PACE TUX) THE COLLEGIATE WEDNESDAY. MARCH n, 195, The Collegiate Pt.t! MMIlllly t%y IlM StudcilU of ATLA.VTIC CHkl'^^TIAN COLLEGE Nrttn—I AihrrUiMC Servira. Inc. € mU040 4fU A«« •»««i tt>m* M V Sl BSCKimON HATES $100 U>m>Rl.\l. STAfT: F.L.MEH M(mKKN Kditor inChief RDGENR Cx;KOIK)»SKI EJ CYKL'S LKK A**««i«le Editor MAKY MATTHKIS Society Editor JOHN YAVORSKI . Sport* E4<tor lil SINtXS KTArt’ / KOBERT VISDHAM Butin Miniger BASIL B0V1)F:.N A«t I u» Miniter JOHN K TOOTEN, Qrcul^ on Mtniger ASSISTA Eli<ab«th Harper Sara Jane Kou«c Julia Yate* William Barbour Sarah (<rcen (•riffitb Hamli, Mary Nack rma Lee Spencer Kermit Vheeler Nuby Barnea Mary France* Biahop Mildred Wallace Mo/eile Morgan Mary Colone* Moit>r l«M Colc>6«io Prou -.TAT OFF .■!. I..-I » >1.. 1. tl Y«s, !?>»> pFflGrt Ut «fc:i5r>J In li’if w.und pUcc, the vanutia council mrm ir". -,i ilxr mm amJ wtj«nni’* vuunciJa do oo(h iKry iitmctyr in the main Nj;..',rsg !' be ar(unl that ihry ihauid lake deinrte ac- »wn i» f»{xi »och pmuna fo» by «u d>:n( caatts:'.'-* Bui -ny the t4hrT halU. It be ■rr that their fv ‘:i«i *h<iuUJ n<4 hr a pukcc lik< ruiurr The arc wu'uig tu ailuw Mudrnta til rdraij: frtjsn tht <M their own vnJition. Ap- (.4'rri;V ,iia» latter > lura^'ha* been i|uitc a failure I" the thtr J p!awe. ij(ai la the main butkiiR)| and ihr tiilt dijr*n t',fy Htd It wwuld arcm to u* that the ^ r't ui>u!d taU- / definite Kand uei the matter r)>cy ,ii«Ki <.rcjyt an attitudr againal it But. when a iprU JUie« a l^>y and uy* mithing while he utiKkra, viiihiiut rvni Urraming •>< aaking her permiwi' n. the II rve dcinknding the vinirtety due her and the uch tl icirU jS‘> hoy w<-<ild hr wtUmg to be ductiuneuut m Mj>.hy^ natur were the girla to demand that aa >mt ac^ndard nl a geiuleman Were he to be un- 'A'iC <■ > *h< >w that quality ■>( a gentlenun. he would ,i<>4 hr uxih purwing either in romance or in • frkiiJaiup (.<irU can do axnething abuut thu pruMera T)>ry demand (hat no ime wn<>ke in their dor- mitiiry halU or parlor* In the fourth pla>.c. wr would make another uhaervaiwin and appeal to the Mudent'* leiMC of decern y about grutding Li^arrtte Kuh* into the Boor* oi hall*, parlor* and cloMtiajdu Why m the tume lit t.i«timo<i arnie do *m«kei* not *ee the value of > leant meia' Tl^xwand* iil wive* have made compUintt aKiut uKarelte aahet of carele** huahand* That «. .Ill) to be a prohlem in itielf But we never hear o: nnxheii Liimplaining about numerou* maahed and Katlercd toKuvo Mub*. and icar* and burtu on floor* ot iheir living roonu Their mru ihmv more appre iiaiioii for their motheri in their home* Vet. they ar< willing for other* to brand their tnother* with »(4tt'n><.'nu about "bdd breeding , "ill bnnging up eu. by dinng here what they have better *eiuc than to do at home It I* a pitilul *ight Walk down any hail or in any parlor at the <.i4lrge and yiHi will lee numeroua . igarritr butt* and all *ort* of unoking remauu WIkii- u the «ciiae ol decency’ Where are the »ik;n» 111 tie.cut home training’ If. AtlaiilK ( .}iri*tUn ( .