PINE KNOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED TODAY COMMENCEMENT ISSUE The collegiate COMMENCEMENT ISSUE VOL. X. ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COI.LKl'.K. NVIIilON. N. C.. MAY U, 1937 NO. 8 ■I • the Exercise CLASS DAY SATURDAY Represent A. C. At Semi- Annual Convention Commencement Exercises BH POINI COLLEGE Begin Saturday, May 22iHOSIIOSOLlEGI»IE Dr. Halford Luccock Will I q _ . Give The Address On ; reace Uratorical Monday Morning j Held at High Point baccalaureate sermon, Ray Whitley Wins Out Here^ FALL CONVENTION TO BE SUNDAY AT 11 O’CLOCK Jo Represent A C. In MELD AT N. C. STATE Alumni Members To Be Enter- State-Wide Contest | Stephenson, and Carr lained At Luncheon After lUy Whlll.y, wini.i'r of ii,.- I'. a... i OrHtrirli al Cimli-i,! Ii*-I(l Ii.ti- a fi w ' aRo. rfpresniiid ih«* Colb-KJ • i,r nH.fon, K. of llomel*ti<K at \Hlt* l)tvinUy,\ (’. siat.- I.. n«lr Khyn*- I'ullford Point April Srh«K)l. hHH Kol.^tted lo Klv<- flu* AnhPvllU-TMH.h.r'H ('oll»*K.'ami lltKh ‘ CollfK** ( omni»‘n»*‘m»*nl Ad(!r*‘S8 lu*n* on May i»olnt. xpokt* ou •'Pfuce and tin* In '*”"' *** 1 24 Thf* (*onunt“nJ t'iiu*Ht Kx^ rclhos; •• . Arrlvlnx Vhun^dHy aft«*rn»w»n. th*‘* will bu hfld la th<- Kymna«lum at‘ Guilford (’o1I»*k»‘ d'darod rcKinferfd hi th#» | 1<|;30 A. M. Dr. LuiMMM-k, ♦•mliu*nt wImm*t of tin* <'Vt*ni. with N (’ Sta!*> l‘>bhy Al ti o’rlofk lln*y w*»r»* bIv«*u .bM^un r and author has d^'livorcd and HlKh Poluf lakluK h»hju<1 and »n Infonu il l^a and r**<‘'pHou, ' many commen<rm<*nt s»*rmonK and ihlrd. ll«-nry Nun r**pn*sonit»d (Jnll- o'rSM-k Kriday morning lh**l addn*s8es throuKhout the L'nited ami appr«mch»*d th«* bUbJ«Tt 'UM*ninK and first buftin»*»»N ursjdon ‘ Sfate*^. Last year he delivered the with lh»- KUKi;ei«tioM “Ia-I’m Have wi«n held In th»’ lH4lln»oni of th«* hot»*l liMrcalaureate Sermon at the I nlver-, Ht'ulihtir Pm ilism." Th** rul»*s of th«* At thl>< nicetluK the pr»‘«ld«*nt of thr *,lty of North ('arollna. ' conteKt uMowfd the nubject of asHix lHilon J. \V. Mhkoii. of Wgk** H** ^>r years a, 1 ••peace” t<i he dealt with from any Fore«t Conej;«'. pr^'^Klfd Ail iinflni^h Joluing the Yale faculty lu 1&28 af- ^ngi^ and the title*^ ranged all th»- <d bu.Hln»*sH of tiu* fall ^onvnitloii t* r H<TVitiK for four years as «onlrib-j way from “World Hrolherho<»d‘‘ to was brouKht b«‘forr th»‘ Rtoup. Th** utinR editor to all the weekly publl-• ••jjn* Cosf fo War.” N. V. Stat»* wav, coiniuUtePs appointed at the fall foii- (.itti(»iiH of the Methofllst Kplwopal rf'presented In th«* ♦•v»*i)t by Samuid ycntion jtavo ihi’lr rpporiH an«l th** Ctiurt'h. AmoHK Mr. Luccock s fj. Moss, who i ho«» as hi« KubJ<*cl, Rroup dim-iiNsed the proi>o««Hl changei .,n- several hooks and essays Im lud- ••Attention Mr. and Mrs. Amerlea." and oy-laws. .Mr. A M. H»‘< k. of Hal-i iiiB ‘ Fares Please. “The Haunted ^r, Mosk, \^ho cupture«l s»*cond ».|«»i. spoke to the Rroup on the nub ] House” and ‘1 reaching \alues ii ^^8 a member of th*- N. C. j«ct -Advrrtis nir In K**lallon to Mod llie New Transiations of the Old state debatlnK team that recently ' * and New Testament/* i won first plac^ in the South KaHtern At the present time, the Hubject j T'„m.