19Q%, Z-539 THE COLLEGIATE VOL xm ^umni Group To Hold Annual Meeting May 27 r B .Mashburn of ^ Karmvillc to Preside \SS REUNIONS featukkd Bet Ward and lister Ed wards Head Dormitory Councils. I'nder the supervision of the | of Alumni Associa-, rrofe.9or C. A. Jarman, the Allni Prugram will be one of the the Comencement (rttures hieh-lights of the be th^our Class Re- -"CoT mri9i2.19'^. --i the Alumni Lunch^n ind Meeting on Monday, y The A'""'’" Association m the , ,ew year, has been a very .rtV part of the college. Raising rUd they helped build the new • . . civinif a memonal ?assCd1>.. caps and it be used by the Semor *1 each year were purchased Kv them A new project on which ‘Trl working is the construc- nf a new entrance to the Girls’ Dormitory to correspond -i,h the entrance to the Chapel. for the first time they have i“d one of their own membo^ V,iij;mann of the Class special emphasis is to be put on the Clas>^ Reunions for eac h.s a significant place in the his_ l„r>' of the graduating classes of Atlantic Christian Collese. ^ !“; ,tudent body, the class of I2 i» to have sixty of its mem- Mr. Jarman ran » most interesting dotu- „,.„lofthi. cla*« while going over other th;m the class song of 190^^ Of the five graduates of the class of there will be only (our present. A unique factor of the class of 1922 is that it con^ ,.,ted of only one graduate isnow Mrs. W. A. ton. formerly Miss Christine Whit ley Mrs. Oavis had her own Class D8J-, her own Baccalaureate Ser mon, and her own Graduation ercise*. Bestowed upon her were >11 the available honors. The class of 1932 was the larg^ «t cl»f up to that time. All ^ its members are expected to be pre.^ent, , The luncheon to be given at tne Cherry Hotel will climax the events. After the 'banquet the annual Alumni Meeting will be held for the purpose of electmg new officers. It will be presided over by President C. B. .Mashburn of Farmville. The other officers ire Vice-President F. W. Wieg- m»nn of Dunn, Secretary C. A. Jirman of Wilson, and Treasurer J. E. Paschall of Wilson. Talented PupUs Present Recital Professor John W. 1-ontaine presented his annual Student Musi- »1 Recital in the Howard Chapel, Tnesday evening', May 7 at 8:00 o'clock. Talking part in the recital were rtudents of both voice and piano. Aj the participants came on the it*ge one by one, they rendered their numbera artiHticuUy. The au dience, by Ruch beautifully ex pressed music gave their rapt at- leotion. They not only enjoyed littening to them, but also enjoyed. Iwking at iheir striking colui- fttl gown&. The program was as follows: iiipiiainia Bohm Jesse Stephenson '•y Heart and the Rain, Neidlinger TW Maiden and The Butterfly Chadwick Marjorie Helms Serenade Schubert-Beyer Cassie Mae Cowell A»e Maria Bach-GounoJ Margaret B. Garris CiTilier Fantastique .. - ■ Godard Helen Bames •'t Twili(fht Friml Edna Earle Reynolds ^ My Songs Had Wings . - Halm C«nnena Wilaor. Kliiabeth Browning in C minor . Rachmaninoff Mary Matthews Hfcar the Gentle I>ark, Bishop Margaret Garriss ^ Continued On Back Page) ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. UlLSON, N. C.. THL'KSDAY. .MAY lu, 1940 NUMBKR # NEW OFFICERS OF PUBLICATIONS :Executlve^ MeH^crs Takes Oath Of ; Tapped By Our Office In Chapel! Honor Society KAY SILVERTHORNK KR.VXK WILEY •MARY NACK03 CHARLES EAGLES Publication Heads Installed In Howard Chapel May 7 Mary Matthews Reigns As The Queen of May Gene Ange Shares Royal Throne at Annual Fes tival. Silverthom^ Wilef, Nac-i kos and Ea^:les Takei Oath of Office. Despite a cool, sunless afternoon, I the queen of Love and Beauty, Miss Mary Matthews of Engie- hard, N. C., was crowned Queen of May of Atlaptic Christian Col lege on Saturday, May 4, on the front campus. After the band concert came the royal procession, led across the campus by two pa^a, P'rancts Xelson and Margaret Miller, wear- ing gold capes and carrying gold en trumpets. The children of the court, Sandra Benton, Jeanne Mc- Aden, and Adeline Blount, were dressed in dainty long dresses and carrying^ small white baskets of roses. P’ollowing them came the courtiers; the ladies in Scarlet O' Hara dresses and the gentlemen in tuxedos. The courtiers were Irma Spencer with Wm. Shingle- ton; Bet Ward, with Glen Holmes; Marguerite Lane with Kibert Moye; Irma I>ee Spencer with Jim Ed Miles; Dalen Wainwright with John K. Wooten; Minnie Decf^. with L. A. High; Janey Fitzgerald with Hubert I>iiing; Helene Vail, and Winton Odham. The peisonal attendant* with their escorts followed; Robert Windham, with Sara Jane Roust; James Suber, with Anne Saunders. The queen, dres.sed in a regal dre:*j of white moire taffeta with a full skirt covered with net, a tight bodice, buttoned down the back with tiny buttons, and leg-of-mut- ton sleeves, wa.