TUESDAY. APRIL 2^ PACE TWO THE CO L L EG I A T E The Collegiate pBbU By Th« Sio4*m» of ATLASTH- OIKISTIAN .OLLF.r.F SUht-JKIf'TION KATKi SI UJ MlUirial SUlf Hcknct M'-Jlitt V Ctr--- Jn Maat N»i »•<' JuMM In ( Si^iulgmg Editor AjAah hSic tdUA/r SpvrU Suff r H Jahhm Ru»(*t WiNllllAM hnN( Watt Kf.HlAJl n Tatu* Bu4tfWU Aul Bui Mdndg<' Ci'iuUlivn Marulgrr Aul Ctn Miffugc' AwtaUnU tUubctk Mtrprr Irou L*c Sfincef tvrlyn Lillun Uuth/K Burlij*) Lamm VuKutu L4tWM>rr Kimut Ykj(iuu1<’i Wilm* Willumi juhiuiy (jrirn M4ric Harnr* Kitthryn J*«Kt KUry Culunc* N4>«m M'«ru ItKt KiKKSS (iolx,. (;<)NK: o Thu i»»ue »ill brinj to the tlo%« inoiher tfuiicnl »klmini>lnitiun and new succeeding of ficers *ill soon be installed who will guide the destiny of the school and student affairs for nesi year Thit IS the last imuc which the present staff will publish, iha new regime will have charge of putting into your hands the May issue of the CulWsiale. This year s editor wishes to take this opportunity to thank all those who have con tributed and who have made poasible the pub lication of T)ic CotlnrMi' — the advertisers, the staff thr ..olleKe administration the publicity >.ommittee. the alumni secretary, and all thowe persons who have aided either directly or indi rectly The present staff wishes to congratulate and oBer best withes to the incoming staff It is hoped that they will be more sut>.es>ful with each issue during the nest year. — oOo- - - uni'X ru:ASK! —o - Writing from the viewpoint of a student it seems to me that a library i> supposed to be a sanetuary /or study conscientious, uninterrupt ed study Merc a student comes either to read or to stud) Yet it seems at if we arc failing to regard our own library as such a place Just as one begins studying he is immedi ately interrupted by a steady patter of fo.itsteps up and down the library or by continuous whit- pcrmg or mumblings or maybe if • window it open, a spirited conversation can be heard from without, or if one happens to decide to take a shortcut through the library, slamming both doors behind him' I ask you Is this the proper place for con centrated study-' No wonder our grades show a marked decrcaae at the end of each quarter' Forsaking the pessimistic side and looking on the optimistic I believe that those students «ho are helping to creatc a general disturbance are unaware of it I don't think thev are doing so intentionally. I think if they )ust stopped for a minute to think about it thev wouldn't do it again Ve should try to put ourselves 'in the otl>«r fellow’s shoes " before we can remedy a situation. Me should feel at home in our library, but not abuse our privilege by ignoring the fact that It IS still a placc for studv. KIPU KNI KNAX It appears that a certain tall, dark, and person around here, known as our Winsome Off spring. IS winsome It must be Those Brown Kves llot Me". K K K .Maybe our recent bride thought that her SI ngW life might be loo. too LONG so she changed il Good luck* K K K For years we have beard that music always gels them but judging from a senior and s«ph- morc. maybe it> red hair, after all iHe like* !• debate, maybe be k debating between ihe Little Tootsie Vc arc siill wondering if Taylor' ts really from Dover K K K B C IS generally known as good headache medicine. Apparently our theory is nght. Our new addition from Meredith is suRenng a severe headache and HOW? K K K »e have heard a lot about underlakers, but perhapt a senior doesn't know whai he «s "un dertaking" when trying to win a certain litone y She isn't really that way, you know, lusi her name K K K The pretty girl. Ange-I, has changed her mind from all appearance* on the theory of dancing For days she has been interested in jitterbugging and Jitterbugs K K K LAS-SITFK Lassiter, is you all goin" to do that a'gin^ We mean are you falling again? If so you had better be careful and not let your self BLOW away K K K ■Give me that old time religion, it's good enough for me also give me the minuter," says a sophomore, interested in Home Econom ics Perhaps she is interested in studying or )utt plain domestic, but we'll reserve our opin ion until we see more of the .Minister. Won't you'' K K- K We think that a cute little Taylor girl has been “Wadinjf'’ in luxury for a good purpose. Look at all of the pretty things he sent to her while she was in the hospital. K K K Kay! Kah* She's here again. We mean the belter half of the one man Cheering section. Didn't you notice that grin on his- -oh, but defi