„anj**nt hel*l at Wlnthrop Col- of his address Ua« not l)een an-l ^ock Hill. S. C. High Point, nouiiced, but we /eel certain that it, ^ I<ovela<«\ t«j<»k will be a notable one. We are very third place with an extended dlscun- fortunate in securing the services of of War.” Heads Co-operative Government iSTUDENTSSIAGE ■ Tid^ S \lt \ll ll\IN W \ltl» 0 ,'NB EUIIH ms ABOUT 250 STUDENTS TAKE PART IN PARADE Annual May Day Festival i Hailed A Huge Success Effigy of God of War Burned In Bonfire On Campus. Speakers Address I The Forum Group I Mr. Th*yrr Gives Talk On ^ Youth*! Part In Crime Prevention About ni'MnlMTti of th«* stnd f*nt bo<1v (if AtUntIr (’hrixtuii Col ‘ KuperlrnM' In the Kirld tif (‘rlnir IVrvrnlloii w'Uh C'h«lif*nKea l«* Youth” wan the •ub)iMt of au luipt rgtluil Ulk Kht»n (o (hr aludenta (it th«‘ Korum Techul«|ii** croup h««ri' I****- a •h'moM^itratlon through ; Thursday May ♦» Mr Kdwin T ih.« slM t l. e)f WlUon for Mrrnal I'**>»•)'T. who Ix now making a lour ..I.I..IIK tiHlloni. Ilrv. John "f lUn Uv I- 111- »roui> It. front 1 »“'• li. m.ny li> ■■r th.- Th.- mornm nt <;« M$ an rxampJi* After fb»' Ivllegrd t(t err re|*»t»*d to the pubjei t Thf speaker, aurprlaltic to auv. was a former "boy of the r«»ad‘‘ In stead of a "goiMly *ood)‘* »■< «kas 9\ Many Spe< lalort I'httHiged Campus To Spc Sixth Annual IVir MANY ALUMNI R1 TURN Lou Ellen Perry CrnMned Queen; Mill on Adaina King of Kxeri'iaea Thi* Hlxtli ftuutMl M.- \al aa < rlrbi4t« <t bi^it ■ (rtiioun. May I. hundi« d n|»*'ctrt««*i ■. ua. in ronjunrtion with other rol-J .hro»sh..m th- rou.. •'“■l-n" Y;- I" iry .... Ihtt. .I,.!.’ Mu;-' <>ns « «. iry won't fight. We will not go to t^ar If th«*r«* It* another one" Stirh vtuH ih«* rona»*nau.t of opinion of Ihr hlud’Ht body «if Atlantic p,»cted hy the studenta Mr ThnNer t'hrlstlan Colli*m« The atudenla grew up In a broken h«»m»' and h! i,ri'l'h» ' Til.t U ft.*.... It—. .. ... >.. ^ ...a* *.# M ^ J. ^ I of Aluninl who irturfftl Altna Matri in hMik (h hl't* rrrniioiiy MIi'H L«»ii h'llni l‘. • \ ..'livillr. Wat « run to .I g. ,«nd Miltnh A'l««itic - v»a'' Kuik t«f III*- fsHl^.il- undfr thr dtifcilon ♦.( Whitley, I' »*f " Thr etdrbi .Tliun » ,» a b«*au(|fiti Afi« r n- eiiing bud \A«.i(hri. <|ir I». Kr U af = ;r I rl % v' i»ie* •» th«Jr llllpl r ' • 'f ft of Mi'V. ■ tt t'.m (loti (if thr this man. The public is cordially in vited. and w«- will miss a great'op portunity if we do not hear him. Awards to be given at this time According to Mr. WhitU?y on»* of the best sp**ech«‘s on the program was that of Jam**s Hayes of Wak»* Korest. Mr. Haves disrussed “Pca<«*” an*: The Kiwanis Cup for the best i„ the light of ‘World Hn.thrrhood.” all-round athlete, the Kotary Cup Hayes wa." also a <lebat(tr wh«i for the biudent excelling in scholar- j,aw action in th»' Tournament held ship, the Denny Kssuy Cup for the b»*st essay on the college motto. th«- Churchwell Trophy for girl’s iiara-mural gani(;s, the Waters Cup ior the student who has shown the greatest interest in improving th** ern Huslur.^h " H. M. Hertog, of Ih*- Ch**ds»)ff Studios of N**w York. »|w»k« on pictography. Th** busuu’s.i meeting close*! at 12 o'* lock but the delegates gath**red lu front of the hotel al and had a group picture taken. They w**re given lunclxon at High Point Col lege Dining Hall at Dr. f«. I. Humphr*‘yH. president of High Point Collrm*. wehomed the dele^atew in le’hMlf of the college. Dr. Huniphr**ys stated that he was v* ry gla*l H-'gh point College cOuld e*'t Bs host to thf convention again fct Wlnthrop. The P*‘are Oratoric al ('ontest Is a , state event head<*d by Dr. Albert soon afl<*r 19!? i. KeJser. The purpose of lh»* event Is (;rouj» dlHtunsrons of the special to forward the * auM* of p«»aco and probbMus oT the editor* and business .. at the same tim>‘ give training In maiiagMrs of the publUatluua were religious life of the college, the Or-1 This College for th** past held Kriday afternoon al 3 o'clock. ::.inlzation Scholarshij) Cup for tliej several years has >«.;nt Us repre^enta- C. H. Ow»*ue, *»f the coll**Rr faculty. - uixtMilxution mHklnu the highest! tlvi» to aud it U h4»pe<l that addre-^b**d the editors of the annuals; Dean Jarman Preftidea New Offi.