•Hc-jff 1.1 < i t > Mfi H:!U*y (tif ih*" tmpri'v*- ' <fi th<' s.4rtipii» ti vrr4i rrtji^nuihU* f'»r Kjvin^ varu»u» * i 4rHl tran*pUntcJ Shr h4« X ■ • j| e! 41 »/ I ■ ^ ' Kfrn pUnuJ ti»» iJu* f.W\ *■ ihtrte f t? fv n}iitfe,*ar:(un *»f our *»fn|>ut grr*tl> In xhf 4ttrj»ttvrn^i« <»| the ' ft it op lit »» In k * p ih** * 4fn i>( iK-- K'sf U4y« f *V »*<f thr ir f>^ aw I't* .•alk'.’.JV* '• liiing If V.C iil «t*«p pu« 4* hr4uiiiul j* li> Wrp ihc i^rr-n ji hrj !l wrmt ilut *i'rn.- «>^ i>| tfv tlut tL.< 4 Cit, Ifl 4H>.i -*fi * ■ ■ prJ l4> ihirik jK ut h -a m : h Krttrr »ur u l*«4ini' •4fv*- tJtr . •- t.«rr pU^f* Juvc Krcn ^‘rvrrrd »tth wikmJ tiw>k 4rt>unU 4nJ 6ruJ a p4th lo (olUmr A linr nuy hr ihc •KirK’ii Ui«t4rwc Kc* (wrrn tun Ku *>f iSr p»Mnti <>fi thu 4fnpu« Ml hut uKjt we vun 4 frv^' •trp4 mjl ul oijf *y in nf d.'f lo pr% •t'rvr thr >Jf4*4 (!«>nu- *4». I.*t « 14*^' (hii ftulit r ii-n.iiuj li-- jI! c4I> It* k»i ;' tl.< jn» ptM Kr4Ut)tui ii<X> - mo . IT ts\r sixsT' NK'KiU’ tl»r plau« fi>f tnw oi thr m<**t <>ut*t4i)Jink; v*-nl4 t\w «jmp>i* T^<’ Muv /.)a> /’Viiual 4fc »4rrful’v «nK* m-fi-f .jtu«(:.•»» 4rv« ift fim v4n K' p« r*(uJt'J r»» . <■ (vr ;i«- in (Kr V4rmM« Jakrwr** SuKr p4riKip4tM4i in t)w pn*){r4m u ni< vt<n ()« priiHcm KiMirtiti \<>iunterr Rcifcfuiy (Krr^ wrr** piMt. J m th«* h^kiini^ tiip* i»f p4p» f N^hkh v4l!»*d f.»r v«>l .'itacit Ilk the NUy l>4V l>4iuc* I’p (tl dilc iv4 rtmi. th4n Wn W>y« h4^< the «)ip*. ultcrt at. rrvH- (K411 fcMy K!fU Javr 4lr«*J^S' r%pm*rJ th%if Vktil iiiJiu *4 lu help. W'Hal t the matter. Af> V 'l alraij • if bring valle\j '*i«»v"’ After a l. tin- Mav l>ay t» fi* yiiu a* well a« !nr ihe girl» Si* if ymj are aakeO li> m (t J4IWC hr 4 .*nJ %i>nw fWtKrt Afu? all m>'\ wutk. wr haw fun WjfTWn^ D'r thtO^ th-»t K-4* i{ivi :t than 4i>ytKmg in th«r y.*4rt Nrf >T4‘ 1 ^ tlia! ^ • (■ K* III ttii*' :v. [ ;ii. a nr^r .»4.» *»> ,>f„. 'h ^ Li %rtj J- \ *-v *, -w 4|Q|mr4Cr ^ r^^Jv t n 4 ,'T4 4iui )u\T Cran ‘ ^ jr. ont %hu .V .11 S!4V t^4v L«i vv4r 4«k1 ik * ' < l.tiikc * .1 * lb« hi , » , ’ •>; iK* I h » * I IJ 4! A t‘ Cl L£T S >TCr<)( 'T>/M «> In (he p*«t. rt4n« tt:. vk.n)4«i>' r. (« (4W |c» rt; m4;'i huiMni|( ht’HTkt'r rU: lp.f IrMcM «rrm t«> Ktw he^u uniirn m %4iA nvrv 4f. «<iT! 4 ^rc4t nuny uhit p«. ra«( Ul iBakuif m ihr But Vkhv' U Muk^< hr : . riUkh truuh'. 5 *r tScrn l«’ ';i-p tJg f r x :| (? > m\i«( fwtw »4»r 4iiiunJ i)w rnnuns TWn are rvat\i«k* iSit (S** I(ii.;u .an riprv» almi tiu* ulualh*! Ill Ihe hrM pU.c. tti> appeal In the WkA^rv in (hr MMI <4 JevriKv and rei^ • t tii . ■ nv W (■«< any efcm lE i ;k : rhr «r>.4c(i Mtt ^LOHKIial^^im^*xi brraktnc Iradiixin* THE .ME.N’S SHOP YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS THOMAS ADKINS, Inc. •QUALITY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE’’ Among those w-eUomiiig "Stutt v back to *chool .'iimday wa* Marline How waa your trip Scott? ».Ki li wai iUvh a gn jt lurprne to Agne* when Dan White lamc une;ipt..tcdly all the way from South (UnJiiu to iee hrr laJt week end tlut *he got *ick and lud to %tay in bed with a tcvcr of I02the whole week end Wlut (xiwrr theie South Camliniana’ kK'k TIk- iwily good excuae we could give Cleo for >>oing home la*t I'nJay lor the weekend wa* that janie* «t-nt her wiird that he wouldn't be annind for a Wixk or mt bccau»e he had a fair ca*e of mump*. kKk Hi m gfX urcd ol waiting *u *he invited Whit to the JunHir Senior Banciuet kKk Joe Frank haa tlie hardeat time trying to make up hu mind aa to who he la going with. Thia time it ' k« a< if It I* definite What do you think Moielle? icKk - S.