nitely—radiant face? K-K-K We understand that the South Carolinian has Kinhed around all this year and just look— he’s caught something A pretty blonde termite. K-K-K ADVICK TO THE LOVE-(AND WE DO MEAN)-LUK1NG •'Ijttle Termite”, don't let him "Care-a-way'' your heart Yes. we mean be careful since you are still in your teens and the smallest of the Termites, I’lease heed the warning, K-K-K To Ihe Editor: We know you are trying 10 Hnd out if the Itrite idea to be a nurse is good, but be sure to learn the questions and answers, too, since you are in Ihe hospital experimenting. K K-K l‘eiifw)lvuii«: Since you have wandered down toward Speed, we hope you see the stop sign (She is a cute litlle blonde.) K-K-K Ti> The Downhearted Hrunelte**: Yes, it is so, gentlemen prefer blondes — but we have hope there aren't enough to go around so they prefer brunettes. . Kelief, relief. K - K—K P. S. Do you suppose the new seating ar rangement in the dining hall will cause some new romances Among the Greeks Atxmr ihnm J«7* »f iwciaitoii Iw, own wrr» a«im>tt*d into tne Mil IMU Uanma KiwUmity— Thurman Itarpsr of D*«l> Buo, and Billy Caddrll of Bonjwu. S. < Th» uMial and nmomarj pn- vau initisapn fivm and tb-s ■nra wrtr aervpud into lb« broth- rrlKHjd after a sla* was (iven, which waa •ojoyed by tbom at- tvndinc Tbunnan Harper enlertd Atiantie <;hn»ti»n ■> Srptember, havins iransfeiTKi from N. C btale OHe*« Jamt-^ "Billjr" C,W- dall enrolled at A. C. m Sept«u- brr, IW*, Both boy* have been artive in campu« onranixalicm*. The Women’s Opinion | **Kri«ndjihi|>s friencUhip— JuNt a pcrfecl frirtKtMhip, Whm oltuT frimiUhipw have foncwl n it thii summer, h« aaid. !*Dtlard'B aystem require* the k«ming of nine verb* and a few rui«« in lieu of exten»ive wtudy of German grammar text*. In place of a hax« of "do't and (k>n't*, * Tollard ha* iub*litutr(l the finger movemmt. Thr l*-ft finger i» UM>d a* a guidr and K>cstc* the key worda, enabling the right thmnb to nv>ve al«mg the •entence, a* the read«-r follow* through. Hr««k> in the srntmce, mad** b> punctuation and the fact that all Orman nouna are capitali£ero«ram formulated for you by w«r-h«lpful editors of the Midland of Midland College. 1. Don’t give your applcn. Too obvious. 2. Kind out hi* hobby and fol low thi* up with weHplanncd que«tion* tu draw him out. 2. If the entire claaa walks out of the claa*room whm the prof U 10 minutes late, be the only one to wait, even if it's half an hour. Thi* proc«dure b good for a l>- plu« any day. 4 Always greet an inAtrurtor plmnantly, never u*ing hi* first name, but a cheery “Good morn ing. profe**or.” 6. Whet) sitting at the faculty table in the dinmg hall or walking about the Adminiatration building, always walk wth your head dow'n as if in deep thought, pondering •time weighty problem* in math or philoaophy. for instance. Thi« in higMy reeommended to grt on the hotM>r roll. 6. Offer to wa*h the profeaaor'* car, put up hui *torm windowg, or do any little job around the houa^*, but d<»n*t accept any money for thf work. 7. Apple poliahing procedure in classroom* includes *ittin^ in the froM row, r«poodni» to ,joal humor with loud, heart, .uff.w. and liberal use of big Thai i» important—never a two-»ylUble word where a f,T,.,yllable word wiU do g Cirry a lot of b,g reference b.«k. around. This is tremendous ly impr»»«ve and is worth an A ntiiuia in any cla^a. » If you mu*t date your eyw While u. deep thought, wrwkle y«.r forehead and otherwue look worried or the profes«>r may g«t the wrong imprea»i««»—and irrade aceoniinirly- . KUITOK'S SOTK: You miftht try «tudyin«, too. SOMI-rrHINC NKW Motnea, Iowa. — (ACP)— There ti somethmif new under the «un! Co^ucalional phy»ical eduta- Uoo has been inaugurated at Drake L’niveraity, and for the first time men and women w> l compete together at the fieU- hou«, in the women's gymna.ium wid on the (colf course a» well as m the claaaroom. U.t Kmester two golf dawes and three »ocial dancing clasaes were offered for credit to both men and women. “There (a no queation about the su«*aa of Ihew claa«»," Kuby Ana Holton, h«d of the women'a physical edu cation department, said. The clauea are larger this year than rver before. Thi* *eme*ter it U planned to add badminUai. bowling, horseback riding, arrhery and casting (for f,»h fan*) to the achedule of coufwes. A future program, which probably wUl be enacted next year, may include can'Hfing, »wun- ming and boating. .No official »UtisticB are avail able on the number of ijducational