*ert Exchange* Place* With Old IMPRESSIVE ceremony (aged a d**inonstru(ion from eleven problem child He came out of on« o'cpM'k t«> noon In mnjun' tl^n wlll|i|ytK* of envlronmeni which Is a grrat ioth»‘r r*»ll**fes all ovor the Cnlted | hn-eder of crlmr. Imt hr cbsngrit against (hr* IloKey of war. | front a potential criminal to a flKbt rime. Since (hr ag«* of 17 all efforts have brru In Ju«i the pposlte dli««t|ou from the out' In «t a ma-H iiierilng against iRar. flayi which he originally alartrd. Ai Whitley gave a talk tin ihe cauaes of i At the lM*glunlng of the le*'iure |war. rolh»wed by a talk by Clrveland Mr Thayer din4Ui»se*l Ihe thire im on the effertK of war. Th**; P*T(an( challenges lo three dmrretii , aH. n.Uui continue,! through W«d- groups Id America today. He saKl. nes<lay. Th** effigy of fh»* Cod t»f, ’tf rn*»rmoua amount *»f ciinn* War was burned in a bon-fir* la I and erime bill is lo bt* redii* t*d nil against (hr Honey »»f war.! front a I T^je I • remonies began »*n Turn-1 rr of « i I <Uv morning at which (Inir various of bis < J iiirnibrr<( of the M(u<lrn( body spokM opposite Illrad ner prograii s<hoIastic average for the current yiar, the Faculty Cup for the stu- d<*nt having the best general re*ord, and the Uoss (.’up for championship in tennis. These aw'ards will be given by Presl<lent Hllley before the degrees are presented. There ia a total of 4») sindents to graduate. 15 mei\ and 2U women. The men to graduate are Messrs. Mil*| two ton Adams. Uandolph Allen. Itichard ' Hariihlll Uandolph Chandler, Hi nry: (il.KK (1,1 Ii (il\ IlavlH, Amos Dawson, Norman Kth- ridRe, Kdward Farnfll, Hu«kcI1 Our- KHiins, Marvin Ja< k.«in, Karl Uhodcs. better kuccpss may lie ours In the .\I T Palrlrk. of th.* flreennhoro future. ' Daily News, addr**ssed the e<IItors of Oscar Brinson from New Rern newspaperB; and Sherman Shares, of the lo<aI winner last year anU iho (Jreensboro T>aily News, spoke College representative to the stale, ti^. editors of literary and htimor- event. If you an* int*T*‘st*‘d 5n ous magazines. knowing what the individual can do! yQ^. ^^e first lime in the history to i»romf>te j>eace the full speech of' jj,,,^oijaiion, business managers Mr. Whitley may be found ou types of publications held separate m<*etings for disruRslon Of their problems. A. M. H**ck of • Kdwards and Hroughton Kngravlng lfr»mt tif the roII«*g»‘ on thr campus The new offU'Ts *»f th*‘ ('o*»p' ra-| W'*«ln* M|ay night, tlve Coveiument W*T** Installed in o„ Thursday morning at II the an lmpr*‘8^iv« -'iric** «t the r*'gii- .«tuden( liody gatliered iti fi<»iit of lar as'embly Wnr lu the College n,,, ,M»lleRM and stag'd a pursd** gymnasium on Wedne4»lay .M*nn- iiirouuh the Mtr'ftn of Wilson They Ing, April 2HIU. In the ab.''