PACE TWO THE COLLEGIATE The Collegiate l>ai>u*)M4 Mooitij br Tb* oJ ATLANTIC aimtTIAN COLLEGE Nalioaal Senicr. lae. SLBSCKU’TION KATKs $1 MiloriaJ Ma/f BctMCT MjOrrrta JaIl V CuAtT. Ja KtA«y N* n« Ctu*um* Btutit* ■ ,>i < >..-/ r.g M.I. - U-.- ,\f jna;, wtr £ui*i/» S- ffy Eiiltrf Itunimaa Slaff f H jA«MAN Ruacar Winmiam F«.ank WaiY . . KtHtMM K TaVU« ,Kfjn.:ifer Ami Buj \(uru:,; tiroag Thai if «i*hc* could come (rue Mine «ould »urely nol prolong. If God linowt irbal I »>%b AnJ «hai I pray (or eacb oighl. Why doc»n i He grant my »i»h And put me in Heaven’* tight? If I have a t<»k to do Before my *i%h it granted Vould tf at I could find that tatk And toon my toul be planted. KAHI.Y KEr.lSTHATICN — -o— ■'Hegmer Early!" "Don't forget to Kegiat- tt" "i’teaM Remember to Regitter Early!" The«« are the wordt that face ui thit time of year. But, why? ■'Mhy!'" they tay, "What dif- fercnc* doe* it make to long at we regitter?" You have heard the expreMion, "do your abopping early to avoid the ruth." Veil, for i)M tame reatan. do your regiatering early — 10 avoid the ruth I No one like* to itand in line lor hour* waiting hit turn; maybe getting hit poor, tirtd feet trampled upon. ma>be getting puahed and thoved around, and anything elte that could happen in a crowd of wild college atudenta. "Firat come, firti served" it a mighty good thing to remember thete weekt. The firtl one* in the ofifcc are the lirtt one* to get regittered and. therefore, the firtt one* to have peace and content, knowing that that much t* over never to b« thought of again until next fall. If you do not care about yourtclf, pleaae think of the poor ofifce girit that help you to gel registered. They have feelings a> much as anyone, and they really appreciate ttudents coming in early and getting "out of the way." Remember, the Regitlrar's ofice will hold jutt to many, then it getscruwded, then overcrowded, then--CRAbH!- tomething goes wrong. When loo many gather at one time, thing* just don't "click" at smoothly a* they should, and that surely doesn't get the work finithed any sooner. To avoid confusion, Regiticr Early! ■-oOo- WLSIll.NG Vould that I could witb And have my wish come true I'd witb but once Then all wishing would be through What we would like to know In It to vuld in I’ennsylvania that it affects the mi^iuline hearts? Anyway, there is a reward offered for the right antwer by the A. C. girls! o- Da, da ... . "Here comcs the Bride", da, da. da, da . . . Tu mott of ut that has a wonderful tound, but maybe a senior boy from Seven Spring* could tell ut how much more wonderful It It to have three. He should be able too, after giving rings to young ladies from. Spray. Deep Run, and Kluabeth City, all at rhe same time. 0 V'e thought our Supervisor of the Dining Hall was a confirmed bachelor, but after look ing at the third finger of a brunette from Selma, we ju^t can't help being suspicious. (She's wear ing hit ring. Have you noticed?) Was I certain good looking boxer thinking of that little girl from Vl'athington when he won that bout at istale? Let's ask him! o Goodness ! It mutt be terrible to be on so cial restrictions, when we have such visitors a> High I’oint and Naval Bate. %’e thought perhaps that our redheads from Stokes might be in circulation tome time but apparently "them days are gone forever" . he gave her a diamond Christmas Eve. Tragic! Most Tragic! Maybe our i’hiysical Ed instructor’s heart throb isn't frozen. Have you noticed she i: wearing a beautiful sparkler? 0 Don't let one of those dignified seniors at Junior Hall and the two at the Dew House try to fool you with their dinner rings and dia monds. Confidentially, fulk^, there is a secret, or rather secrets, behind them. Uh! thcNe lucky boy*! ^ “ ' a Ve hope a freshman toon recovers from th« flu, if she doesn't our wondering minister from U'athington will run her room-mate to death try ing to find out how his girl it. 0 ATTENTION' Our little brunette from South Carolina received a diamond Christmas. If the appeart to be walking on air, just remember what a fine boy he it. It't rumored around that a certain Sigma Alpha boy just loves to collect pictures of pretty little blondes, especially if they are from Dover. Did you know it? V'e didn't either! 