«iv, rn- valUd niy attention to tlie (act that />’itN huiglium kiiiJa liangi anmnJ now after ;a» iiiili-aJ ol itoiiig honn- Wliy ’ Yixi tell them Lc.lie i.Kk IjMt, what I* It tlut tlie*. Ro*e Hill cousin* have tiui liet* v.)u’ ’ ’ ’ Malkl, It i» allnght ('herrj' to hold your IuikI KNau»<' 111- j^ki'd permiuion hrst kKk - Lulj h. . )».( n-^ently cl. hIi'iI that week end* 1' A (' aren't a< had a» th»'y iKve were IiKk Eiank, you vv Ki n holding out on u* 'Mu »a* tlw "lient wlm ,ame from I>urham to ice you '>Midav alteriioon’ iKk I vcalki J ill and tlu're <at Evelyn and Dorca.1 harii>of)t:mg Tlut S«-ntimental Gentleman From l ei ii;'4 I II Kt Hulxrt * ear* were burning too kKk - It' Ui,»i addition to the Kampu* Kluh i* \l .It. J Jack«»i sKk — '•11. lU |.»il.» of thm.M Kriitie ha* Jay in a ,1. - kKk— ■At .tu; tiaae vttidng t'n tl»e ^atnpua Um we\k .11.1 w.ii F .d KirFy and IKk Mi»» kKk ! I I'It tlw llir * IXitntitucy wa» ur.der a * •«••* afc*!'’ Sunday nighl It >• «K-ttiiiK to b. j ! .-I' ;. 'ti'i II CUude' ■ kKk- 1^1 v.'U wimder C) Why W,«%]ri». call- Li«» W.icnt’ (I) Why Agmi Brite docxi't like Artu- SK.w’* rrkiird ng of liKiun Love Call? ('•> Why Favt I'ke* the ’‘Little Apple’ m miwh’ (•») Whv Marcam Aii|{e read* the Bulletin Kurd 9ii often' (!) \Mk> Ray • new jtrl* i»’ (r>) Why Kutarll AFiiti didn't thm* up Sun -fiiv n.»:fit kKk Hulvrt dtJ \iiu im'w >tiur girl wa* giang home tu *Uy' Can t you dn «imrthing aKnit it'* TRf A &tLA/£tSPCUN6 WITH tyvo l£c. sownu^' ROBEfiTH BISHOP WAS THE FIRST Of= SEVEN OONSECUrr.T JWNISTER- PRESIt>Ef.. at WiAAU THE SlUDEaNT SPEAKS GRINOGRAMS DkA* EU(Tt«: One ordinarily think* of athletn ‘ a* the he*t adventung a college re ceive* That la true in *ofnc re- *pecta but it la'not the whole pic ture There an other activitie* which have been put aa important ■The Glee Club u orK of them It haa contacted the people who give thia ctillcge lU lupport that la, the churchea. In the pa*t, many effective contacts were made, year after year throuijli numennj* .im certa. Until year the Glee Club member* received credit of one hour for tK- year Thi* year no *eme*tcr hour rtdit i* given In fact, the Glee fMub r»\eive* ivi tpecial recognitam In my cjpmii ri. the Glee Club *hould at lea*! be awarded the college "A" aa the band i* It de- aervm aome renignilion for it* wtirk and adveriiung Sim«- the hour credit ha* been taken away, cooperation leema to have suffered i' ustderahly An award of a letter Aould be a great help Foi.