THE COLLEGIATE ctivities abandoned SOCIETY .ke Care of Debts ] sent Program | A. C. C. JUNIOR-SENIOR BANOET HELD APRIL 3 Si;,'ht wliv you will not I The Atlantic ChriHtian ColleKii lally ai- well it not bet-: jnniors were host to the Keniors on i(. the evening; ni' April '5rcl., at the an- two yf^ars, at least niial .Jiniior-Sfciiior huiuiuet which been raised eat^h year, ^ was staged at tlu- Hotel Cherry from alumni activity took on : 8 lo 10 o’tdock. 1 of life, and a publicity ; Toa.stniaster lor rlie occasion was •enter than that ever en-• A. C. Dawson, president ol‘ the jini' je flollege ever before was | ion ciass. The l)c;;iiining of the pro- \ gram was a duet by Nine Mallison 'etins? hut week of the N. j and Lou Ellen Perry, members ol‘ ,aii; Association, an j th(; junior class. Mr. Dawson then | >11 of college men and ; followed with a welcome address' wapa])ermen, numerous in- j with a response }>y (Jeor^ia Jirewer, ■e made concerning what { president of the Senior class, pencd lo our publicity pro- i The dining hall ot the Cherry was 'sejitly. Also, practicaTTy decorated with palms and a long usly was tlie :.tatement made I string of various colored baloons. (»njc al Ulie Colleges in this I 'The nc-xt feature of the program ours was oustanding and j was u loast to the Sophomores by tirsL in recimt jirogress and j Marit'ita Whith-y, \vith a response' *d very favoral)ly will all | by Curtis Todd, Pr(.;-,ident of the news Httrvit ''"s in the State, : class. A toast to the Frcshnieu wuh that of our State IJniver' i thtMi given ijy Milton A<lains, with Aiiich is one of the best in ! response by A. J. ilaycs. Marjori(? Dew gave a toast lO the faculty an<i res])onse v/a^: given by Coach /)U utry. At 5< meetin:. of the Southern Sec l)e American IMib- “iJud” Jlose. -iaiion Ust v;-ur at Chapel ' J’Jnt.erlainm<‘iii v»a;; fui'nished by III not -that •- taken « aie of. \\‘‘ a|»pi < ti: you to an> ainoniit >ou <an oiH‘. dollar, t\v<* dollars, llv<' or or a‘ iimch as \oii can. Any and every amoiint will be ap preciated ami will he <areliilly r«*eor(leJ, a<'kiio\v l«*<lg:ed an<l aii<n(e<| at the <*nd of lln* y«*ar, as all our a<<ouuts ar<*. lion jiri-.v Hill, P.01) Madry, I)ire< tory of the ; the Jlinnant Sciiooi ot: I>ancing ini- [ Diversity New;; Bureau, told your i rlireciion of Mrs. Belle llin- S<‘<r('tary that our news work rank-| imut. program .is follow^: , ed among the first in the South, j '■fop liat- Aiary i_,anchester. — t and lliMt in his opinion received more j Chorus--Kdna C. Woodard, Marie newspaper space in the State than^ • Turner, Christiiu; Harnes, Frances any other College WITH THE OXK I j^eedy, Alpha Jon(;s, itcija Paker. KXCKPTION of the University it- ■ Toe—-Francos Xewnian. I.' atliiCr 1’.: I' ■n tl'i .\ II e;‘" y»-ar to ■ ' '•oii:-.i<le' • ;| fund ; olic ho VI Mi: 1 Had c,i>tien nn'i'T'.v:i r.'L.i l a'iti;; rh" Dilitv wiinlii li:iv(; in (it nio: ; i)i' our p^i. ■ i-ertainjv- o^ir ore; rt they r-.-ll -liK! tailed, al 1 ■ an(i a la-it ri-(iri the hundr( ;:t itiit lou South, : Una. Tliei’c iliotild li:- no dii'l’ii-uHi in r.TisiiiK this a moil 111, :■ everyone of otir forii:i I' stud' iit;: will coiitrihuie iitily a ::mki1; aniouiil eaih. The SeiM'olary of your ussocial’iin be- liev.-H y.)u will. Vou have al- wa.vK In ilie i : : |)onde(i to lii.'s ri'i|ii(';;i« lor I'und.'; wi'.h which to coniiiiuc n:ir aliiiniii v.urk, and thero made iliis ■ r :'iiii what we ^•'iier method ol ; larti'd. hut we eM-ridinj’.ly *<IH'' ni-.-lhod ever , i :.pi'i:ially had it sillier ill the yar, Ihut enough fiimls :o laki rafi* ii:'::Ke.s, and ex|)(?l:r.i't; as liiit ihis ini'lhod ha;; I. ' l ;r tlii- time beiufc !!!st !'M iiai'k upon aur nuiui iy, an appeal to OI aiuinui of our iii- v-'ho arc .