TUESDAY. MAY 2y 195, PACE TWO THE COLLEGIATE The Collegiate Moalbly By Tb* Slsdnn of ATLAfrriC CMRtt?TJAS COLLEGE Nauoaal Adirrumt Scnrtre. lac. SUBSCRIPTION MATES $IM tPIV iKIAL TTAFl' Ami<« T ('iitur Mmy Sv.iim JuMM Yavi«iii m Chuf .Vti»wfm( CJit^ Amuimu Ciiilt/r SiKuly - Sp^U BLWINESS STAFF f H Jahmam Huar WiMWiAM PlWXE WiLtT ICtMiAa ( Tatu* Butnuu SIj’Ufrt Aial Bui Mgr Cfcuiatum Mgr AwuUnl Cl' Mfr ASSISTANTS IU.tZA**TM HaK^H Wiiuam Bauuc* Waii Mai Guts fUiLuttAt tLtmt jKutf bviiVN Bahnii WitMA WaUA»i< Uma Ltt SftNi.u MiLuatu WAiXACt Isei Li*wui Wimri*!) LiLUA.N (Jl.'THlUC IU« RuociclBd Gnteflrte FV»u UtMUCKACT IH THE MAK/\0 o In t Umc when ihc Jcmvtjlk. iilal m bcitig i.h«ilcn4|rvJ u<i every huiJ, (he uxahurun K<nrcrn menu «e wymg, V'uu van ( iruM the <.uoun<j«i nun, but muM put ytMif uum in t aitutif leaJer ' In 4 luoc when Ihe cnemic* •>( Jcmcxf4>.y att lea Jung tiieir tyncm u4 |(uvcriU)Kn(* tu ihe yt>ulh, there are a (ew ui u* whu believe that it u abuut lime wc W4U up aitti begin tea^huig L>cmt&rat.y, before it u .iKupkuly erateil Irixn thr la^r <>l the earth 111 ihu regarU, 7 he UviUguit wuhei tu cu<i gratulate the retiring l.aeiulive B>uriJ lmi ita truM ui ihe WHkiun uf ilie •(uJeni baiiy (u elcvl the beat •lutjriiu lur v*(spu« leaikrt The Conaututkxi the Ccuf</»livr l»i>vrfnmrnl invn t|>e K "ffiari Ruoun i;u;^»«le that «udeM wuetim no auny never puJ ihcac •ubMutuig fur them ^^jhttuula have g<jne u> fnuch trouUc to tmM yuu when oRdcd BcaC TVy detervc unadenUun. *»■ a>ben w.ii > i<-<.e ^ such a ijottu ur muer Yea. aiuJenu. there a mucli 10 bt >lune before w« pan . COLl EClA\S TO COPT o ! The joUutitng tdita’utl oppeaxJ m ihe Zebu Icn Ktftnii anJ u being 'cprmied hcrt unlhtruJ the '-^wlcdff anj t./>uenl u/ the tiiiti/t uf the Coi i Jvile The pTirUtt / Vi't re>.aU ikat when a aluJenl in >.>itKgi: I I the K/y« were nut what ifiry were later in bfe 1 >'!' hnllianl i(M(lcnl waa a leaJer in making bfe u'iirraM? tu the freahmen artd he aliu waa a Icailer ETi nJrtny v4 the etLapatie* iluJenU uften believe they are eapewtej tu partwipate m. Nu( long after graiJuatwn thw aame yuung man hrid a p<Mtion of truK and hue«ur and 61led il very acceptably Col- iege Mudenta kiw a •pectal lort uf wtid u>t* that teav tu gruw when nJlegc life ends H<nvcver, wc belKvc thuK >^ualitie> i>f vharacter cxpected in after life Jmuld be aunifeiied m the Mudtiit while in vullem Fue twu yrar> the Re^urd Fubluhmg Co haa been pruuing the aludent publicaticn uf AtlantK Chnatun Cullege A few days before pubticaliuo tlic yuung men m charge cume up tu Zebulun with thei/ cupy It la carefully prepared even to the dummy that thuw* the general make up uf the pa per In theae yean wc have never beard one of the young men uae a vulgar ur pru^aiK word They are vuurtcuua and cuciaiderate and even apulugetK if they teem to be extra trouble m any way If the«c yuung men arc lUuacratiuna uf the type ut itudent* luund in thia collegc, then that matitu- tiun muM be far Hjpcnor to othen wc know of that claim a •upcrmrity m moat thingi of value which a college ulfcri to ytAing people The MudcrUa who go abruid are the beat advcrtiaement an educational uutitutiun call pu«U>ly have It makea a parent feel that if theae arc cxampica of the (urt uf trairung fiMUid m a collegc, that u the aort of achool m which Ih wuuld like to tee hia buy or girl No doubt, many {uxcnu decide on collegca by what they hear, true >« untrue, in tlie conduct uf Kudenta. We have mentiuticd theae yuung men cuoimendably before, but wiah to repeat uich Katemenu becauae uf their value to ottwr young men and alau in juatice tu Atlantic Cliriatun Cullege KWHS KNIC KNAX Miwde lulka' liow'a yo’all? Here we are to gether tu amduct uur tirat guaaip aeaamn of the munth Thia la the placc, you kiiuw, where our ;»--utive motto la, "See m/thiniL htar nothing, and tell all." • i!P^*^ • W ' rflj (jujine,, _ other vworda - that ■ the ctaKzm u< the entire aludent body, fur any rca««i. which tu iheK eleven