>r Yr vii .t;**!. Club Mi.unr.u Tl) Tlie SrLWNi-i- For *ome reaaon I've had a rath er hard time ^;rttmg letter* written for The Siiulent SpeaJ(i column for thu IMIK' Now thi* 1* unuiual, for heretofore, there have been plenty of letter*, once there were far ti«i many to run in the *ame laaue I’laaibly the *udden <carcity of per •onally expressed view* i* due to a new ruling to the effect that the original copy of a letter must have the ugruture of the writer This does not mean that the author's name appear* m pnnt (that u de pendent entirely on the wishes of t!ic writei) but that tho*i- who read the letter* for vorrection and pnxif know who th. writer is. l’i-rhap< thi' ruling which nukei tlie writer individually responsible lor hi- writes might luve iIr- elfect ot *lightiy inhihiting the can didnesi or "utter truth" of thi- letter In other words, the letters might become more diplomatic But thi* I* all guea* work on my part If anyone has a reasonable kick to expre**, or some other kind of engaging matter to dui’usc. I will be glad tl put it uito pnni Bill BMiiiot'R UiRtf: I would like to try on that dreia in the window. Clerk : Sorry, but you'll hive to u*e the dreiaing rtx)m. Ab«ence make* the marks grow rounder When the car stalls on a moon light night on a country road, if the man looks in the girl'* eye*, he'* ungle; if he look* in the ga* tank he'* marned. Warning on national forest hi)fhway: Chapcnme your ciga rette* They should not go out lone CAMPUS PERSONALITIES MELVIH WMITFORD Mr Melvin Whitford was rear ed near Newbem, N. C. He at tended the Alliance High School. While he waa m high school he took an active part in school acti- vitie*. He waa a member of the basketball team there for two year*. In 1935 Mr. Whitford entered Atlantic Chnstun College. Dunng hi* first year he was a member of the ba*kethall team. He joined the glee club that year and also be came a member of the Hesperian Literary Society. Aside from his Khool work, Mr Whitford had steady work down town. In his sophomore year, Mr. Whitford joined the Y. M C, A. and band and remained in the glee club. In his third year he directed a high school band at Kenly, N. C. He remained very active in the col lege band and other activities. When Mr. Whitford entered the lenior cla*s he not only kept his Kenly band but also organized and directed the band at South Edge combe High School. He still takes part in the college band, glee club, and other aaivities. RUBr BAR>{ES Miss Ruby Bames hail* fn* Fremont, N. C. She attended tie lugh school there. She wa* a tao« ber of the glee club and also pU. ed on the basketball team for tW years. She has studied violm uo- der Mr. Ed Stallings of Wilj* When Miss Barnes came to At lantic Christian in 1935 she joinei the Hesperian Literary Society uid was made vice-president of that or ganization. She joined the glee dub and also became a member of rt. W. A, A. “ In her sophomore year Mi, Barnes was taken into the Dehj Sigma Soronty and was elected iti secreury. She remained in the glee club throughout her college caretr Miss Barnes became a Persoiul Attendant to the May Queen m her junior year, and was chairman of the dances for May Day.. When she became a senior dv jvas elected president of her ». rority. She was pleaced on tht Collegiate staff and on the Pm Hellenic Council. She became i member of the concert committet, and was again made chairman of the dances for May Day. DAFFTHITIOHS JL’RV: twelve men choeen to decide which u the best laufyer. Refinement: ability to yawn without opening the mouth. B.