0 Too bad our nurse doesn’t have some assist ants to help her with uur sick boys. Girls, would you like to help? 0 Boy*, you'll have to sign up in the date book yourselves, the girls can’t help it if the glee club doesn't get in by six. __o STOP! Our Y, VI'. president’s sister and a certain South Carolina boy are getting along nicely. It's wonderful! 0 U'hat a life! To be on social restrictions and then get the flu. . . . Much more of that and our handsome ambulance driver will be carrying himself to the hospital with a broken heart. BI'U.1MN:8 LOflE (O.:nlino*d from Sport* iV«ai dmttmka I* eoea* eat of th< rin* Ml tk* top ( of ilM d«f>r**’i d«- Thoi»p«u» kvtpvd alonf Dm loral rauM by rirktlnc hla man to a draw la tk« f««tur* b.>ut af tb« •nninc B->(h boys w«r« throw- •»« phnly of tnd from lb« t»n»' point pt vi#w pR>vlurt*d IIm *am*. wUk tba At’C' pq|rt wtnnlr^ 9V*ry ftr»« rnund fou(bt. Tk* atamlrui of iIm Sui« kojrt wat tlw wlnninf farlor In all at Uwlr w«a*. ||u^ Kuilont, another firil-yMr man, foockl aa tv*n tarma wltk bu maa lor tba full tkra* rowkl* bv( loot a halrlla* dxialsn. |||< ■•a. Willuim FWmiB*. altbo««li fi«hlinc o« tba B aqnad that niti. la llalvd aa a varmity ataa and Kuilotn roally pal ap a twoll Ui. •1* Holm** who wai koavUjr rooatod on to brlnir at kaM OM point la Um boaaa fort** fan tala tba looth**! man of hu earoor and want down •rrapptrg oa tka arrant and of tfca datiafcro. Jiai Holliday, Um l&S lb. man of tka tqaad and for two yaan tka •aa* caoatalaal winaar ad livr aq«ad leal a aary oapopvUr d». cn;>0 to Cecil Kry of th« Wolf- (>*tk. Krom thU wrttcr's vl«w. |H>inl, tka fight was cloaar than th» dKiaion abowad It to be, al though u might wall hava been ijeclarrd a draw. Th» othar two Bulldog puga. Uavit and Arrnild, »Mii up a wha:« of a fighl, liul both of tbam wara handicappad by Iha axparlrnra of tbclr opponanU. Tha Bulldog K|uad, howrvar, Itvrd up to tipKllltiona avan In lirftat, and providad tba Siatr fan* many anxious momanta. lioimrt and Kullom both tlrat! fa»l and aobM^uaotly loat thali .-arly point advantaga, but iba high i|xjl* of tba arenlng w«ra tba laiprovarornu sbowa ty tba thrra firtt yaar man, Clark, Davit and Arnold. Clark rama back (run a dafaat tba wa«k bafora againtt Looitburg, and Arnold •h»wad murk Impmamant o»»i pravlova bout against auparior malarial Tha raaulta; U* lb.-Clark. ACC. daelaiooad Call, SUIa. I2i lb. -flaming, Stata, dafi- tooad Kullom, ACC. IM lb , Stata. dacUionad lUbMa. ACC. lii ib. , Stata and Tbonp A •on, ACC, fought draw. IIKKKINOMKN TAKE ntinurd from Sports i'jigr) tJ. Ih JOSEPH EAbL£8 11 ittm hnl Pa.'r ui thrf la», ■..’vtr» ar . j'. l/a> fox lfc« V- S. »-• ...«tnkat. Tbara a-'« laa tc . i , . .mpaniat rapft«^'.«* r,-i ara tnd«pro«i*nt or 'cU countriaa. that • II ).nie.aAd arr thr E*5> >r*. ai ; li;p*tl:>l. Tt' ItMp«»ial ‘ 5- tty hi» the » i.ed typa c:a;S*s=5 . tr v»ry Kor BroU>»r; 1 i (S Mimtlhing . cit wiu> Jixir O...J ir»t th.» art th« ware- .oui«mrn Thr:r du> .(r« aitt u* ttmx th? farmer u atufWd and til# b*d on th« tub«c> V > U krpi up. Th«y do not r«' ceive a s«lAiy. Their money com^ from the profit ti»e warehouj-e mitRri. lb« aaeood on the aaUi force U the aucttunrcr. Mr. KagitK lug- i^cAied that to mokt of us thui aUkm»n »pok« ( but for thi« »«>-cal>d Chtr-toe he ia paid ihe highcit salary in the war«> nouM. If he ia a good auctioneer h.t ulary may from tcven to eight thoujuuid d ■'liars a year. >lsny other bu.tinens men make thii amount t*acb year have wsthtn Uie ihcir iboughu ..ghttr things of lil* .1, more ser.ou.. A. Miu Sn> , , b«»an to rrad Ch.i.'me Far- ,o.ntar'. h" Bahkhtm.