tneroher> may aicn valid Tite record ot the Kxcculivc Ikatrd thia year «hi>w« no rejection of numinaiiuna In ucher wurda the rrcurd of the Fucutivc Buard ihow* that U can iruai the iiudenl body to elinimate the un^ualiied ollkc Kekeri and to elect the bcK Thia la turely a tlrp toward putting the deniu^ iraiic pruKiple to w<vk un uur campua Die B<«rd a fuixiiun nl making ncnunation u juati6rd. In the abaeiKe of pi4itical partiea un uur unall >.ampua ihia tunciix) uf the Surd acrvca to pul bclurc (he aludent b»dy a hal o< ijualilied candidatea But when the bueulivc Board ihiiwi, by the rcfectmn ul aludenta' iKOuiutbMi, (hat It la n>i( willuig tu Irtal the Mudenl budy, even the tame •ludciil body that put it in uf lice, II vanik< fcc tea..hing Uemui.racy, bul it la fot kMnng the dKtatorul pulwy of being voird ituo power by the people, but feeling nu trual m their ludgmenla It la aaaummg that (he elrctorate oi thia cuUegc la not capable ot eliminating un&t >:andidatea Il la aaaummg that young men and wtnnen m collegc arc rw« intelligent witen. hut nnehuw it hnpea that after bring prKccted fnxn wnmg drcuiocu m college (iKliona, they can br trualed in uur guvcfiimental (leciiun What a vam hupe! W^t a way to leach drmixra.y. anJ il the retiring F'xrcutive B<Mrd haa nlabluhed ita priikiple of trualing tu the will of the Mudenl biAiy. what u uut o( order in uving "Can- graulatiivu'*^ uiX>- BEFVRE V. E PART The year la iwiftly drawing tu a cUae Befuec wc will rcalue it friend and frKiid will part Some ut m may never Bicel each other again In theae buty day* brfuec the parting, we ihuuld turn uur ihoughia tu duuig thingi now while wc can Fur the many kirxlrMaaea of fnenda, awx:u(ea. and (acuity, wr thould Imd time (u thow our appre >u(iun When (he Ui( day ihall viene bttle time wtU br available fur (hat Evrry\me will be m great •trea and anxiety imvr pa«.ku>g, train*, buaea, etc H»w«ver. iherc u another matter ut great im |xieun>.t Cullege lile la pKtured evrrywherc with a "lending, bnrruwing «pint " Eeach )-ear numeruua buAa never cuenr hkk tu the hbrary ur t>> individ ual reference thclvea oi the faculty membm B--fure we part, wc augtal thmk twKe fitiw many bouka bekag 10 other*’ Before we part. Wt « ccraader (he thinga thal wrrc burrowed It nar be clutho, ahuca, roun equip ■•ml. lewelry, eU' Each yrar borrDwrd arudra arc thoughileialy earned away Find the irwiwn now whtle yuu can An honeal nun can abvay* be rrhed upon (u •rule drto. It wr wrrc to hnid a poll at (he end ot each yvar, w< would hr rioxkcd a( the unpaid debta CDOegc Kudenti arc ni« in a (^wtion to take taara ihrougtl drbta to fellnw Mudmla We ihould act auke uuraelvaa wbfcct to accuaalitru oi diatinn' My Let ua thank cwrfuDy N^*hen do wc owe Let t» crtlle up hrfurc wr part come un chillun! Let'a goaaip! It'a rumurcd that during the prac-tice for May t>ay, Mr> Hinnant commcnded Bub and Ruby for keeping auch perfect tune Can you keep it up Ruby’ Middle namea have alwayi aruuacd a kx of curuaiiy Chillun, why don't yuu aak Mu* Sara Mae UreetK what the K m Mr John K Wooten'a name ttanda fur? Eluue, you'd better leam to keep your room in good order You may need (he cxpcneiKe acme day Oh don'( mind u* jual remember, a word tu the wtae la aulficient Mr, Hamlin waa ao aurpnaed tu hear that Lib had •tartrd "amrtin' " that he had to tell the entire hialury claa* about it By the way, who u the new fclUnv, Ub’ Tell ua all! Suaan had better be careful with Jerry There aie plenty of ua who vrauld like to lift him frum her Anne aecma to have the nght apint We know It took courage, but wc knuw, alao, tlut ahe ha* plenly of 11 - -O'— There alway* tecma 10 be that eteranl tnangle Fur example, Kathenne, Bub and Martha Gail, wc wonder what Carl haa that nune of the other boyi have It muat be wonderful' —o Well! Well! That Outlaw accma to have rob bed Belle her heart The thief' We've been told that Mult aayt he la definitely nut m knx Wr'vc been told it u dangcroua to uae that