^ preceded by little Jack Jarman bearing a crown of flowers on a downy pillow. The Queen was met in the center of the iawn by the Kinjf, Eugene Ang’e, who escorted her to the throne. TTie royal pair viewed the pag eantry tlitat was Jield in their honor. First was given an Early American dance to the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel”. Next came the Spanish dancers with while blouses, red flared skirts, and black sashes. These beautiful Se- noritas, imported from Spain for the special occasion, danced their traditional Spanish dance for the pleastire of the King and Queen. Scotch lassies in plaid skirtJ and caps performed the Hijrbl**id FJing' as their part in the compc- (Continued On Back Pa^) In the Howard Memorial Chapel the new officers of the Pine Ki»oi and ( ollt'giate, publications of At lantic Christian College, took their oath of office Tuesday morning, May 7. John K. Wooten of Kin ston. newly-telected president of the Cooperative Association led the officers on the stage arvd pres<‘nt- ed them to President Hilley who administered the oath. The officers who took the oath were Ray Sil- verthorne of Washington and Frank Wiley of Grantsboro, editor and business manager of the Pine Knot, respectively; and Mary Nackos of Wilson and Charles Eagles of Saratoga, editor and business manager of the Collegi ate. Kay Silverthome succeed* John Edwards of Elmira, N. Y. as the editor of the I‘ine Knot. Ray ent ered Atlantic Christian College three years ago. He has been a very outstanding member of var ious organizations. Mr. Frank Wiley is a senior at A. C. next year. He succeeds Rob ert Jarman as the business man ager of the Pine Knot. He has tak- (Continued On Back Page) School Continues Radio Programs Continuinff it« series of radio proKrams, the I*ublicity CommtU* has been presenting very entertain ing program*. Ereryman, directed by Miss Elea- nor Snyder was repeated on the air in April. The cast included the same students who presented it at the Dramatic Festival in Chapel Hill. On April 24 the band fare a con cert under the leadership of Elli* Williamson. The Repertoire in cluded “Moonlight Echoes” a sere nade by Ed Chenette, “Grandiose by E. Re I-amater, “Washin^on Post” by J. P. Sousa, “Inspiration” by A1 Hayes, and “E. Unum” by Fred J«well- Bless America" by Irving Berim was presented by the brass^r- tet made up by John Charles Eagles, *"■* J"*; who played comeU. liam«,n. who played the Trombo>«^ Mis* Martha F^monston of the Modem Language Depa^enl, spoke on the pecuUritie. of moa- em language study «" She showed the different expres sions and idioms u*ed in th« w* on* modem language*. I.. A. Ilijrh Represents j Town Students In a very impr«a«irt ceremony held in Howard Memorial Chapel on May 3 the new officer* of the Cooperative Govemnent Auocia- tiun were in*talled. The proces*ion of the old and the new member* »«» led to the stage by I^sident Hilley. Th» new officers wer« or the right *ld» uf the *tage. while the old were to the left *ide. After a devotional service, l*re»- ident Hilley spok. on the history of the govrmment In the College. First, there was (tudcnt rule, then faculty, and now with the preient Cooperative Government the rule is by both faculty and student*. Every one ha* a part in this kind ih* qualificaliond •rl by the socirty. The*r Hudent, wrre formally accvpted after pledging tu uphold th^ ideaU uf tAe Honor Society and this iiutJtu* tion. Ttie dignifu'd «nd imprv «ive aervice look at the reg ular chapel meetng on Tuesday. The new members who were tap