- lb* spirit of hu- ■A delight, that had onc« tha grjup, immediately ciiangcd to that of the .pTit of r*vtr*n«. ‘ auLUrbing «und tven tbo« *ilb cold, refrai:..d from coughing, f-r fear that «>me word or event in the ttory migh their tart. Thus it re- until Ibe reading if luor ruled e*cjpe ma-iu‘d. Not — . over and the benediction luid Lnrtrn pror.our.ctd lu rem«mb«T that wfc could we allow jursclves tu I. .u a „,u.t return from the world t^t .,ur laini. had foUowed Mim Sn>- (ler into. Ma:.y of the student, came for ward and offered iheir compli- . ■, ,,•1, How miserably they fail- ‘for nowhere in the English ■ d. ■ a»« \t»tm •ssswtasib < tsvsa ^caaa aaaa * v , t I. ^ _ g'XKl reason to t>« >ralous of the language is there found a p r suc;.on< -r, for h« n't have to vuitablc to confer the praise put hts money back into his b*i»i-' the “K;i;:lish Dcpaitmer.t a n*‘. s in o^der to continue making is rinUtfuily theirs, money. After his living expcimts' “ ura subtracted, the remainder is pure profit. It uas a*so interekl* .ag to note that the beat aucuoD-| tcrs need not kitow the different ^ gtadc4 of tobaci.o. liis duly is ot that of grading tobacco out: that of catching the bids and the aaie moving, 'ihc term **keeping the sale moving” im-ana that the auctioneer must average selling piles per hour, ilowevar, he usually sell* flC the rate of 400 per hour in order to« up for unavoid able interruptiona. Ihe buyeta were the next in the discussion. According to Mr., these aie the only men in «hu world that make only five «nou&anJ doliara a year and can •,pend aa high as f.fty thousand uoilars in a smgU cay. liic dui> >( tha buyer is to rcprohcnt a ' mpany by buying tobacco ac- c rdin^. to tlie dictauonc of that roaipany. At a tobacco auction .ne bidding of thu baytu-s i« ^iu‘j Ut V»»vtet >1 to V I tha compi-tlt 'T ti n l->;' ,!>' Is iMddint; agjtwt • -tii. 'Iha vilrns* rjf .^t. Kagles* talk) smt in tba f'ltm of advice to the lutura stenographers and -ecra- tarics of A. C. C. Mr. Kugles stated that very often when a •trnographer got behind in her dictation, sha was afraid to ask her employer to alow up or to re- prit. Through thia false self, pride more tima and money was lea: than there wuuld have bca.i b/ a littla cooperation with her boss. Duke University SCHOOL CF M'KSING Ilurham, N. C. The Diplnma of GraduiW -Nurse U awardiJ after three years, and the IJegree of Bachelor of Science m .N'ursing for two additional yearn cf apptovid college work before or after the course in Nursing. The entran - requirements are intclii- nre, character ar.d graduation from an accredited high achcwl. After 194') two years of col.ege work wiU be required. The annual luiUon of $100 covers the cost of .n:f.rms, books, studer.t govern ment fees, etc. Caulogues, appli- ,ation forms and information al.out college rcquiremenU may 1 e obtained from the Adm.ssion C-mmitti-e. Rex Shoe Shop We Call For and Deliver 105 Goldsboro St. Wilson, N. C. I)K. 8AD1K JENKINS (Continued From First Page) he mustn’t wear it over twiie be fore ha misplacea it and you find it And now for Sister: Some fancy shop up town should carry | just tha thing. A house coat with | a sad yellow color that makt'sj WILSON TFE.VTRE C()mirt.r Sunday January 28th! “Gri.I.n ER’S TR.WEI..S” A Full-I,enKth Feature Cartoon IN TECHNICOLOR “It I’ays to Look Well” MULLIN’S HARHEU SHOP Under National Bank lh« Indian alUrk with ■ total of fnurtnn. Uruvt was ntxl, tutal uf niiM. Th* Lin*-up«: ACC with a 1 Uyrr i*o«. Ft; fT TI* Holloman, f 7 :i 17 An(«, f 2 0 4 Martin, f S 1 6 llrnufhton, e 5 2 13 Lauitar, (-c 2 2 6 MrCjttrr, ■ 0 0 0 Ilicka. t 0 0 0 Draper, g 0 0 0 — TATAWHA 18 g 44 I'layrr l*oa. FC rr TP Grove, f 4 1 » Briilin. f 0 I I I>a»i». f 1 0 2 Walla, c 6 4 14 Bridi;**, e I 0 2 Barron, f 1 0 2 Krr*b««, B I 1 3 Ko.’acbaur, g 1 0 2 14 7 Si L. & I’. SERVICE ST.MION Herrinx Ave. Call 228.') We IWi%er Until 12:00 Hot Dors — SaitdnicheK — Cold Drinks N E W CAROLINA THEATRE Tuesday. Jan. 23rd “The HONE\ MOCVS ONER” with Stuart Erwin, Marjorie Weaver E. E. Clive \Ved_ Thur.. Jan. 2l-2-')th “OI K NEIGHW)R.S THE CARTERS” with Frank Craven, Fay Bainter Fri., SaL^ Jan. 26-27th “COU IJOYS raoM TEX.VS” with The 3 MESQUITEERS Sun.. Mon.. Jan. 28-29th “OH JOHNNY HOW YOU CAN lvO\ E” .MOZELLE KICKS Well, Christmas has come and gone and everyone is wishing for the spring holidays to show thei’- fates, but before they arrive there’s just a little matter of ex ams to do away with first, and licfore