-^i'a11erf'd over liie •Id i;urtiL'uIar]y North tJaro- r-elt. All this year we iiave been handi- ('Hitped for lack (if funds. Each ot the previous years we haye had a budget of around $2I)U.I)H each year. We entered this year owing around U'ot My Finsers Crossed- -Kitlyi: Farmer. Honys Daphne Hataway, Acrobatic ■ - I’eyyy Turner and •Jean Ktrayhorne. Truckin' — Katherine i^’lemin i As ii is. we lace a crucial situa tion: Shall we continue our ptibli- ' city work? shall we hold meetings eh;ewhere in the State? shall we continue distril)uting 200 copies of the CoIle;;iate each month? Shall I we help make possible fall and ;iprins homecomings? All ot these activities require money. If we can raise $1U0. be fore the end of the year, we will be on eas\ street again, having tak ing care of all of our obligations hanging over from last year, and the major part of those incurred durin glhe i)resent year. It is only through your giving that this deficit can be wiped out. (live what you can but give some thing. Aud give it right away. The couiioii below is for YOUIl ttse; Nam<. Adclres; 75.00, including not only for pnb-, Elizabeth Clarke, Klaiiie Dick- licity work but for all other ty|)es Krnestine Oettinger, Ouida May of activity, and had we had our | xu,.k(,r, Louise Kaines. usual year we would have been in a Acconijianinient at piano was by lietter financial iiosition than we j were even a year ago. | ^ toast was then proposed ty the Alma Mater by Uandoli>h Allen with a response by I'resident llilley. The theme of President ililley's speech was "Perspectives In Lite.” A:ound a huiicreci persons attend ed the banquet. The guests of the evening were Dr. and Mrs. II. S. llilley, Prof. and Mrs, Cecil A. Jar man, Coach A. 1). “Hud” Hose and Miss Charlotte Hill Directors o£ Phy sical Kducatlon. Students attending were: Kat. Bell—“Bud<ly” Jernigan. *Georgia Brewer—Jimmie HarneB. Mary Brewer- -»A. J. Hayes, Cieraldine Bryant— "liuck Love lace. Lucille Carr—Shorty Browne. Rachel Conyers—Bryan Deans. Sue Dell Davis-—Bill Cunningham Ilarriette Forbes—Brantley Dewar. Helen Gunter—Frank Wilkins. Kvelyn Hinnaut—Sam Kagan. Klizaheth House—Hubert Kose. Mary Howard—Woodrow Taylor. I’ansy Jones- -Ernest De Loach. Myra Dale Joyner—Henry L-avis. Occupation Amouiil. .'^I'lil banquet -- Years Attended A.C.C. Do you plan to attend annual Jennie Lane--Dick Barnhill. Sarah Lol'tiii- —Russell Jefferson. Bessie Narron—James Smith. Eva Louise Shelton- Joe Spence. Audrey Tetterton—‘Curtis Todd. Virginia W'liitley — Marvin Jack son. Callie Wi!idl'-y -Earl Rhodes, Della Bowen—.Milton Adams. Ethel Brufley—Sue Stallings. Thursa Coyle—Lynwood Phillips. ATHLETIC PARTY GIVEN,, IN GYMNASIUM The second in the series ot enter tainments for students who remain on the campus liiiring the week-end was held in the gymnasium on Sat urday night, March 28. The party was sponsored liy a joint student- faculty committee previously spon sored a progressive parly at the homes of the faculty nieinhers. The entertalnnieii! was in the form of an athletic party. Those attending were divided into groups of four to participate in the various games. Fifteen minutes were allowed a.s the playing time for each j^ame niter which the groups rotated unti;’ they hud played each typs-. At end of each playing period the ■■ inning cou])le in the grouiJS rejiorted to the chairman and scorekeeper. The games on the program included: deck tennis, shuf fle boai'd, biidminton, indoor horse shoes, ping-tinng, and bean bag throw. At the close of tlie evening two couples ti(?d fur high score in win ning the most games, and an elimi nation contiwt of shuffle board was held to determine the winner. Miss Kdna Carson and Mr. Nelson Steph enson defeateil Miss Hazel Gunter and Mr. Howard Roberson for this title. Ice cream t-,indwiches were then served and gi-'atly enjoyed. These parties sponsored by the committee