ped are Bet Ward. Jim Waltorm. Agnes Best, U A. High, Wilaw Williams, Mar)* Nackos, Katie Gold Brewer and Charlotte Brooks. Theae studenti^ were tap|>ed as they sat in tiieir regular chapel seats, and siirnifitHl their accept ance of the appointment by fcx)inj; forward and occupyinif the deii|[> natcd seats at the front of the auditorium with the old mrmb«Ts. The society is the only honor soeadership qualifications must include pust accomplishments iind •vidi'fice of the desire and ability for constructive leadership. The fourth pitase Uwt i» nme* sliry is service. A memb^-r must have the wtUinfness to serve if hr it to he admitted to membership. A^ President of the group. S<‘lma Arner presiat« Sermon. CHAHI.KS < . MOKKI.-^ON Annual Play To Be Given By The Dramatic Club “Bishop .MislK-haves” To He Presented Under the Direction of Eleanor Snyder. Miss Kleunor (t. Snyder, diructor of dramatics, has announciHl the helectioti of the pluy that is to U' prenented during commemement w<*<‘k und has also announctKj h<-r r»«t. The play ih THK HISHOI* MISHKHAVKS. This play is a rol licking comt*oked business deal with the trusting father of Donald's sw<*<*l* heart, iiester (iriintham, enacU>out many riotous scen««. The bishop is playinl by John Kdwards, a senior from F^lmlra, N, Y. Mr. Kdwards has l>een very active in dramatics in the past four years and has played one oth er lead role, that of Dr. Haggett in THK LATK CHKISTOniKK HKAN, and many minor rolei in other prf>ductions of the Dramatic Club, \j»A\y F'mlly I^yons, the Hishop’s sister, la played by Sarah Mae (Johnny) Green. MUs (»rc*en has had many imp<»rtant roles in other productions and is consider ed a very fine actrem. The part that ahe plays is Important to the plot and she is a great h^lp to the Hishop in carr>'ing out his theories. Donald M'*adows ia played by Kur- Ion Ijimm who has played many important roles. His latest stage roll* was that of KVKRYMAN (n the play by tho same name which the Dramatic Club gave as a gu«rst production at the annual dramatic festival at Chapel Hill. Hester Grantham is portrayed by Virginia lancaster. a freshman who has been in one other production. 5U)** played the role of HUMAN DK- SIUK in KVKRYMAN and did a fme job. And Mr, and Mrs. W'aller are played by two sfniors Kohert Jarman and ^^na t//ng. Koth hav#; had much experience in acting and have played imfrprtant rol**s in at l«>ast tw^- other ma)f>r productions The three crooks are portrayed by Klbert James as RKD the barman Kirby Watson as f.'OLLlNS tba (Continu*d On Back Paga) The thirty-ninth ('ommencemeat of Atlantic Christian College will be held in the Howard Memorial ( hapel during th«- three daya from May 2ft to May 27, featuring Dr. ('harles ('laytun Morriaoa of Chi cago, as the principal s|>eaker. On Sumlay. May Itf, the KarvweJl S*r- m»m will br preached by the Rev. John liarclay at the ('hrlstian Church. ('lass Day Kxercises will be at- ten«ieel Sun day evening at 8:00. Monday'- ceremonies will begin with the f'ommencement Address by .Mr. Morrison, who Is an lnt4^> nationally known figure. He was largely responsible > for tho con* ^truction of the Keliog IVa^ a IV t ss a result of his efforts to outlaw war. Author of many books, he is b«‘'*t known for writing Outlaw* ry of War. Mr. Morriaon went to ne held for the many return ing graduateit of the collegtv The most nvent alumni, graduates of the class of IIMO, will be the honor gueMla of the older alumni at this annual luncheon to be held in tha (!herry Huli-I. The full commencement program for 1U40 is an follows: Sunday, May 19 8:00 p,m, Farewell Sermon. Saturday. May 25 3:30 p.m. 0 |i. m. Hand ('oncert. 8:00 p.m.—Dramatic Club l*re- tart*d muale under Mi*« Ada Koytll lit Wilaon. when (he wa* quite young, *he wa* able to lake part in many mu*ical actlvititaa In high irhool. When aha entemd college, *he continued her muaicaJ career under the tutoraK* of Pro- fimor John W. Fontaine. Wilh her talented finger*, tpu« 42 Cboplo Ktude, Opn* 26, No. ft .. Cbopia Mi** Hearne Aria, Angela Erer lirigtit, an4 Kair iKanaldo} Hauiei Mi*a Houatoa Sonato. C Minor, Opua 11 Beetborta AUegn (Conttou«d On Bark i'age)