exams, an issue of the pa- ptr is cheduled to come out, and ,n that issue, there should be a louple of articles about a couple of uutstanding people on our cam pus. So 1 reckon I’d better stari putting some w'ords into phrases and sentences about this month’s personalities. Since ladies should come first, we want to introduce you to Miss Moselle Kicks, a resident of our ne.ghboring town of Goldsboro. In ia36, her freshman year, Mo- n ile was a member of the Y. W. C. A., the Hesperian Literary So ciety, and secretary and treasurer .if the freshman class. As a sophomore she was an active mem ber in several organizations, in cluding the verse-speaking choir, \V. A. A. and the Y. W. C. A. When she was a junior, Mozello was initiated into the Delta Sig ma Sorority of which she was treasurer that year. She was al so treasurer for the Y. W., one of the dining hall supervisors, vice- president of the Woman’s Dormi- luiy Council, member of Interna tional Relations Club and secre tary of the Junior Class. In this, her senior year, Mozeile is seeking some education as a member of the Education Club, .vhile carrying on her other du ties as secretary of the senior , lass, and member of the Y. W. Cabinet. We hope that Mozeile has not worked herself too hard these four years while she has been ao active on the A. C. cam pus. We feel that she has great jccess ahead of her in the teach- i;ig field, and we wish, although it may b« a little too early, to givn her heartiest congratulations and best wishes. Kven her best friend wouldn’t tell her — so she flunked the exam. BURLON LAMM Do-re-me-fa-so-la. — GoiJi! ^ just never do manage to go j. and down that scale. We ulwj,, get stuck on the ti and do, luid ihere’s been some talk ^o,- around that we don’t even those first six notes as we »houii Weil, why worry, when we’ve got such people as Burlon Lanun around to sing for us, anyw»y; When Mrs. Charles wants one to sing for the formal dian*n, whom does she ask? Right! .Sot us, but ole Burlamby. And does he do it? Why, of course he does, and we’d like to know what Lawrence Tibbett has got tint Burlon hasn’t. You say, a con nect. Well, remember that Bar- Ion’s young yet, in spite of hi. many years at A. C., and whUe ihere’s life there’s hope. Like so many of us Burlon calls Wilson home and Charles U Coon High his alma mater. He gridu. ated from C. L. C. H. S. and eo- Lered A. C. in 1935. Throughout liis college career, music, of course, lias played the leadi.-;g role, ilach year from his freshman ytj on he has been a stellar member of the Glee Club, and other mu sical organizations on the carapos. In his sophomore, junior, and se nior years he has been a member of the Dramatic club and h*j turned in several excellent per formances, including the leading role in the Homecoming play, pre- sented in the new chapel entitled Ihe Uhird Floor Back”. He was also a member of the Y. M. 0. A. in his sophomore and junior years, jnd as a senior he was iniiistej into the Phi Kappa Alpha fra ternity. The saying goes that we can't ifo singing our way through life, but the way we see it, Burlon has done a pretty good job of singing his way through college, and if ■ hat wasn’t life, well what’s the need to go on living? We feel L'crtain, though, that he can keep it up, and we know, too, that if ■vve ever need an entertainer and have Burlon’s phone number, that our worries are over. HORACE THOMAS I “Smart Ideas for Smart Men” 1108 E. Nash St. Dial 2634 Dial 3210 Ll’L’ TOM’S RAINBOW GRILL LEDER BROTHERS The .Most Complete Department Store ^ 132 N. Goldsboro St. X WHERE COLLEGIATES EAT AND MEET ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I WIMPY’S BILLIARDS 3 109 W. Nash 2THE BEST SPOT IN TOWTJ FCR CLEAN RECREATION. ^ (JLTCK DELIVEiRY SERVICE WITHIN ^ CITY LIMITS I Hot Sandwiches - Cold Drinks ^ FOR SERVICE — CALL 4134 X! Rrf»tc^~Ath. Unptre—JohnstofL Courtesy of NATIONAL BANK OF WILSON p TO OUR PATRONS a I Our Aim as been our aim to have our goods represent g greater value for the amount of money expended than can be supplied by ^ any other store. COLLEGE GROCERY CO. DIAL 3139 s 3138