\chEL<)R; a man who never make* the aame mistake once. L.\P:- what disappears when you <tand up Convex: -state prisoners. I’rism: a penal institution where convex are kept. Tw.u on^tummer hayride A» we strolled aKiut the land. That I joftly called her sweetheart And held her little raincoat A.< 1 held her little raincoat. We were going quite a pace, 1 nestled cU»e beside her And moved closer to her -um brella Cltiaer to her umbrella As she murmured little sighs. The yellow moonhght bathed us And I peeped into her- basket So I took away her basket. And the merry httle Misa Laughed in chaste confusion. As I fondly stole a sandwich Roae are red \'iolets arc blue Many men sir-ike But Fu Menchu. School Initiates Week-End Games Negro Glee Club I Robt. Windham Presents Program To Head S. A. The students had the pleasure of heanng a choral club from another school on Wednesday, March 1. On that day, the Glee Club from the State Normal School at Eliza beth City, N. C. presented a pro gram of v(x:al and instrumental music. This was held in the gym nasium at one o'clock. The group was under the direction of a very capable director, Mr. De Kalb. The negro chorus sang many spirituals, as well as the classical and more humorous songs. Each section of the chorus was comjxjsed of well-trained voices. The close harmony of the sections and sing ers added much to the beauty of the tones. A quartet sang numbers that were graciously received by all who were present. In addition to the quartet and chorus, Mr. De Kalb, the director, played a violin solo. The selection was played with much skill and made its impression on the entire program. Misses Harper Give Party Joint fIostt>88c*i .\t Sunday Tea ANnit fifty iHie student* of At lantic Chnstun GJIege attended the first in a h.tic* of itudi-nt-f.i ulty cntertjiiiinent* or ')(.i t. er*” on Sunday aftern*'it Much 12th. in the parlor of the g;' dormitory lr> in 4;(i«>io ’ >o I’ M The Mi9k> Fran > Jiid M>n' Harper were loint h<»!rM.- wvre ably a*-uted by ''.udknt* Abciut *eventy young men and women of Atl«mtic Chnitiun Col lej?e played at various game* in the c-ollege gymna*ium on Saturday night. March 4 from 7:30 to I’ M The g.emes at h,.nd for all to ■ njoy were: badminton. hors.'shoe. ihutflehoard. Chinese checkers, and Kuketball The committee in -hargc ci nsisted of Bet Ward of Kinston as chairman; Donnhy Rouse, of Kinston: Dai*y Ux-kliear of St Stephen*, South Carohn.i, Chnstie Adam* of Newton Grove: I and Irma Lee Spencer of Kinston. I On the following .Saturday night ■ Xlarch 11. the students did no; ; pby m the gym. but played van >us i;amo* in the cUaanxjmi The siu dent* were very mu..h imerestet' too. Someone made mention of the fact that an old-fashioncd spelling- bee would be very interesting. Of course, if contests arc held ,the winners will be