«*u*o of rarrl(‘*l such bunnt*rs a**: *'W*« Dr. Hllley. who won filling an aj> won t, fight. N«» Klamlers Fields, polntni'-nt out o' town. li**ri'». Cecil Wterans of Future Wars -Krhoola A. Jarman preii<i*Hl. ., not arnts Millions for school not a The new offlt i»4>f the Stmleiit- <. tU. for war- Death llrlans Y«»u Fsrully ()p^:'u38 .e^s-ociallou are: Fa*e C<M»s<rlptlon Penc«—and To Pr*‘sldrntl^*^|> Ward. Ktn-.Hell with War.” ston; Vi©^ ur*# it Marah Knotl.j Klmer Mottern the Cod of War Weud**ll;l 'er»-* M.try Cox, Wil- j,.d i,y j.ait Kiser as '•Youth'*, sou; Asjii^ .int^ Agne-. Fu-jaml as the gathering stopped 111 irAl W" . . ir«r. Millard f,,,„t ,,f lU*. courtUmums- thr War.r,..,! Hurl, of Collegiate, j kn**ele<i tn youth In submission, Robert Cjirr r*;inU>*; Hu^inens .Man- mi^s Margaret Ouitaw'. A. C, C. ager of f*td Hasll Howden. student, parad«*d In hlui* beneath a. Dudley; Kdi(ot a>f r*tn»' Knot. On- banner declaring "Future (!old 8(ar nie Cockr«ll. UuslneH-: Man- Mother threo of (ht'te agrncten must acrepi iheir challengrw and work *' Tht* (brer agencb* he np«ik*- of uer** first, Y*»ulb; s.*con*l. (hr (’hur* h. au*l thir*l. thr law enfoneinent agrmleK. Youth. ».hl*h t*i him sremed the most Important. mus( train Itwrlf b*‘t(er lo fact- lb*' pr*»blrm*» of llf‘* and so not hr d»lv**n to unlawful a*ts. The l»**(urer even w*nt so lar as lo say that “The sHvl*»r «»f all hope for In the future will be y«»uih.‘* Youih Is th* only ht»pe, but ther** must be rooi>ern(hii» tM*lWf*'n youlli and the church Mttlrlt.* • - * td with h I 'iir »f n h'»n« made M i::!'i^ i| atii«< gs^ toHtiini' ai d hv4«iU- ful (Idvirlr: Tlut Mnv |mi|< <iu (hn <ampus •teiomte.l « IUl t d a;i l >*hHr r*»H* r:. «|ih o(ln*r tin = uitip the Hc.iit|i(rtr of |ii> rtin( ,n^‘V. balls IIikhI (III* t.impii* I •- «hr:'- (h*' king aiol neie r|,..vur>l Min* Pelf, W., ntn.t Ii .4u()fully dr ted in whM'- and her peiHuual al triulalitr In a(|Uamai tit*-, whtir ll^ M>U! Iiic= *'doK » — ’rio* pMK.' i .|| |..iitnd III (hr tear* of (lieiaiitpui .«n*l hri.ibli fidbiwrd by aMt-ndanir, gitU. king itOtl quteu. iraln iM-an-r, *niwn berti*u. la<lie^ and K*'n(lemcn of (he <-*>urU wU<| r"''f. rh*--, d.iffodlli, violeth, tallt (ItopH. ittiil bi*'«*Aes, l« ) Ihe royal man h lo ihe (hron«- 'rhe band. und**r (b<* dli***(lon of Millard Hun, gave a ron<«*t( oprniu^^ aftei uiMin'K pr*igram. Th'*£i;:!i t b*' comNlng lb** bund w*-r*- a^ l*»llowfT3^ Melvin Wblll«»rd, H* Crttv : Heuine. Heiilah P*'arl Ay* *M k, nnitfai:; C'Mkr.ll. Kffl.' WuUf'Mi, (JrmiatSa Hamlin. J, K Vause. John Hu*hela Th« churche-: today are not what J Kue KtallliiK . iM u** Wllll«* MarUiu' they r.hoiil<l he. but rveryou*’ Hdmlta|Mary Klla Cl.trk. Carl Jon**.. lha( they ar** doing an Immenf^^ j hamaslrr. horrain*- ‘‘•f' It? ^nil l.angley, John Va>itr«l*l. D^llun K*'U< nedy. Pridg*‘n liarn* . After Ih'- rrow»lij^ of lh‘ «ii>*‘r»j. rioh of d<mi' and an ttmr amount <»i g*i ly thr chur*h*'s have stuck clone H) religion In their teachings and havn only l>eeu coU(erne*l with Ihe p<«oplo on Sundays. Today s*iuf ‘ bur* heH i Th*' Glee (Mub of the college hasi UuK«.'il Koebuek, Joe Spence, .\elson [ priw.mted sev.tral proKranm during. - - •— i|}ie current year. They hav<* Jht-i Co., of Ualeigh. lead the discussion for businesi managers of annuals. W. Hughe;< Milb-r, a representative f>f Nntloniil Advertising Service of Klim, Hugh Cherry, Mtitiiger of Coin erta. AJel, Crlfton; Chair- Jay. f)are Barnhill, ag*‘r of Pill* Uoeky MOM' * Lorraine J man of May Stokes, The Studep giipervisors for n*^t (M«v*'land Hradner spok*- to the group. In his sp**erh he said "What He are going to do tnuat begin noir. It Is up (0 you and me whether w« havr anothrr war. We must not.” Hev. John Harrlay of the First year are: Kui< n** Ogrodowskl, N**w (*hriHllan Church t<dd Ihe gulher. Jersey, for tho buildings; Uob**rt (!arr, (.'llnton, for the campun; Mar- Ing; ‘I hnv** derid*'<l th'-y cannot make tha N<*lson Frances (JurganuM, m,, a murdered or a potential mnr- and other religious groups are plo n«**'rlng In a field which must even tually be a main point In the work Y. M (continued on page :!) AM> V. W T<» IIOI.D \kki'i;k hi iuK i:** ! formed in chnrch**» in Oak (Jrove.l Stepenson, (’hristopher Walter.s, Havniond Wells and Kalph Whit-. , fielH I Stokes. Wllllamston. Kobersonvllle,, ..... , ,,t. ■ . .1 . . ' , . wj „1 Hoanoke Uapida. and Farmvllle. <)u' H*'t* h. of ( harlotte, talked to Women graduating are. Misses v*oJ 9 .. ..r^.irrum u-.