are a new type of enter tainment on the campus and have proved to be very successful and en joyable. crax an<l iced t'ea was served. The Bull liogs and their ppts were: A. C. Dawson and Miriam Dickinson; A. J. ^ayes, pelsie Tiir- iier- Onnie Cockrell, Clara Win stead- C. C. Walters, Jo Strickland, D d’McCall, Lois Baggett; Reuben *,trickland, Edna Carson; James Rogers, Dorothy Creech: B. J. Bow den Dorothy Dickinson; and Nor wood Scott with Dare Barnhill. The members of the Sorority aud their guests were as follows: Mary Brewer Clinton Murray; Sarah Lof- tin, Russell Jefferson; Mae Mercer Harrell, Jimmie Laing; Lou Ellen perry Randolph Chandler; Jennie Lane,’Dick Barnhill; Annie Morris Parker, Marvin Jackson; Rebecca Carter, Ray Whitley; Rosamond Conley, Ashley Futrell; Marietta W'hitley, Wallace White; Geraldine Bryant, John Borden; and Georgia Brewer and Jimmie Barnes. Other guests included: Coach Rose and Miss Charlotte Hill, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hodges, and Mr. and l\Irs. Frank Denny. nor Woodard and Oscar Nelda Spruill and and Tillie Bowdeu and Robert John "^^Chaperones were Miss Hill and Mr. Bud Rose, and Miss Eloise Bryant and A, C. Dawson. Father (Who has taken daughter to the play): "I’m ^ you now, Peggy, This is hardly a play for a girl your age.” Daughter; “Oh, I don It'll probably liven up the end.” Hiitta, D bit t)j, I Garner-Tarkenton i HAS IT I PHONE 53 SIGMA TAU CHI GIVES AN ENJOYABLE PARTY Friday night, April 17, the Sigma Tau ,Chi Sorority entertained at a theatre party given at the Wilson Theater. After the show punch and cakes were served at the home of Katherine Bell. Members and their guests were: Sue Dell E-avis and Bill Cunning ham, Elaine Strickland and Harry Sha(-kleford, Mattie B. Stewart and Bryan Deans, Irma B. Dudley and Brace Ward, Elizabeth Fulghum, j and Russell Roebuck, Martha Brin- I son and Randolph Chandler, Thursa I Coyle and Nelson Stephenson, Eiea- PHI SIGMA TAU ENTERTAINS BULLDOGS The Phi Signia.Tau Sorority en tertained at a delightful ‘‘Bull Dog Party” in honor of the basket-ball boys on Frida,\ night, March 27 at the Country Club. This party has become an aiinnal event by which the Sorority shows its appreciation to the Bull Iioiigs. The evening was spent informally. Miss Geraldine Bryant, jiresidenf, of the Sorority, ex'iended a welcome to the guests and Coach liose respond- </l in behalf of the Bull Dodgs. Min iature bull dogs w'ere presented to each member of the team as souve nirs. A buffet iMipper consisting of chicken salad, pickles, potato chips, deviled eggs, sweet pickled peaches, GO HOME EVERY WEEK-END Clieai>est Travel Kar^aing In Jleccnt Years RIDE THE RAIL-BUS VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Tickets are on sale daily at one and one half cent per mile. You cannot drive an auto that cheap, Askk nearest ticket agent for fares and schedules anywhere you want to go, J. F. DALTON, Traffic Mgr. Norfolk, Va. . NORTH CAROLINA’S OWN RAILROAD Travel the THE SIGN OF SERVICE AND QUALITY A. A. RUFFIN, Local Distributor GULF PRODUCTS PERRY L. LAMM ENGRAVER Watch and Jewelry Repairing 115 S. Tarboro St., Wilson, N. C. SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT LEDER BROS. AND WEAR WITH PRIDE Fountain SCHAFFT’S Cigars & Drinks CANDY Cigarettes Sandwiches Magazines THEATRE SODA SHOP L ^ Annual Affair To Be Held Monday Evening, May 25 at Local High School. Thr iitiiiuji) Alumni liaiKiiici will l»c '.'.ur i>n Momlay (‘ven- inj;. M.'iy L’oili ii! o'l-lock, \i-;y p!()hal)ly in ilic Iii;iii school baiKiuOt ball, a I > liinr.-’!i (h.- place uol yt*i tlf’iid<lcci(l»Ml 11 j)()ii. La>' yr-jv nv*-i a liuiidriMl persons attmdiMi 111" i>an({ii'-t. thrse incliui- iiiK noi <ui!'. lofiiHT -indrntH hut fi'icjids <)!' I'l-' colh uo and mcml)cr>< or thf x iiio! rlass which was then h< iuj; L'ladu.'ird. 