w\ird "nut~ Maybe he'd better aay he docm i think he u B J had better wake up' Thurman and Wilbur appear to be making pretty guud tune with a certain Utile girl Juat a augj^iun from ua to him Hia lime can be beal, we've heard Jeanette, auoie ot the girla wan( leaaona in how (u handle (hree or more men a( (he aame tune You aerm tu do better than Lorcc. Oh well. BiUy haaa (t br humwed Gene aecma to go from one extreme to another F:nt. a perfect blonde and then a perfect brunette Make up your mind, boy! Our heada ache from wvndenng o V^'ell lolk*. uur tp*:t la up for thia time 1 hope yuu gained a uaeful amount uf goaaip knowl edge froa ihia month'• aeaawn So until next fall. Maw luoe—aame place. IH «y — Goodby, Evah- bixJy—See you orxl September eWENtXXYN I) t>e tiartw SttTttOF iCfi T> ATTM> ccnbA cntBg Tc UM H 1Ve WeMCHAU. ID CSCfiCM TBO Oacp teofsfaysa. OFTve lit'/ MOftfWW* ^ ^600.000.<^ T* mXBMt CF RXLS N A WSKETBAU. GAH£. S M < THE STUDENT SPEAKS To TMi; EwToa: Fellow Kudcnt*. examination tunc u facing ua'atjain. The exami- nationa are given ua with the pur- poae of finding out what we have accompliahed during the •emeater. Sume ut ua are prepared tu face thia challenge; aonu- of ua are mx. Sume of ua havt- tpent uur tune wiaely, while otl>ora have merely waated their time uway. But whether or nol we are ix>w prepared, let ua i;ivc theae exami- natiuna lume careful coiuideratum WE aurely du o< t want to fail m any uf our courai . tlirefore let u< Kct down tu buainti* and do aome real huneat tu guoUneaa atudying There u all the mure reaaim for thu if we do ruK feel adequately prepared Let u> determine tu maatc-r the exammationa at all coata. It might be Uui we have nut thought It kyrUiwhilt tu apend much of our imc Rudying; but whether wc realize it ur tint, it ia certainly worth any amount of our time that wc might give. Let ua cunaiJer the coming ex- aminatuma aa a peraorul challenge Let ua do «>mc real atudying theae laat few day* and be ready to ac- ^cpt theae teata with a determina tion tu prove that we have accom pliahed what we act out to do at the beginning uf the icmeatrr A SuPHOMllRI' To Tiie Eonoaj Several changra have occurred in the dining hall in the paat K-vcral wet-ka In the firM place 1 could commend the great improvement in jcrvice and fi«d. But, it aecma tu me that the >tudenta are not all doing thrir part. Many are lacking in appreci ation for the improvcmonta. They (till peraiit m "measing up" the table ckxha, pouring tea all over the tablea. "cutting up" a lot more than neceaaary. etc. Let'* all do i)ur part The din ing hall peraonnel haa ahow-n ita willingneaa to impmve aervice. Why not have atudenta improve and thow amir meaaure of appre- ciation'’ In the aecond place, 1 wuuld heartily approve of the welcome Grin-O-Grams A C ; Huw do you feel after your ride un that horae? Mary Ella: 1 never knew any thing filled with hay could be lu hard! Huapital patient commenting on tlie new*: Here'* a fellow who pat- jented a contrivance for preventing girl* frum falling out of rumble laeau What do you think of that? Nurae: 1 don't like it at all. It* )u*t another modem move to dii- place men with machinery Howard: Huw much gas have we got? Lula: It *ay> 'half, but 1 can't tell whether it meant full or empty. Synthetic blonde: rye bread try ing tu louk like angel food cake. POMES No wonder the bttle duckling Wear* on ita face a frown. For It has juat diacovered III first pair of pant* la DOWN Wtxximan, woodman, spare that tree Touch not a tingle bough l¥ten It haa sheltered me. And I'll protect it now. Cut down the birch, the spruce, and pine, Bul, woodman, spare that slippery elm of mine. It'- the only tree my wife can't climb Tell "Psalm of Freshmen Life" Tell me not in care free number*. Freshman life is but a dream! For the froah will flunk that slum bers, Exama are harder than they seem. Goaaip Columnists are the spie* of life given one of the visiting teams to our campus. Such a cuatom of