« iflven 1 the busjn**s.i managers of magaaln*-H. New' York, spoke to the business managers of newspapers; and Her- Women graduating are: Mhv 2 n nroKram was Kiven 1 managers of maRaaln*-H. IXirolhy Aycoek, KI«ln« Ballard, I f^rid.y veninK »t S o'elork ti.e li.-lla liowen, Kthel liriittey, *rhursal altendi d by a larfie aiidl-1 convtnllon banquet wan held • oyle. Clyde Deans, Marjorie D'"-L,,,.,.’which was wi ll pleas.-d with the «' Sh.Talou hotel ballroom, with \V. Kiilh Kvans. Marjori.' Freeman, 1 ,,r,,K<.ntallon The nroKram IncluaeU: Hmnders, colvrfiil editor of the Hulh Kvans. Marjorie freeman .^he proRrai . Mercer Harrell, Kdltb Hart, Ha7.1l I y„„l Kllwb. lh Cl(y larr**!!, Nina Mallison. Mary Mayo, t U*dand Smart I delivering the Mary Kthel Outlaw. Annie Morris | ^ ItulH^nstein! Sanmiers npf>k» Dally lnde)>eudeiit. n)uln address. Mr. *rr-.|,T-i ***' >*n»H|| town Parker. !.,ou Kllen Perry. ; }iark. Hark My Soul"_ II U. Shelley i nt'wspaper an<l ihe traitUng offen d Powell. Sylvia Pruitt. Hazel 5^**’’'*iThe Holy City St*ph*n Adams' the y*iung man <ir woman se**klng a Ciw* i«MMtne I .. . . .0 ., — . ! w*‘II-roiin*led n*»wsi>ap*^r experiein ^'. Mr. Saumlers said “Th** newHpup*T I.<miK" nowe. Sue StalllnKS, i|y,„u „t I.ove (froiu l.arKo) L*4_l. . - 1 .. .. . I f I i«. k tl \/ I V- _ 1 . . i Strickland, Mllian Toniiiison, Vir-1 pinla Turner, KItli- Walston, Mari etta Whitley, Ollle Wray, and .Mar garet W*)rks. Thirty-eight of these students will r**ce|ve the North f’arollua (Irade “A” Teachers’ ('ertificates. “Moving Cp Day” will be carrie*! »m| as usual and is to be held Wed nesday, May 19. \ti the gymnasium St th«» r**gular <hapel period. On this day, the classes will move up Antonin Dvorak '"iNow the Day Is Ov**r. Jos*ph Harnbyj bttsin<-ss is not a part time job, but Sevenfobl Am**n Sir John Stainer, a twenty-four hour a day Job; and He**-ntly, th** ribte (.’lub Qnartef,j anyon** fn the profession nf)t con-*i of Miss Mihlred Atkins,. sld**rlng it such will not make the soprano; Miss Lou Kllen Perry, alto; | great<>Ht possible su*cess.*‘ Uirlfflth Hamlin, tenc»r; and Klmer The awaros were given to lb** of .Mottern, IfHsH. presented a pr*»gram of the publicaiJoiis that wer»* at Ihe First (’hrlstlan Church of • jurig,.,] h<»sl in Class A and (Hass H Hoanoke Kapi<ls. Those scho*»ls with over lono «?n- The Olee (!lnb Is lo give programs ■ foUnHMit w**re jn (Mass A and those In St. Timothy's Kpisc«ipal Churchy |t,aa t),an 1000 were in Class H. Duke and fake the places of the next pro- Haptist Church before ceeding class. I th,, cnrr**nt y«*ar's fun* titms an* ov*;r. The Senl»>r Class officers The Club has presente*! on*? radi^ President. Miss Lou F:ilen Ferry; | on ih*! regu- Vlce !»r*?sldeiit. Miss Nina , jar t*oII**g** broaocHst at the Koeky (contiiiu.'d oil pa^e Z) 'for the dlnlnt hall; anil Sarah llaln Ward, »u|ier*lnor of th.' work In Ihe islriH' dormitory for the paKt y.'ur WB». re.electi'l, Th' iii‘W otfl.-er« for the (Jlrl"’ norniltory UnernMniii ari!; I’resl- d.tnt, Matlldi' llowden, Ni'W Hern; Houmi* l’rei.ldent, Charl..tte Cuthi'le, Morehead Cltv; Vice I'r.rBldent, Hel en Co.lwln, K' Sicnttary, I.ydln Kilpatrick, C.rKtoii; Tr.