'Tins >>‘ar u.- arr antu in;ii in- cvfii a larger nniulu-r ai tin- annual af fair. and pi.Mis ail' iir)w already in l>ro,irrcss. Alihtumh wc fc<d ii hcl- tci' not lo hav.- a formal si»i‘<u-h. we will have N' V'.iai short talks and remarks innn many i)ersons present. Ahovv' all. ihe on a.-^it)U will make it possjl>!«' for many old frieiuls lo ron(‘\v old arqiiainianiM’s uiuier very infoi-mal eircumstance.-. If you arc iiiTcndini; ph'ast' notify the alumni secreiary. as t!i(‘ nuinIjtM’ of persons must he uslimat- (*(i in planning th<- meals. COLLEGE BAND GIVES CONCERT Kt.'ginninu s|uiii^ concert stMson uhich will lake llicm In almost every patl of Kasn-rn \urth Caro lina. tlir .\tlaiilic Chrislian C(dl(;;i' Hand a|ipi:iird in Ihrce lom-rrls, P’riday. .-\pril 17. al New Hern. Washington and Kinsloii. resptM’live- ly. The Hand is under tile direction of .Millard fiiirl, Ilaleigh. The i:onci'rls were givi n in eacli instance in high school auditoriums. The baud appeared in Kinston at nine o’clock in tile morning, and at New Hern at The Washing ton concert cainr at two o’clock in the afU'rnoon. 'I'he hand, which is composed of about ;!(! members, appeared in ! bright ii(!w uniforms, blue and white j in color. All the concerts to be given liy the band Ihis spring will be free and will be opim to the public. It I>asl seasons large crowds have heard its coiK'erts, but it has never taken on siii'h a large program as the one it plans for this spring, j The program, which may be I changed, to be given in each place ! is as follows: 1, Alma Mater A.C.C.; j 2. (’.rand .March-llall of Fame; j (hornet solo The Rosary, featuring ! (’urtis Todd, corne! soloist; 4. 'rroiii- i bone solo A I’erfei t Day, featuring I JMai'Sh Iviiott, trombone soloist; I Si'|i>cti()ii- (How Worm; (i., Haxa- jihoiu! trio- i’ll Take You Home Again, Kathleen, featuring Onnie C(>ckerell, (Jus l.aiicaster and Uav Whitley; 7. .National Anthem March. S. o. s. 'I'lu! latet society lo be organi'/.e^l on the campus, the s, (). s., has chosen .Mrs. Kli/.abetli K. Yavorski for its sponsor. .Mrs. Yavorski is former Dean of Wonu n and at pres ent is the .Vssislaiu Dean. She is also a member of the Music Faculty ot the College. The S. O. S. is lh(t lirst organiza- lion ever organized on the campus with scholarshiii as its chief aim. The members and sponsor hope lo make this or.ganization a living tra dition on the campus. The.v are hop ing that sometime in the near future the society can become a part ot the national honor society. ’oi;; I dreauie<l I was in heaven last night. (>J-ed: Was I there'.’ Yes, Tlhit's how I knew it was a dream. .. the President of the United States throws out the first hall... the 1956 season is on Truly the College Cleaners SANITARY CLEANERS E. T. BARNES, Prop. S Collog'e Representatives: CLYDE HURT MARIETTA WHrfLEY ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 Yankees vs. Senators Griffith Stadium Washington, D. C. © 1'>36, Liggett cV Mvr.Rs Tobac < o Co, j Baseball,,, it’s America’s outstanding gift to the world of sport ^ENATORS, representatives, states- men, judges, doctors, lawyers, busi ness men and Jimmy the office boy... they’re all out for the opening game. Thrills never to be forgotten ... perhaps a home run ... or an electri- ying no-hit game . . . perhaps some callow recruit, unheard of in the big time, smashing his way into the hearts of the fans. - ^ Baseball bringspleastire to the millions who tvatch it, and rewards the stars who play it. ^ must be deserved... and wherever you go you will fi„d people enjoying ChesterfieUs. for l°nd S'™ • ■ • °“««"ding fo' better taste and more ,„okers, men a„d bo h enjoy Chesterfield’s pleasing taste and •.. mch popularity must he deserved.

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