awarded prizes. Tins will add new interest and cn- tice more and more students who really need this hour and a half of giKxJ wholesome fun. Li’F Tom’s RAIN BOW GRILL 132 Gold.sboro St. Dial 3240 At its first regular meeting m March, the Sigma Alpha Fratemity held its annual election of officen for the coming year. Robert Wind ham, of Farmville, was given the honor of being president, succeed ing Howard Roberson. Eugene Ange of Jamesville was elwed vice-president to succeed Caii Jones. Jim Holliday of Jamesvilk was named secretary-treasurer ot succeed Bob Windham. Ellis Wil liamson of Raleigh was elected chaplain, succeeding Elbert Moye. “Red” Broughton of Gamer wu elected sergeant-at-arms to succeed Hubert Laing. Capital University student* stage an annual “Pay Your Debt Day” on which they settle theii financial obligations. CAROLINA’S FAMOUS SODA FOUNTAIN DRINK VIM-KO 5c SacH Meab I nki I PER R Y L. L A M M + Entiraver ■> _ WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING ♦ 115 S. Tarboro St. wiL on, N. C. •!-++«++++*+*^^ lew and ‘ and enjoyed the games immensely ■I tlu-'Tho»e available were: anagrams, a I 'Uiw Kurd, parchisi. diHninoc*. Game* were provided i-f aliw!^ .larn'ms. stick.. clHvkers and chi antd to play Tl«-v nj lyed wtr. i nis.* checker*. anagram*, chineir checker*, and carom* The center taWe wi- heautiully laden with a huge Knvl of yelkiw lotKjuiU mingled with white Tw'o tall yelli'W candi,-*, .’,*id their guard at either adc of the dower* Another l*-ai;t:ful vu*e of B-nvem reigned tiufixwally from it* u \xt attv the pian-i LVIiciou* U* chix'olate, cook.ts. and (xai.ut* v.i-st seiA’cd the guejt* by Knane Yionoulu< and Irma Lee Spcncer, who jwuted the hoAew,.* “Howdy IHy" I* a *p«e<«l rvrnt i>n tb* L<» .\ncrln City Collei:* caWndar. Student* «rmr *p*eUl idvntlfiemtlaa tar* on that day. «*y "liowdy" to rv*r>-oiM th»-y m*n. Th«-<.- gam,.* were made avail- alie to the studenu through the generosity of Dr Hilley, who so ^ graciously gave the committee in'* -h.»rj;e tin- funds to purchase some ^ + >t the ganwi Mrs Hodges per 11 mitted the u*e of the equipment * i^e**ary fi>r physical recreation in ^ the gym The in*tigator* of the idea of regular Saturday night entenam menu fiw b««h Kiy* and girl* were Mr* Lehman. Miss Fannie Harp er. and a number of girls Tlie re iponar to the first two programs in the series of organued recreational wiM-k wa* R> gratifying that the . immittee is planning to secure Ij r.k)n- equipment m the near future ’ t Afc c o of »me sort art SAFETY -i»ue»U are going to be held; rac planned, ill Southern Railroad SPEED daily Norfolk Eii^beth City Washington Greenville Farmville Wilson Zebulon Wendell Sleigh i,v I travel for 1 l-2c PER MILE * ‘ “ ‘^e Dependable Highway Serving Your Community ECo^lo.'^r 9:30 A.M Lv 11:17 AM Lv 2:06 PM Lv. 3:07 PM Lv 3 :?2 PM Lv <:27 PM Lv 5:26 PM Lv 5:36 PM Lv 6:20 PM Ar ♦ + t * * * Ar. 4,-50 P.H-J Lv. .>jQ2.PM.| Lv. 11:50 AM ;♦ Lv. 10:52 AM ♦ Lv. 10:18 AM ^ Lv. 9:25 AM Lv. 8:25 AM Lv. 8:15 AM J Lv. 7:30 AM J LltliL? HI Ji

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