^uBUror, Cleo Janii'K, llobei ■‘Onvlll**. Th*' new Iifflcert' for th.' M'uV Dormitory <l<<rriiiin>iii I’n'oi- il«-nt. A J. Moyi-, Karmvlll.'; VI." presiilint, Woodrow II, Kukk. fioi- lops; S.'Cietary, Kluwr ' iMotl. rii, AhIivIIIi'. S'nior repres<'nl*llv<'-: .Millard Hurt. Ual.inh; lloberi Carr, I Clinton: Junior r. pr'<enlallv.'s: ' Muwuril Hot)* rHon, Tarboro; Cyru' ! I,.'.*, Sew Hern; Sopb.itnor.: r.-pre- : H.'ntalive-■ Jam*'-- Kiiber, Seliua, Jarvis Daniel. Hlack Cre. k. The oath o( oftki was adnilnl»l-r. ed and Ih-si new .if[leers w.'if set apart for ilulimi and r.- poiislldlltl';; ..f ih.rir resiH'ctlv.! ..ffi.-.'s. The Canillelinht Inslullatlon K.T- Ivl.e will be belli on the front canipuH 'May 2.1 nl ti I'M, for Ihi- animal tniH >:iaii(i i have d'-1. “7 . ,, .... u i- » mid war and I am Bolii.f h‘''"' '■ ■'* ’ '' »ar “"d I am KolnitK. ^ ..mcers for n.-«l year. Ml.-* I«r.” ' ’'The VesiM'r ►!>• aker will I..' ITot.saor Perry (,!ase, wb*i will glv«* his a*l*lr»--.“ derer again. I hope (he studeiit body will lakft this Kiand I have d« rhled against to yell about do it through Uesolutlons were passed by the <tud< lit body of the cotlegr against war and any of Uk manlfestalIons. They d< *-lHr« d they would not take part in future wars. WHO'S WHO A conimfftei* <-ompfi‘'*'*l »if sfudenfs and fa*-ully members has Kelert*>d tlve outhlaiMlIng iludents of Allantic ChrlHtian Coll**ge to r«*pr<*Hent ilir C*dlege In lb* b*»ok "Wh*»*n Wh*» In AiiH-rlean C*dleK**H.” for tho year 1U:J7 Ifl'IH. Th**H«- chosen are: 1,/mj Klb'ii Perry, Itob<*rsonv|||e; Man .M*’i*er Harrell, Pln*'tops; Milton A*ism''. Newton (Jrove; j(u«:4e| f(oe- buck, WilllaniKlon; and C. W'al* lers. Jano-4Vllle. S«‘lecMoii wa made on the ti.iMb: /tf fr Httuintntnf, i#‘afl<‘rsblp. religious inter* r.(i and athletic ability. erry ' afl**r Ihe pi'Or eMslonai. i*xhlbl(loii of tumbliiif: Kiv*n Th*t ai robatl* lumbling of Kiu< ii«- Ogro. dfiMskI, Kam ila^<, Hugh Kell). KU m*-r Mon**>n iind Joe Hood diew u large appluUi**- from ihe * rond. Ladlcn and Oeiillemeii of llo* court Included: Kclilh Hart ami Htigh ('h**rry, iNirufliy Aycock a»oi Marsh Kiifdt, 'i'lllb- H(*wfl«<n and IlMudolph t’handh'r, Dar** Hainhlll himI Hill Tv- :'>on. Ha/el Ulley an<l ttaymoiMl Wf'lls, Doioth> Ci«*i«h an*l N<<rmaii Kth<-rldg*'. Kdna Hainhll and It h. D«Miny, M<«ry K (iuilaw anil Unnlo Cockrell, flowei glilr, Cviillila Hiad- ley. Mary Hell>. Pain** l.'.trh. F*)llow lhe|Mary i«ou Waisoti. Iiaiii lH*Hreir.: theni*- aong of lU»* two S**Tetary, Mls« Mlldn*d Powell; Treasurer, Miss Hazel Riley; and Fa-ulty Advisor, Professor Perry Case. The usual schedule Is being silght- ly deviated this v**ar In that exam- inatioiLs end on Friday afternoon,^ May 21. Saturday, May 22. will be} accomplishments, the date for the annual “(Mass Day.*' petition signed by all the met These exercises will begin at 10:30* ... *1. A. M. on the front campus. The Col- Mouiit Station WKKD. » j Uecognitiou is due to the Glee | Club for the comm«*ndable progress j it ha.s mad<! this year. In view of, • the fact that the Club has lK*eiil | hampered by the los« of us*? of thell college auditorium, it has j in her | of the (’lub was presented to the a*l*, ; ministration a few days ago. askingl I Jegp Hand will give a concert at 5:30 credit for the work. The mem- in th" afternoon on the front t'^^^'jbers are entirely «Jna#*/‘e In th‘*Ir re- PUR. “Class Day” will be terminated | anji ll,elr