derli*»n t*» lb** th« atu*lent *oun«iI. Th^ main lo Ih* held In Kn;»land thN Hcimmei. H*Mr»*tary'a po«l(lon. council coin|K)«ed of both (^i'iwIiimilii^ Cbi*«^ j Th»; Pip#* <*lnb haa <*njf*y***I a hw tbn M*‘n'a Dormitory Coiinrll and Ih** Approxiniat* iy f|ft> iM'r^ont^ will rnnnful yei*r under the la*'! «i«mei»ter WonK*n*H iKirmltory Coun* ll with two re«e|ve d* Kr* * n af Ih*- Kra har. bi*en an lnct»*a««* In Ih** H04'iation will pr**«»lde ove^}|*^Je. The ex«*r<’i *r«'ih^m*«*d%‘-m will'orary m**mlwr. Mr l*id Htalllnia, In- th«< ni**«tlnKM bill will not vote. The'mark the *loa** Qf th** ri^trd y»*ar In ,atrii<-tr»r In Vl*»lin at A rolb-jf** Vi**»'-Pr»*»idenf of tli** AMM>riation ' which th** <.*oII* k^ ha« op**rat***i. |The annual b«n Ity of pro»*‘««it> | H«*v«'ral hunr|r<*d alumni and held at the WIIkou Country (!lub. th** injj attorn**y with the Secretary aa frlf^iKN are cxpe«'^*-d to Ih- pr*-»-*'nt at niKht ot May lo. The club hay at- the alumni ban*iyi«*t *m Monday *‘V- tra*'l*^l the puHllr ronabp^rably Kv**n ening. May 27lb*janil to take part In from far-off T**xarkana. T*xa«. th#- the annual bUMinj*fiH '>«*naion that iin- ]*lpe CMuh r*'***lvHd a fan b'tti r a f^w medlaf«»Jy folJowif th#* 1/anquef. dayn ajfo • The blKhllKht t>f th** alutnni bu>*I' Ther*» an* **ix icraduatlng memlH*ra neat* ni'tdlnie wi|| i>e tho aubml**i«b»n of lh<- Plp»* Cluh. Thwy are: John Court Si»*nftKraplM*r. The Mens n*;w|y orKanized I>ornil- trlrf f!ouii*il *ompnllnu^d on Pa»* Two# of th#» report of yh*' joint **omniitt*H; Kdmundi^»n, form*»r i»*‘< r**tary; Ja* *»!» fortner Clinton reaching cbanK»*Hl In th*? pre»**nt ath- Murrav and KalM>n R*^*** Th^ letlr profram ^if ih** lnatitijti*in. • prea^-nt ni**mb» «H at*' Hiu« e Him- Robert Ora*Jy. ‘2n. Weblon. 1m h«ad mon*i, Kalph WhltflPld. Jam«»« Par* of lb** alnmnl crAup and will pr*''*l*i»* M>n*. Jainev Kniltb. A. J M*iy‘*. or»r ihr m« ctlo*]. * *‘tii*l**nCH l*Mi" f*»r tbr bcnf*' nn«i |d/iinl> Hli*»%tn uIm ti t rivn of “.Sb*M># lilwi, with lii-* fle«- ttiM|r*tf>** nrrt* linir«l fmin l|i«< fM*M‘inbl), \ ffH *»f IIm* mmw'** t«'o<|«*rh<* f*-«f**»M f*»i him. %»e *»%ir film the t«i try l*» liliii f»*oM» **«I4 li n lM»rrildr fal*’. ft U true lliMi for the lawi f**w ni<»iHli*i li«* hiio lM*«*tt n «r«MiiHl *Mir ne4 k**« mt tit M|»«vik. mIiIi bU iiu***** I sMitI f*»t|4«rtnK tn the liitll** nnd I tftfierMl f|'*Arr*««|iwttn«' **fMl »l*Mm*» I *lH|MiMMi(Mt. \\r *lo ti*M tlilMk M W«>filf| Ih* «*lret4 Itinu' |*<*itit to lliHt hi* |*r»‘%rm-e ha*i «n*Ml***l A fmtl tuH «*nly In tli«* rt4*U| «»f «|»orl% but In eidb'icr mllvll). Wli) IIm* Im*«a4 haa ln**4all**«} in iIm* flr**t pbM'M U l»r*y: It H*Aii«| |U4«<* l*rv*n *\»Hr «•! *!