greeting all visiting teams and giv ing them a hand la highly desirable. It goea a long way to establish aportsmanahip and a sense of hos pitality. In the future, cheer lead ers of aime definite group could be responsible for initiating such wel coming gestures to our visitors. An Observer the men^ shop YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITEID TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS THOMAS ADKINS, Inc. "QUALITY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE" ***** CAMPUS PERSONALITIES ROBERT "PUT" DIXOH If 1 were to introduce our first campua personality of this month by his real name, many of you would not know of whom I waa speaking And speaking of person- alitua, Robert •'Put-Put" Dixon is quite a big one iround the A. C. Campus. "Put" graduated from Maury High School in Norfolk, Va., m the spring of 1933. While m high schoc4 he was active in sports and other extra curricular work. • He entered A. C. in the fail of 1934 In his freahman year he played and managed freshman basketball. Also, he was a member of the Dramatic Club and Y. M. C. A. When he waa a sophomore he became a member of the "1 Smoka Pipe Club" from which the Phi Delu Gamma fraternity, of which he is now a member, origi- ruted. He haa served as treasurer, and secretary and treasurer of this organiiation dunng his three year membership. "Put" has been very active in the men'* dormitory government m his years at A. C. He served as a representative to the council in his sophomore and senior years. Every one hates to see liim finishing and leaving A. C. We all hope that even though he isn't here any more he'll just keep putt-putt-putting along. VIRCITilA BARKLEy Miss Virginia Barkley known in these parts as the beauty of the campus, graduated (na Charles L. Coon High School, Wil. son, N. C. m 1935. She enterri A. C. as a freshman in the fiU 1935 and has been an active *u- dent since then. In her freshman year, she joaoi the Alethian Literary Society iaj was made a member of the Towi» Girls Club. Also, when she a freshman, she became a 111.^'^, of the Women’s Athletic Amooi- tion through her participation m intramural sports. In 1936, Virginia was mtuttd into the Phi Sigma Tau Soronty, She was elected reporter fa tk soronty in 1937. served as secretary in 1938. and treasurer in 1939. In the May Day Festivities of 19J8 she was a member of the coun. And in 1939 because of her out standing beauty, she was choeen by the students of A. C. to reign 11 Queen of May in the festival hdd on Monday. May 1st. Besides her other extra curricular activities, Virginia has been choien several times to participate in the radio programs sponsored by the publicity committee. We hate to end like a debate, but we know that we have proven to you by the aforementioned issues that Mm Barkley is a personality not just for the campus to be proud of, but the whole town of Wilson, too. SANITARY CLEANERS PATRONIZE OUR CAMPUS SOUCITORS Telephone 2991 506 E. Naah SL i'**'*’'*"***'*'*'*'++*++++++++++++++*++*++*4,++++++++++++4 I Shop with Confidence and Wear with Pride ♦ t I LEDER BROTHERS The Most Complete Department Store THEATRE SODA SHOP THE HANDY PLACE FX)R SMOKES — CANDIES — MAGAZINES — DRINKS THE NEW RECREATION PARLOR Pwket Billiards, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes 20r> E. Nash WE HAVE APPRECIATED YOUR PATRONAGE THROUGH THE PAST YEAR AND WISH FOR YOU A HAPPY VACATION. RED’S BARBER SHOP 313» TO OUR PATRONS Our Aim It has been our aim to have our goods repre^nt greater value for the amount of money expended than can be supplied by any other store. COLLEGE GROCERY CO. DI.AL ; ^************************^ ! ♦ ♦ ♦ j J HE CATER TO BANfJLETS AND CLUB MEETINGS THE DIXIE INN 3139 ^ BARBECUE AND SEA FOODS 'r YOl CANT IT ADVERTISING ^OU’KE r.Al,KI.N<; TO A PARADE NOT \ MASS MEKTIM; BARDIN COAL CO. the HO.ME of QUALITY COAL — Phone 2308 — LUTHER BARDIN, Manager Class of ’31

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