reasons are plaus- with the Commencement Play at jj,ig creditable. At prewnt, tredll (continued on page 2) MINISTERIAL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS is issued for only one-fourth of ac tual class time. Irrespective of extra rehearsals and presented programs. The members of the Club for this years are: Misses Mildred Atkins, \lv- »<»Man (iriffin, Cleo James, Kathleen The Minlpteriai Club of Atlantic Hart, Charlotte Guthrie, ChristUn College held Its Annie Mary Saunders, Hazel Kib*y, election of officers at their regular. MalHson. Ray Plland, L<iu Kl- meeting: Wednesday. May 5. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Second Semester MONDAY. MAY 17 All .Sfftions Erijfli.‘<Ji C * (irummar School I’hynical Kducatioii Alhlctic Coai hiiiK TUESDAY, MAY 18 M. VV. K. 8::50 A. M. ~ All .K<-i:tioii:i lilble () KnKli>ih 20 ,M. W. K. ‘J;:50 A. .M. Classes ()Kr(Mlow8kl, president; K Wheeler, vice president; Robert Jar- tnan, secrelary and treasurer. The officers for this year; Cleve land Bradeper, president; Kerniit Wheeler, viet president; and Daisy I.ocklier. secretary and treasurer. The .Ministerial Club has been very petlnK Wednesday, .May 5. perry. Sarah Bain Ward. -Mary . The officers elected are: Kusene j (junter, F;dna|! !r(Mlowski. president; Kermlt Barnhill, Kuby Barnes, Daisy Lock- I Hear, Irma Callahan. Dorothy Sykes, and Jean Kiser. Messrs. Arthur Strickland. James Suber, (irifflth Hamlin, Ku- cene Ogrodowskl, ?;imer Mottern, > Millard Burt, Robert l.ansley, Ker-,« mit Wheeler, P. Dalton Kennedy. _l| active this -.ear. The retiring offi-i The Glee Club has been directed.; - . ’ , K<r ! r« have caitied on the work of the ^capably and efficiently by Frofe«»«r i club in a way that is creditable to them and Ih.' clnb. The new officers will not assume thtir duties until the beginning of itje ;iill term. John W. Kontaine. .Mr. Kussell j Hoebnck, able piano accompanist.j | who has given his scrvU*-.; faithfully,, ^ will be *re:i'ly missed ai he gr»du-jl alto tl»U year. *^eB" 2: :00 P. M. 8: ;00 A. M. 10: ;:io A. .M. 2 ;00 P. M. 8 ;00 A. M. 10 :.30 A. M. 2 :00 F. M. 8 :00 A. .M. 10 :;50 A. M. 2 :00 1*. M. 8 :00 A. M. 10 :30 A. M. 2 :00 P. M. WEDNESDAY. MAY 19 T. Th. S. 8;;{0 A. M. (■'lasK<?.^ S<!< tioi!.s ll. allh & HyKiene IndUHtrial Ailn T. Th. S. 0:30 A. ,M. Cla'vsen THURSDAY. MAY 20 .M. W, F. I0:.‘50 A. .\L Cia.H.s«;H f.'ommcrcial Law rrrmrmrrrrrr ^ w. f. u:.'!o a. m. ciutweH FRIDAY, MAY, 21 T. Th, S. 10:30 A. M. ClaiwcH Commercial Arithmetic Drawing T. Th. S. 11 ::W A. M. ClaMne* II (ileam,” th groupM. Tht "!l**d ll**K< ” hrrvb'- will again be used (hia y**ar. It was begun years ag*». and II h«t* < *»ii*t* t»» have a tradldon.i! sl;;nin* am 'Fhe set vl*e (ypl«*'H the hplrll *if srrvi**' « jirnipiHied in the work of ih« V. M. C. A. anti me V W (' A. The lo^eh ale pri'seiiled ea*-li year (o liieotning cHblnet offtiers a» (be InslallalbHi service Kai-,i iiM*nil»<*r Is givru a r***l rose tnd In ihls inann‘*r Is ileillcated lo (he work of the n**x( year In Ihe Can*llrllght Hrrvb »•. (he nrw oinj-t-rs b»il*l iinllgh(*Hl candl»*'< l while Hie letlrlug *»fft**Ts ctillie for war<l and ligbl th*« n* w *>ffl<rrs‘ can- <I|es with lh**lr own 'Phey lh**n al**p back, having shared Ihrir re»pons| hliJly In holding the light of triiih an*l rlght***Misii**->M aloft This ld**i lends iiiiich lo Ihe congruily of p*-r prtiiathig th« ld'*als and work of tbr^f two organly.atlonn, and ayni bfdizeN (hr carrying on of their ef forts lo establish Chrl«tlan morals and Chrifltlan