iiutitution* offerii^g credit for co educational physical education course*, but Noel H. Petree, head of the men'i department, and Mi*< HolUm Miy there are only "a few." this is KKAL HAXINf; l^illman. Wash. — (ACP) Collegiate hazing, European style, makes American college freshman haters look like Little Lord Kountleroys. Such » the observa tion of Mias Joop Ruurs, a Wanh ington State College exchanKc stu dent from Amsterdam, Holland. The blonde, blue-eyed Dutch .Mi-w related that at M>me of the European universities she has at tended—nhe haw studied at Am- iterdam, Munich, Cologne and Parts—freHhmen ar« hazed un mercifully. They must nhave their head* completely, wear grt-<.-n caps and ties, and jump to do the bid ding of any upperclawiman whj •toops to give aUy order to the lowly frodh. One of Mi.-,.^ Ruur’s brothem, during hia shaven-headed, green- capped period, was made to hold on to a rope with his hands and hang on an the rope dangled three ftorien from the ground. His haz- em th«'n began lowering the rope (lowly. At the end of twenty minutes, when hia hands and arms were almost numb from the strain- he finally got his feet on the ground. im CLYDE BATTS MEN’S CLOTHES TAILORED “Distinctively IMfTerent” Wilson, N. C. rpsUirx romer Naith and TarlKiro Streets CAMPUS PERSONALITIES Uuddy Kdgerton “The old order changeth, giving place to the new.” Even if that weren’t written particularly for it fiU the shoe, for th» i» Uie Ua’t Ume that “we uns ' wiU be putting out this paper for “you uns”. It alao refers to all of the departing seniors. But why start crying T There’s another month yet and before we le«ve, we want you to meet two of these seniors. The first is our oW friend "Bud dy" (Jarvis) Edgerton. Buduy came lo A. C. in 1936 from Kenly. If there is anything he hasn’t done while he’s been here I wiah some body would tell u«. He played baiteball as a freshman and sopho more and won his membership in the “A” club. He was initiated into the Phi Delta Gamma frater nity and now holds the position of prvsidont. And all of these years every one of us has been reading the column "Sport* Shorts", by Buddy Edgerton, in our own Col legiate. And he smokes a pipe—or do I have to remind you of that? f’or Buddy and his pipe have always neemed a familiar part of the A. C. campus. Well, we sign off with the feeling that we haven’t done Budd>- justice in our writings, but we just re*t a«ured that all of you already know how likeable he is, and if that isn’t enough we think he’s big enough to take care of the rest of youse unconvinced guys. Keedy Bamca "Reedy, come on, take b., « town”. “ “Naw, can’t do it today. go home”. "Aw, come on, goin to love you if you dool" “Okay, get then”. So off sails Reedy B*r»« ij ^ jalopy, Uking her pal, .her,;" they want to go. Reedy came t» A. C. in 1937 u ter graduaUng from Charli i Coon the preceding spring, a* , freshman, Reedy became » ««. ber of the Y. W. C. A. «k1 thro„rt her athletic ability won her bership in the W. A. A you know that Reedy became «, ping-pong champeen in the f»ll j ’38? She sho was. In her sophomore year, ahe w«. initiated into the Phi Sigma T„ sorority. She has served u the treasurer of her sorority and b now its president. She aUo rtp. resents it on the Pan-Helleoit Council. Among other thing. Reedy is a reporter for the CoJ. legiate, and in attempting to , little "edication” she joined tlit Education Club. Well, you all dia get a steak dinner out of the deal Well, you are better than I am if you can even understand how ReeHin> St Dial 2634 108 E. Nash St. It you haven't had public speaking yet, then by all means TAKE IT. Only nest year it won t be the same. You won’t be able lo hear Creasy talk on "The Fish Thai Got Away".—elusive creatures, these women—or Beard—the original answer with "The Fish That Got Hooked". And some of you boy« would really have nightmares and begin wondering if you heard Margie Hodg- ens classify you in the Rower group, such as the sweet pea of the campus." THOMAS YELVERTON BFrm:R u rniti re | + AMBl I ANCE SERVICK — FI NERA!. DIRECTORS } •f ♦ DUI 3121 t WIMPY’S BILLIARDS 109 \V. Nash : THE B^ST SIW IN T0>\7s FOR CIJ:AN RECREATION- Quick Delivery Sei^-ice Within City Limits Hot Sandwiches - Cold Drinks FX)R SERVICE — CAIX 4134 All .Major and Coastal Plain I^eague Baseball Results THEATRE SODA SHOP! BI Y YOl’R MOTHER'S DAY CANDY FROM US IS BARDIN COAL COMPANY ^ ! THE HOME OF QUALITY COAL I —Phone 2038 — ^ LUTHER BARDIN, Manager ^ Class of ’31