*«■«> (<> ed A ttKrre doeltf Ari*l <^M»|W‘rMll%<' M»iil. I itfil Hr 4i || hi tlic fair tiAiiM* Mf *ntr (*dl4*|4** l»«<* |Im‘ <-e<*aliie«' fr«»tii lli«* iio**«tual**lAMy <»f III#* %tui|4*tvi>i |irt«**l ill tlietr |d«'AA fttr iIh ltnm<*diAfr dii»|if**«i| 4»t CMritioiiltall but t1»<' j niaj(»rli> firutlly Hllle«| t«> MM«r the I |M-«»vi«l(*«l Im* hah *wdd at tlM* I flr«t follow'd b^ the itturi (*iiirtiera nil lb«< itaily dre>h**d daiui'iii. V Ihl- Cidbiji- ib«nd, dJrr:t*d by bird Hurt aiui u« * onipnln*-d by t.**li KoMlMii'k at ih*t piano, pj. a «'*iy iitiirh. llo- pr*M«n)iM»u I b*d tb*' froiil «'ani|Mi' und niat to th<^ laii^'d pJatf/Mm r.h*r# r*»va| tliUme, wIlU Kr***n «hrul • mh a ba* kicronnd, waH pla> *-*1 Th> flm: daio** «a, mu 'iab* affaii i»f H tle**n p(*raon« d* pb C/#'rli**;doc«^i/*n p**u*«n( Ilf**, olli'. J*>li*‘x dlieilfd Ibia fiial d> jwiiirh wuf tall***] Iliw Kaiiafa) I'rii** m«*n wori- fiowin* *'apei *' iji.iiii** wdli ii irlppinK tuhf tijt the piano . lxtc*-n nt*ii and v.>»rn**n d«-Uc th** audl**iii‘-, wiijeh «un enfitt*-"'' at atioul IwOO p^opl*' *rhoan ^ . Ii*lpaltnti lu ihi. dati<*> v^eie *»tby J*in* a and |{.ivtuund f{iciani*'nd C'>»»b*> and l*rld««*u , ' = )<**N. Anx) Catikill and Hrai ' / D**>«ai, K*irh Ihirt and Thui.. a • Dennliii^, D"lta lifl/wt-n and Ji ' ■ Hnidb-*.. D'«i)k 'lopptng and I cherr-, KfD* Waloion ^nd U< lle|n.fb«* h, Ma< Maine and Cr Sl‘in Imtn'iliuK ly folbtwi'it; th •. d ‘ a Ki*iiip t«'pr^ f'liliiiK Ireland ' Ibeir plu* ea on th<* dan*e Kr*-*'n. C b* m* n dr*«a**d In plalu * ' • ti(aiH«*t» and |tt*-«lnta Paul and i Walli*'**. Hpi^**\ UoV*rft »n and I WInf «’ld, ll*'iha and I j lHinxhlnRboii»^*, A J- ilayea j llillb- Kdg'Tlon. i "Fir‘-«ur." th*' dan**- of tH-ni n*'Xt on the program, was 41f by Mi**** ,Mlblr*d PuweJJ. Th* ! m**n were dr**'^^ In black ! flov. **r*#d u»alum*' -. wblcb flowe. juat al>ov** iMeir .(nkle«, Tb* ; wet*. Arr^-.t-a in whi-** ki»a<^ j with b*oii»#f« Tb<-'M; t . » i |art in ihl.= daii*** weir a» fol » I Kaibbcn S’^lnd*)ll and I W*'albrm>k. Fay** Mobley and ■ ^In AMIne MUdred Cutler jI on 7hn-t