living In (hr youth of today. The Y. M I' A. offlrer;< for lh:s >rar are. M*«rvln Ja* kaon. presld«*n(. r|rv«land liradner. vb-e prrhi/ieni. Hugh Krily. Hr«rriary and treasurer Thr V. «A. C A. offle».fs Karah lUIn Ward. prrnldrnt. .Martha Hrin H/>n, 'hr prerldent; l/»u KIbn Perry. tiea«iir*y; Mary Cot, secrriary; and prograoi irOmmHfre Kiai»«« Hallard, .May Maine. TUllr H*>wden, and .Mar garri Outlaw. The faculty adviaor fr»r (he latter group Is MIs.4 K'tnnir l|ar|e*r. , The V. M (' A. oflli»*ra f«»r n**x( year are GrlffHh Hamlin, pr«ilden(; Krrmit WheepT, tlf’f president, and Hugh KrIly, r» 'r»*(ary and (n'Ssurer. ium> phkhk>th <'<).%<’»-:nT« The college iMind IfKik part In th*' ’ I (^aliopadr in /(<*f ky Mount recenOy. I I M haa alao gfven roneerls at Con- I ; ti ntn«*a High Fch«Nil. Hnow HMl and |lGrlf(on. |( also (ontribuird largrly ^/to Ihe aoeceaa of the May Day Fea I I tlval on the college cauipus May 1. IjThe band u comi>os**d of alniut , 11wenty>flve boya and girls, and dl* II rr« ted by Millard Hurl. Mr. Hurt ijorganUrfi thi> college band here In I I 1SI34. and he haa directed It alnce. ^ I I^t yuar uniforms were r«*< e|v*d I I through the work of Mr, l^rt. It U Hilly Hain«K an*! Jlminy Prlv«‘tte; lietHld*' Mrtfjorl* Dew. .\uule MoItU pHiker, and Hu* *horu <‘harlot»o (riithrle, t-hMiMiian. V'JviiJi (;rlffln, Kuby Hitt lie :. Sarah Haiti Ward. Limj Klh n P* ri:.. lidllh Hatl. Ivliia Hain> bill, Dar< H.iiiihlll 'nni>' llindrn. Aiiiil** Ma*- Saund<-tK, N'lu.t MMlll.on. FaniiH H*dllday. Floieu.. Holliday. <;ra*e Hud'.fill. Mihlr»'^ P* ' le, L>dla KII pa I rick, c'bai l*«»»r i;ii' n- T1|(»m' taking patl m (h* d.iucss W ere MH follo»*'« Hr*'*-7.*' ItaclM'l II’ wi'le tlnilr- man. Vliginla Hatkle-. VliRtiiu lut- M.iiy Mailiew . At:n‘ FuHell, /tii*'h*'i HiajiH»*y Italn DnipK Mai> K lllllry rhair man, Olivia f ulgbiifu l'»jm**i» (iui gHOU . H* >l**r M' DahJel. i'‘»ra I.-* m AyciMk. Mela Haiio 1 t./Ii , MM/rlle Kl.kM. Mary f*j». Fr*n ■ H«m!«. Maiv K Hllley HmIi. H . ne^. Vpdeti Mary KHi* i “ i»law, * hair- man lta»hel Daniel, K*Ht*r1n** Dan- let. Martha Kirkland, V<r. <"!a f rlml, Mat»e| HattM*'. HmIIv I Gretch- rn Davl;*. (julnneH*- \.i'‘ • Dafr*»dll»; M.iiy Mrf 'lialunan. Marthvi .'ipper, Went'. brookH, Maig^ret ;,|. n'er. Maltl# Hatfen, Annie :;a'in‘»»*i , Kthrl Hrufr«*y, Mary HlH‘in*'r Ctti’**, J**a*l» Da nlel Ito e. TbtHha < *.yle .h^lrman. Klalne HallaH. Kdilh lunr i, Lvdia Kllpalrick, II../.I J«ri'M. Ilu'i! Kvuiis. .Mi.a M.iIIIm.h, KilHb K«rm.'i, Thurnu Coyie Kfdlowliig lb*' i*»i'*n*»»on of !/»'( Klb-n P*-rry as .Msf ti«»e*-n, a M^/ INile dan**- was htai'd »Mh Hi* f<d* lowing taking |Mrt Otr-i Hrook<. t'balrman. H*iin*» Aiiier. J«»'<phln*» Conley. KIIxhIh*IIi llaf|Hr, (;r»r^ HtidMin, K«rah Jain- lt*»«**e, ()lll« Mae WiM*ler. Ita* he| H'dland. Pa- (rlcla Hi« phens, Lu* in'* Hialllngg, IhiriK Wln*»i**ad. Vivian lemgla^. Mildred piele, Kllxab«ih t)v*rnMn, Fannie JlollifUy, Mary l^ii*^ WendC Chairmen of tht- .May D»' r- clwi> wer<» th<* f*db»wlng Mi '-'*tli Whltb*y, Chairman of I'-- - Thur»*a C#>yl**, hMtjn-:, M<*r** i Harr<*II. *halrmaii of <oi(Mm' •. K.t- alsted by U»ls Haggetl**. Hrrt0‘ Mae haM. Kffle Walal*»n, and Ixirotb^' UoutM-; Jean RlMft. prorrams. Vlr gfnla lto**«. flowers; K«.^amond O n- ley, ihlldren; Dick Hartihlll. chair- man <#f slag*' <‘omtnlll«*e. a««U(ed l»T ^ James R<igera. c. H K*!w»r(*f* and 11 mak'ng a worthy cooirlbulloa lohi J. Howdrn; Hnss^l/ H‘»**b»>< k uud .^ItUe college life. Uos# Oray Hamll'*(ii, mu*lc.

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